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[KL] Profile Cover

xF2 Beta [KL] Profile Cover 1.0.0 Beta 2

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Bugfixes & Changes
  • A background overlay has been added to improve readability of profiles with bright background motives.
  • Text color has been changed to white to improve readability. You may change this and the above in the style properties section, if you don't like it.
  • Profile covers are now updated live when selecting a new profile cover file, just like avatars.
  • Splitted off the profile cover upload script and rewrote it, to clean up code and remove hacks.
  • You may now turn on profile covers for member popups and the account visitor menu. Both of them will feed of the main profile cover styling, so they'll be a snippet taken from the upper left corner of the background image. I don't expect or plan to change this behavior in the future.
  • You may now define your preferred profile cover resolution in the ACP. The preferred resolution is a soft cap and will be shown to the users, but will not be enforced. Profile images won't be scaled, so it's best if your users use images that fit these settings.
  • It is now possible to crop profile covers. Users can drag and reposition them when uploading just like they can do with avatars. As they are bound to the upper left corner of the container, it is not possible to move a background that is smaller than the necessary proportions to a different place however.

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