Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World

IPS Community Suite

IPS IPS Community Suite 5.0.3 Nulled

No permission to download
#3871: Disable extensions for recovery mode
#3802: Badges in ACP tables were wrapping
#3824: Fix issue where guest comments hang instead of showing a "pending approval" message
#3843: Removed backgrounds, backdrops and conditionally hid captions from Images Widget
#3865: Force Account Settings page to use any predefined FURLs
#3883: Fix exception when viewing Blog RSS feeds
#3832: Fix issue where banned users still have menu options on mobile
#3902: Filter out empty club field values
#3826: Mitigate Icon Picker Lagginess
- Issue #3594: Big Lag when using the icon picker...
- Issue #3770: Editor icon picker configuration
#3854: Active inbox message titles are no longer dark
#3857: Ensure widgets with custom backgrounds inherit border-radius
#3859: Added ipsBox styles to edit form
#3863: Filter out empty secondary group IDs
#3870: Fix Elasticsearch Similar Content issue
#3881: Fix http links in the privacy page
#3882: Fix exception when editing featured content with images
#3885: Fixed width of avatar on profile page
#3887: Updated gallery stat icons
#3891: Fixed minor UI issue in Messenger
#3892: Fixed toggling Activity Stream as default
#3893: Improved spacing of edit form inside posts/comments
#3894: Fixed border-radius of loading dialogs
#3895: Fixed spacing in Account Settings
#3896: Fixed the UI of "Drag to upload files.." on tablets
#3898: Fixed some minor UI issues with ModCP and Notifications page
#3864: Forums may not show if last poster has been anonymised.
#3852: Advertisements optimisation
#3844: Removed gridspan and restored htmlId from radioImages
#3840: Fix PII Export XML issue
- Issue #3794: Request PII Data XML file invalid
- Issue #3830: Cannot export PII Data
#3764: Fix issues with importing themes
#3835: Sync content promoted in v4 with featured content in v5
#3838: Catch exceptions in the deletion log
#3839: Hide items from DatabaseNavigation widget if there is no permission to see them
#3842: Improved contrast of form headers in ACP.
#3833: Remove hard-coded ipsWidget--transparent class from builder widgets
#3790: Hide "Featured By" from Our Picks if the member is not available
#3823: Fix issue where all blog comments are moderated
#3792: Improved performance of navigation "More" menu
#3798: Removed stray '>' in includeJS
#3804: Fixed alignment of color settings in Theme Editor
#3812: Fix issue where deleting a menu item did not give the option to publish
#3814: Don’t share config object between instances
#3729: Fix issue where both an address and an online link can show on an event
#3785: Include URL in disk log
#3787: Add can_edit_tags permission to control cover photo permissions for tags
#3820: Made blog/category header UI consistent with other areas of the suite
#3789: Fix incorrect tooltip in ActiveUsers widget
#3821: Bring back the our picks in email setting
#3813: Don't send assignment notifications to the assignee if they are the one assigning
#3793: Fixed an issue where archived posts were not deleted on topic delete
#3327: Modify Stripe gateway to check for test vs live keys based on NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS
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Reactions: WOBAL
#3786: Fix database error logging for uncaught exceptions<br>#3763: Catch the Exception when there's an assignment without an item<br>#3775: Ui polish: 5.0.2<br> - Issue #3771: The scrollbar in the side panel navigation column uses default styling<br> - Issue #3772: Some &lt;select&gt; menus use serif fonts in Safari<br> - Issue #3773: Mobile footer disappears when off-canvas menus are toggled<br> - Issue #3774: Fixed dialogs are vertically misaligned<br> - Issue #3778: Some edit forms have nested .ipsBox elements<br>#3720: Fix issues where advertisements did not display properly in the listing views<br>#3767: Fix inline code and codeblock in editor<br>#3765: Restore Builder interface to image widget<br>#3768: Add editor extension buttons to toolbars<br>#3769: Fix Upgrader Issue<br>#3675: Fix issues with cloud analytics<br>#3728: Fix invalid check for pagination in custom CMS database index templates<br>#3759: Mention "downloads" as sort option for the files REST endpoint<br>#3732: Fix issue where Pages does not use the global footer<br>#3755: Polished radio options with images<br>#3758: UI Polishing with improved CSS selector performance<br> - Issue #3749: Minor UI bugs<br> - Issue #3742: v5 minor UI bugs [Microsoft icon is outdated]<br> - Issue #3741: v5 minor UI bugs [Pagination and status badges different sizes]<br> - Issue #3740: v5 minor UI bugs [Extra 'li' in notification settings]<br> - Issue #3739: v5 minor UI bugs [Border radius not removed when full width]<br> - Issue #3738: v5 minor UI bugs [Custom field headers incorrect, and more]<br>#3761: Use default anti-aliasing for fonts<br>#3748: Fixes an issue where Downloads screenshots could go missing<br>#3730: Prevent old notifications (v4) to cause issues when notifications are loaded<br>#3719: Check if the content is reactable before processing it and showing it in the ACP - Points Log<br>#3725: Fix issue where Taggable required a containerNodeClass<br>#3731: Fixed screenshots in Downloads returning an error when getImageDimensions failed<br>#3736: Removed background color from external embeds<br>#3733: Updated colors of chart tooltips<br>#3734: Made &lt;abbr&gt; usable on mobiles<br>#3724: Review Item and Comment menus and add checks for traits where applicable<br>#3699: Prevent code language menus from being overlapped by other boxes<br>#3659: Restore ability for moderators to modify user profile photos<br>#3661: Fix issue where profile data was not displayed when reputation was hidden<br>#3697: Hide horizontal overflow<br>#3698: Added an underline to the link in the Background Tasks description<br>#3694: Fixed star/participated icon, and ensure topic titles use Link Color<br> - Issue #3693: Participated icons don't always display correct state<br> - Issue #3672: Typography &gt; link colour<br>#3692: Fixed duplicated message name in &lt;title&gt;<br>#3691: Replaced "test" with correct title<br>#3688: Fix issue where new replies are not automatically loaded into the topic<br>#3687: Fix errors when adding someone to a PM<br>#3686: Fix issues with solved statistics charts<br>#3685: Fix errors when running the expertUsersNudge task<br>#3695: Fix upgrade error for sites with databases that downgraded to Creator<br>#3690: Adjust calls to loader extension for CSS/JS<br>#3668: Prevent scrollbar from flickering in certain conditions<br>#3663: Allow text align regardless of Heading and Embed Restrictions<br>#3669: Updated v4 CSS classes to v5
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Reactions: WOBAL
#3547: Permissions for Downloads Custom Fields from v4
#3660: Fix issue where registration settings show raw HTML
#3573: Fix issue where adding a similar event did not call the UI extension
#3640: Fix an issue in the Block Manager when the Pages Application is not enabled
#3641: Associate the stream widget css file with the proper app
#3625: Always show scrollbars to prevent sporadic ACP nav menu widths
#3574: Use tab to select mention in editor
#3575: Fix Pages upgrade steps to remove manual queries adjusting the record tables
#3627: Add missing pruning ip address description
#3623: Fixed conflicts between floated content and lists in user content
#3626: Make customized icons match default icons in Download category list
#3572: Fix issue where some events with a location have null coordinates
#3624: Fixed colors of query log in light mode
#3609: Remove rich text styles from post wrapper after the editor loads
#3527: Preserve list indents around floated items
#3553: Fix issue where marking the site as read did not visually change some fields
#3455: Fix issues with Images builder widget
#3614: Fixes not found furls
#3587: Allow topic overview stats to wrap
#3588: Allow .ipsSelectTree to expand when long options are selected
#3602: Add the missing missing module name for the Assignments Module
#3589: Removed non-existent class name from Moderator's Control Panel table
#3590: Added padding to upgrade error page
#3592: Reduced the font-weight of unread stats/authors
#3593: Added padding around social login buttons
#3586: Fix incorrect column when importing themes
#3585: Remove unnecessary data from Badge API output
#3579: Fix wrapping on GraphQL credentials page
#3577: Remove editor attachments on upload error
#3440: Use configurable language strings in the Editor Block Type Selector
#3551: Adjust form toggles when adding/editing a forum
#3437: Uninstall out-of-date applications
#3513: Allow embeds to fill entire width of container
#3532: Code boxes inside collapsible boxes retain content
#3533: Various Editor Updates
- Issue #3281: Cannot move images into a quote (or wrap box) after they're already added
- Issue #3381: Emojis Suggestions
- Issue #3390: The URL from links which are turned to "no embeds" link still to embeds
#3557: Invision Community Cloud Bounce Bugfixes
#3508: Don’t use local search tree for remote Autocomplete results
#3539: Better iframe allow attribute handling
#3451: Automatically expand all parents of a selected record in the database navigation widget
#3470: Currency Changer CSRF Fix
#3548: Delete unused template
#3552: Remove more unused templates and language strings
#3531: Fix exception in viewupdates task
#3530: Fix exception thrown in pruneipaddresses task
#3441: Fix issue where ACP Linked accounts block loads endlessly
#3454: Fix TypeError in getCacheDataForPage
#3472: V4: Spam Improvements
#3485: Fixed Paypal icon in Customer tab
#3486: Fixed size of button and alignment of alternate contacts
#3491: Added featured color attribute to forum categories
#3490: Don't truncate forum descriptions
#3536: Copy custom templates when copying a theme
#3537: Use Dialog Style Config Form for Sidebar Widgets
#3538: Fix issue where theme editor enters an infinite loop after login
#3540: The PWA Refresh button no longer has invalid HTML
#3541: Ensure long strings of code don't break out of tiptaps code box
#3545: Fixed close icon of "Switch to Cloud" link in ACP
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Reactions: WOBAL
#3452: Fix issues with Search API
#3499: Remove the email block type
#3500: Fix issue where attempting to access security settings sends you in an endless loop
#3492: Fix TypeError in Streams
#3480: Fix issues with last_post returning an invalid timestamp
#3482: Fix issue where logos are disappearing after saving twice
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Reactions: WOBAL
This is our January maintenance release.
Key changes include:
  • Added Bluesky embedding and share links.
  • Added Postmark integration.
  • Downloads: Added permissions to custom fields.
  • Backblaze B2 support.
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Reactions: WOBAL
This is a security release and we recommend all clients upgrade as soon as possible.
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Reactions: asdfa and WOBAL

Key Changes​

This is our May maintenance release.
This release also improves bruteforce detection for logins and updates to local Stripe payment methods (such as iDEAL, Sofort, Giropay, Bancontact).

Additional Information​

  • Added a maximum recommended PHP version warning.
  • Removed the club join button from the clubs rules page.
  • Improved the club overview and member page to include a page title.
  • Improved the handling of the custom upgrade page to prevent errors.
  • Improved bruteforce login protection across login attempts for multiple accounts.
  • Fixed an issue on the profile where the solutions section would return an error if there's no class which utilizes solutions.
  • Fixed alignment of club names in cover photos.
  • Fixed an issue where embedding images could fail.
  • Fixed an issue where the s3Delete task may not be enabled.
  • Fixed alignment of club names in cover photos.
  • Fixed an issue where unapproved content notifications did not use the item read status.
  • Fixed an issue where the Device Usage block was displaying incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where saved Points charts were not showing.
  • Fixed an issue where announcements could be created with an end date in the past.
  • Fixed an issuer where the timescale for saved charts would not change.
  • Fixed an issue where the background task to move/delete content items could fail if the first comment was missing.
  • Fixed the hardcoded content type name in the recognized content block.
  • Fixed an issue where Moderator Activity charts were using the same date range.
  • Fixed an issue where a not available item from the search index could break the daily stream subscriptions mail.
  • Fixed an issue where the blog seo name wasn't updated when the blog name was changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the blog grid view could have a broken pagination.
  • Fixed an issue where hiding a subscription package in the ACP would throw an error.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records could be generated for PayPal billing agreements.
  • Fixed an issue where some stripe payments were processed twice.
  • Fixed an issue where users could upgrade subscription plans at no charge if the expiration date had passed but the purchase was not marked as expired.
  • Stripe non-card payments now use the updated version of the Stripe API.
  • Fixed an issue where the offset wasn't casted to an integer which could have caused an error on the events overview page.
  • Improved the efficiency when viewing very large archived topics.
  • Fixed an issue where forum post counts may not be accurate.
  • Fixed an issue where moving the file storage location would not update the file path in the database.
  • Improved the php block code validation while saving the custom blocks content.
  • Fixed an issue where club categories did not show in the list when club content is visible throughout the community.
  • Fixed an issue where page template names could have a space in the title.
  • Fixed an issue where creating new records via REST would fail when revision history is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a database wouldn't delete all it's categories.
  • Fixed an issue where club category menu entries would be shown even if the visitor has no permissions to view the page.
  • Fixed an issue where guests couldn't open the club categories page.
  • Fixed an issue where live topic notifications would be shown to for hidden/deleted topics.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Removed a MySQL 5.7 specific optimisation for loading content item with lots of comments.

Key Changes​

This is our March maintenance release. This release also includes an important security related fix for Commerce users.
New features:

Additional Information​

  • Resolves an issue in Commerce when tampering with filters could cause errors.
  • Improved the efficiency when getting attachments for topic statistics.
  • Improved the efficiency of streams when "Content I posted in" is selected.
  • Improved the Internal Embeds system to show better error messages for deleted comments & reviews.
  • Improved performance of invalidating member sessions when using Redis.
  • Added new Moderator actions by action statistics section.
  • Fixed Checkbox Overview Statistics not working properly.
  • Fixed Moderator Activity statistics table not displaying properly.
  • Fixed Warnings over time statistics table not displaying properly.
  • Fixed Suspended users over time statistics table not displaying properly.
  • Fixed saved charts not displaying data correctly when custom form filters are used.
  • Fixed Geographical Charts CSV download not generating properly.
  • Fixed an issue where creating an activity stream in the ACP could be missing the clubs filter.
  • Fixed an issue where the badge title would be shown as hash value in translated notification emails.
  • Fixed an issue where the Posts Per Day Limit was also used for private messages.
  • Fixed an issue in the members/warnings endpoint where the POST request could fail while giving a member a warning if warning actions were present.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting content may send a delete request to Community Hive, even if it was not enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where 3rd party applications with a broken/missing versions file would break the upgrader.
  • Fixed an issue where members with a false validation flag would be unable to login.
  • Fixed an issue where the Google Maps Autocomplete Integration could display an error message.
  • Fixed an issue where not all clubs may be shown on the member profile clubs page.
  • Replaced the hardcoded forum_id in the promotion achievement extension.
  • Fixed an issue where the Signature Settings page couldn't be accessed to change the signature visibility, without permissions to edit signatures.
  • Fixed an issue where new comment notifications posted in anonymous topics were showed as posted by an anonymous member.
  • Fixed an issue with the post count value for the Mass Move /Mass Delete action.
  • Fixed an issue where delayed deleted content from private clubs isn't shown in the ModCP - Deleted Content area.
  • Fixed the default value for the Manifest related manifest_details setting.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest group settings couldn't be edited.
  • Fixed an issue where YouTube embeds may not lazy-load.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest group settings couldn't be edited.
  • Fixed an issue where admins with permission to manage stored replies could still not manage these.
  • Fixed an issue where the club filters could cause an EX0 error when a not existing field was used.
  • Fixed an issue where IP address pruning may not prune all IP addresses.
  • Fixed an issue where moving a blog entry and sending a moderation alert may cause an error.
  • Added new Solved Topics by Group statistics section.
  • Added new Unsolved Topics statistics section.
  • Added Top Solvers statistics section.
  • Fixed Enrollments statistics table not displaying status correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where sorting the enrollments in the ACP by name would throw an error.
  • Fixed a missing language string.
  • Fixed not translatable module titles.
  • Added ability for database categories to be added to Clubs.
  • Views are now tracked for Pages.
  • Fixed an issue where pages were not reindexed after WYSIWYG blocks were added/edited.
  • Fixed an issue where record thumbnails which were created via the REST API hadn't the proper thumbnail size.
  • Page views for pages will now be included in analytics reports.
  • Fixed an issue with the post before registering flow when content was identified as spam.
  • Fixed an issue with the subscriptions member filter.
  • Fixed a broken default value in the businessAddress.
  • Fixed an issue in the commerce categorySidebar template.
  • Added organizer, eventAttendanceMode, and VirtualLocation to events JSON_LD.
  • Fixed an issue where guests searching for events could see an error.
  • Fixed an issue in the Downloads File Embed Template where the comment count was shown for files in categories without comments.
  • Fixed an issue where the vertical image widget wouldn't show the image in Chrome.
  • Fixed missing alt texts for event cover images.
  • Improved conversion of attachments in WordPress, Attachments will now be converted inside posts instead of converting to media files.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Added new core/admin/global template userLinkWithPhoto.
  • Added new tableLangPrefix property for Dynamic Charts.
  • Fixed adding new warning reason throwing an error while IN_DEV.
  • Fixed an issue where the radio form template would result in an error if no htmlID was set.
  • Fixed an issue where clean IN_DEV installations have a broken serviceworker if no manifest details were set.
  • Updated HTMLPurifier to 4.17.0.
  • Replaced JShrink with JS-minify for better Javascript compatibility.
  • Removed jQuery History, removing deprecated 'onunload' handler.

Key Changes​

This is our March maintenance release. This release also includes an important security related fix for Commerce users.

New features:

Additional Information​


  • Resolves an issue in Commerce when tampering with filters could cause errors.

  • Improved the efficiency when getting attachments for topic statistics.
  • Improved the efficiency of streams when "Content I posted in" is selected.
  • Improved the Internal Embeds system to show better error messages for deleted comments & reviews.
  • Improved performance of invalidating member sessions when using Redis.
  • Added new Moderator actions by action statistics section.
  • Fixed Checkbox Overview Statistics not working properly.
  • Fixed Moderator Activity statistics table not displaying properly.
  • Fixed Warnings over time statistics table not displaying properly.
  • Fixed Suspended users over time statistics table not displaying properly.
  • Fixed saved charts not displaying data correctly when custom form filters are used.
  • Fixed Geographical Charts CSV download not generating properly.
  • Fixed an issue where creating an activity stream in the ACP could be missing the clubs filter.
  • Fixed an issue where the badge title would be shown as hash value in translated notification emails.
  • Fixed an issue where the Posts Per Day Limit was also used for private messages.
  • Fixed an issue in the members/warnings endpoint where the POST request could fail while giving a member a warning if warning actions were present.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting content may send a delete request to Community Hive, even if it was not enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where 3rd party applications with a broken/missing versions file would break the upgrader.
  • Fixed an issue where members with a false validation flag would be unable to login.
  • Fixed an issue where the Google Maps Autocomplete Integration could display an error message.
  • Fixed an issue where not all clubs may be shown on the member profile clubs page.
  • Replaced the hardcoded forum_id in the promotion achievement extension.
  • Fixed an issue where the Signature Settings page couldn't be accessed to change the signature visibility, without permissions to edit signatures.
  • Fixed an issue where new comment notifications posted in anonymous topics were showed as posted by an anonymous member.
  • Fixed an issue with the post count value for the Mass Move /Mass Delete action.
  • Fixed an issue where delayed deleted content from private clubs isn't shown in the ModCP - Deleted Content area.
  • Fixed the default value for the Manifest related manifest_details setting.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest group settings couldn't be edited.
  • Fixed an issue where YouTube embeds may not lazy-load.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest group settings couldn't be edited.
  • Fixed an issue where admins with permission to manage stored replies could still not manage these.
  • Fixed an issue where the club filters could cause an EX0 error when a not existing field was used.

  • Fixed an issue where moving a blog entry and sending a moderation alert may cause an error.

  • Added new Solved Topics by Group statistics section.
  • Added new Unsolved Topics statistics section.
  • Added Top Solvers statistics section.

  • Fixed Enrollments statistics table not displaying status correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where sorting the enrollments in the ACP by name would throw an error.
  • Fixed a missing language string.
  • Fixed not translatable module titles.

  • Added ability for database categories to be added to Clubs.
  • Views are now tracked for Pages.
  • Fixed an issue where pages were not reindexed after WYSIWYG blocks were added/edited.
  • Fixed an issue where record thumbnails which were created via the REST API hadn't the proper thumbnail size.

  • Page views for pages will now be included in analytics reports.
  • Fixed an issue with the post before registering flow when content was identified as spam.

  • Fixed an issue with the subscriptions member filter.
  • Fixed a broken default value in the businessAddress.
  • Fixed an issue in the commerce categorySidebar template.

  • Added organizer, eventAttendanceMode, and VirtualLocation to events JSON_LD.
  • Fixed an issue where guests searching for events could see an error.

  • Fixed an issue in the Downloads File Embed Template where the comment count was shown for files in categories without comments.

  • Fixed an issue where the vertical image widget wouldn't show the image in Chrome.
  • Fixed missing alt texts for event cover images.

  • Improved conversion of attachments in WordPress, Attachments will now be converted inside posts instead of converting to media files.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Added new core/admin/global template userLinkWithPhoto.
  • Added new tableLangPrefix property for Dynamic Charts.
  • Fixed adding new warning reason throwing an error while IN_DEV.
  • Fixed an issue where the radio form template would result in an error if no htmlID was set.
  • Fixed an issue where clean IN_DEV installations have a broken serviceworker if no manifest details were set.
  • Updated HTMLPurifier to 4.17.0.
  • Replaced JShrink with JS-minify for better Javascript compatibility.
  • Removed jQuery History, removing deprecated 'onunload' handler.

BalivokLatest member