Nulled Scripts Community

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Script Investorm 1.3.1 Nulled

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+ Manually Email Verification option added for Admin.
+ Group options added for users in admin panel.
!+ Referral commission issue fixed while who refer is disable.
!+ PayPal decimal amount issue in transactions.
!+ Logged user session issue with suspended users.
!+ Balance transfer issue if user has balance.
!+ Few minor bugs fixed as per error logs.
!! Stylesheet & JavaScript libraries updated for new feature.
!! Laravel version & PHP packages updated to improve security.

## Upgrade Note
This update will require database migration to work latest features properly. So once you updated files please login into admin panel and run the update just before start using the application.

## Additional Note
The main application of v1.3.1 is now compatible with PHP 8.1+ version. Also we have updated all available modules and addons to make compatible with latest version.
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