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Install and Upgrade

xF2 Add-on Install and Upgrade 1.1.7

No permission to download
  • Added basic XF API endpoints
  • Resolved theme quick upgrade button linking to wrong page
  • Resolved issue when retrieving latest version of some styles
  • Added WMTech Handler.
  • Fixed wrong page navigation links on Install & Upgrade log pages.
  • Resolved an issue that triggered a 403 authentication failed error when performing I&U actions on
  • Resolved a visual bug that would show a 0 instead of a version ID for non-connected styles.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent styles from being installable in the latest release.
  • Resolved an error that would happen if a profile was deleted while installations or upgrades for it were pending.
  • Resolved an error that would happen if update information APIs were temporarily out of service.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the style upgrade button from working correctly.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent update check cron jobs from completing upon error.
  • Added an icon to indicate which add-ons, styles and languages are linked to Install & Upgrade to ACP add-on, style and language lists.
  • Added an option to skip import checks on style import.
  • Improved ACP info querying to avoid N+1 query behavior on ACP index and add-on list pages.
  • Added a new Atelier Aphelion Install & Upgrade handler.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent certain CLI commands from working properly and cause them to get stuck.
  • Added a number of developer-focused CLI commands.
  • Fixed a number of assorted issues potentially affecting installation/upgrade/uninstallation process.
  • Resolved an error potentially showing up when fetching the ThemeHouse product list.
Bugs fixed:
  • Assorted template fixes
Changes & fixes:
  • Disabled bulk add-on installation via URL
  • Fixed assorted template errors
  • Language updates are now correctly displayed on the ACP index page
  • Added DragonByte product handler.
Bugs fixed:
  • Fixed a bug that would attempt to run a non-existing cron job on installation.
  • Added a missing phrase.
  • Fixed an issue that prevent product lists from being rendered.
  • Changed password inputs on ACP from textboxes to password boxes.
  • Fixed an issue that would enqueue update check jobs as manual instead of automatically running them.
Install & Update has been rewritten from scratch to integrate better into XenForo and the new native 2.1. updater. We do recommend to perform a fresh installation if you have run a previous version of Install & Upgrade. Please be aware that moving forward, XenForo 2.1. is a requirement for this add-on.

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