Nulled Scripts Community

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Innovate Dark

xF2 Style Innovate Dark

No permission to download
  • XenForo 2.2.6 compatibility
  • Updated the all templates.
  • Fixed bugs reported since last version
Updated to
  • Upgraded to xenForo 2.1.4
  • Working with XF 2.1.4
  • Changed version to fit XF release number
XenForo 2.0.4

With XenForo version 2.0.4, the following updates have been made.

With this update, only one template update has been performed.

Note: Please update the plug-in before installing the style.
XenMake-Framework-1.0.0 --> XenMake-Framework-1.0.1
  • XenMake-Framework-1.0.1 has been updated

  • The home button in the navigation area was arranged.

  • For mobile devices, styling features have been added to hide sidebar and footer areas.

  • Added visible social buttons in the header field. (These buttons work only on default navigation.)

  • Internet explorer also seen footer overflow error has been corrected.

  • Added drop-down feature for user info field.

  • Some minor CSS edits were made.
XenForo 2.0.3

With XenForo version 2.0.3, the following updates have been made.

Since there are no changes in the standard template structures of your templates, new updates are being done very quickly. Hence, it works smoothly, including the third party applications.

With this update, only one template update has been performed.
  • Minor changes have been made to page_container for Xenforo 2.0.3
Upgrading instructions:

First, and foremost, make a backup of your theme. A backup of your site as a whole is never a bad idea either especially if you are going to production board

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post in the thread!

Thanks for using Innovate!

With XenForo version 2.0.2, the following updates have been made.

  • A small plugin was developed for all the themes.

  • All theme templates have been reverted to the minimum level of template editing so that future updates can be done more quickly.

  • Arrangements were made to work seamlessly with third party plugins.

  • The small logo issue on mobile devices has been resolved.

  • Image paths that were not visible in the greeting message field in the first upload were edited.

  • Some edits were made in the forum nodes area. A selective feature was developed for waste dual column use.

  • The footer has been re-revised in a more user-friendly structure as it is fully customizable. Now you are allowed to format custom fields if you want the system to have its own widget structure.

  • New social button areas have been added.

  • A new visitor panel was developed for the sidebar.

  • Some CSS edits were made.

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