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xF1 Unmaintained [HDJuegos] Xbox Live LeaderBoards 2017-04-22

No permission to download
I know the pictures aren't viewable. That's what they look like here.
This is an add-on for showing Xbox Live LeaderBoards in your XenForo community like the mods on wordpress, vbulletin or SMF.

With this add-on installed, your users will have a leaderboard with their gamertag scores.

How it works?:

A user puts his gamertag in your XenForo community and this add-on will automatically refresh it every 24 hours. When users put their gamertags, wait the leaderboards to populate data.

To avoid massive changes and calls to gamercard xbox data, every 2 minutes this add-on will look a max of 5 new gamertags from users to put it on the ranking and will refresh old gamercard datas every 24 hours.

Also update Game rankings every 15 minutes.

I made it for my own page. You can see it here working:


- Ranking of your users gamertags based on gamescore.

- Ranking Games played in your XenForo.

- Select a game to show who played it.

- Your users have a Tab Profile "Live Games" where they will see all games they played (from the day they put their gamertag in your community).

  1. Download Add-on and extract files.
  2. Upload to your XenForo root all files from upload/folder
  3. Install add-on uploading addon-XbxLiveLeaderBoards.xml
  4. If you don't have a Xbox Live Gamertag custom field, create one in your Admin CP at Users -> Custom User Fields -> Create New Field
  5. Field ID: xboxlive
  6. Title: Xbox Gamertag
  7. Field Type: Single-line text box
  8. Tab Options for text fields ->Value Match Requeriments-> Regular Expression -> add ^([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)?$
  9. If you have already a GamerTag custiom field, go to Options -> Xbox Live LeaderBoards Options -> field ID and select it. I recommend put also the regular expression in your custom field.
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Reactions: Mongolas
85.1 KB
First release
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