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[HA] XFMG Categories Layouts

xF1 Add-on [HA] XFMG Categories Layouts 1.5.2

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Fixed: some custom styles like UI.X was collapsing the navbar in some rare cases. (because of glyphicons) now things are as they must.
  • added: a new style property to let you set the color of title in fancy mode
  • added: a new style property to let you set the color of description in fancy mode

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Fixed: the problem where the pagination was leading to child category's pages.
fixed: where it was forcing latest image even if you set icon. now things work as they must.
  • added: a new style property to let you choose the background gradient color of title and description container of categories that have image
  • added: a new style property to let you set the margin-bottom for the background gradient color of title and description container of categories that have image
  • added: tooltip for title and description of categories (useful for where the title and description is long and so trimmed)
  • Improvement: now it shows the size of categories exactly the same, either you upload image for them, or it picks the image automatically from category.

  • a new option to display/not display title bar above the list of categories
  • new style property to give you more control over the padding of title and description of the category on the grid
  • a few CSS codes changed to improve responsiveness

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JeyfreenLatest member