[HA] Push Menu

xF1 Add-on [HA] Push Menu 1.1.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5


With this add-on, you can have a push menu with different options in your site and show unlimited links in unlimited lists and layout with an easy to use admin panel. Just go to its admin page and manage your lists. It will do rest of the things.

If you want to customize it more, then you can use its options and style properties and permissions.

General Features:
  • Endless nesting of navigation elements
  • Expand/Collapse navigation with a left/right swipe gesture
  • Push/Slide DOM elements of choice
  • Left-to-right and Right-to-left sliding directions
  • Flexible, simple markup
  • JS Array input, as HTML markup replacement
  • Cross-browser compatibility
    • Chrome
    • Midori
    • Firefox
    • Safari
    • IE8+
    • Opera 12.16
    • Android Browser 4.1.2
    • iOS Safari 7.0.1
  • Permission Based
  • Style Properties
  • Fully Responsive
  • Different Effects
  • Multiple Ready to use styles (+ Custom style)
  • Link description on Tooltip
  • Be able to set to open link in new tab
  • Fully supporting HTML
  • Be able to set Font Awesome Icon for each link
Note: I'm not a professional developer and its not my job. I did it because we needed a push menu (and also I'm interested in coding). So:
  • I don't promise to update it regularly
  • All reported bugs will be fixed asap.
  • And also good suggestions will be implemented when finding free time to do (but try to do them asap).
  • Donations are always welcome. If you want to do so, you can start conversation with me.

Hope to be useful and you enjoy this add-on. If you like this add-on, don't forget to support it by rating and reviewing.

Hamed Azimi (Dadparvar)​

188.4 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. icon picker!

    Added: icon picker. Now choose icon for each item in menu easily (from both fontawesome and...
  2. menu fixed icon!

    added: 2 new options (+ a style properties for them) to let you display a nice fixed icon to...
  3. auto RTL

    added automatic moving to right when you set RTL option

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