[HA] CTA FT Layouts

xF1 Add-on [HA] CTA FT Layouts 1.2.6

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5


With this add-on, you can Change the layout of CTA FT portal page as easy as possible. Just choose the layout you want, and then set its style properties. That's it!

You can see different parts of add-on in screenshots, but here is a list of things:
  • Options
    • Choosing layouts (Default - Grid View - List View)
    • Enable / Disable Font awesome
  • Style Properties
    • Grid View
      • Enable featured thread information overlay on hover
      • Featured Thread information overlay always visible
      • Display avatar on featured thread info overlay
      • Display feature thread username on feature thread info overlay
      • Display featured thread forum name on media info overlay
      • Display Expiry status on featured thread info overlay
      • Display title in thumbnail container
      • Display description in thumbnail container
      • Display featured thread replies count
      • Display featured thread view count
      • Display featured thread likes count
      • Display Featured thread expiry status
      • Display featured thread date icon
      • Display featured thread read more
      • Show Featured Ribbon on thumbnail
      • featured thread per row (Default)
      • featured thread per row (Wide)
      • featured thread per row (Medium)
      • featured thread per row (Narrow)
      • Responsive Container
      • Responsive Column
      • Responsive Column (No sidebar)
      • Default Image path
      • Title
      • Description
      • Blur thumbnail
      • Blur value
      • Title on thumbnail
      • (Grid View won't show polls on portal page - At least in first version)
    • List View
      • Display Username
      • Display Post / Update Date
      • Display Forum name
      • Display description
      • Display Featured Label
      • Display Read More Label
      • Display Read More on side block
      • Display Replies count
      • Display View Counts
      • Display Like counts
      • Display Status
      • Display Mini Avatar
      • Hide side block (block of stats)
      • (List View shows the polls as it must)
    • (More coming soon...)

Note: I'm not a professional developer and its not my job. I did it because we needed a new layout in our portal page. So:
  • I don't promise to update it regularly
  • But because we use it in our own site too (not this site. I have another site for years with law subject.), so all reported bugs will be fixed asap.
  • And also good suggestions will be implemented when finding free time to do (but try to do them asap).
  • Because of this, I set it as free add-on.

Hope to be useful and you enjoy this add-on. If you like this add-on, don't forget to support it by your review.

Hamed Azimi (Dadparvar)​

384.8 KB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. masonry invalid property fix!

    Fixed: an error about invalid property when using Masonry layout for forum list's featured threads
  2. New Widget - Slider!

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  3. a few improvements!

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