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Group membership moderators

xF2 Add-on Group membership moderators 2.3.0

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The actions are logged to the moderator log ONLY if the user managing the group is a moderator. This is by Xenforo design. It only logs actions from moderators.
If you have assigned the group moderator role to regular users, then you will need an extra add-on to support writing to the moderator log: NulledTeam - Log all moderator actions


This add-on has originally been developed by NixFifty for one of my forums with some tweaks by me. It has been tested on a standard XF 2.1 (2.1.2) installation with default theme and no add-ons. Although I will try to help you with any problems, it comes 'as is' without any warranties. Always test add-ons before installing them on your production site. I will consider updates and future improvements if needed. Do let me know in this topic.

marcelodangeloLatest member