
WP GravityView 2.28.0 Nulled

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Note: GravityView now requires PHP 7.4 or newer.

🚀 Added​

  • Modifier for entry moderation merge tags to output plain-text URLs (e.g., {gv_approve_entry:url}).

🐛 Fixed​

  • "Text domain not found" error when trying to install a layout during the View creation process.
  • Fatal error in the View editor when the user does not have the necessary capabilities to install plugins.
  • Merge tag support in the Source URL "Link Text" field setting.
  • Deprecated filter notice when using GravityView Maps 3.1.0 or newer.
  • PHP 8.2 deprecation notice due to passing an empty value to htmlspecialchars() and creating dynamic class properties.
  • The maximum number of files allowed in the File Upload field was not respected when editing an entry.
  • Sorting the View by the Name field yielded incorrect results.

🔧 Updated​

💻 Developer Updates​

  • Added gk/gravityview/view/entries/query/sorting-parameters filter to modify the sorting parameters applied during the retrieval of View entries.
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