- Added screenreader support to the password strength indicator on the Password field.
- Fixed an issue with the new AJAX functionality that causes the confirmation message to lose its styling in certain situations.
- Added focus states to links in the validation summary and autofocus to the validation summary for better accessibility.
- Updated the currency dropdown on the plugin settings page to not use Select2 for accessibility reasons.
- Updated number fields that are read-only to use the read-only styles.
- Updated styling of failed payment and cancelled subscription entry notes.
- Fixed an issue where a choice with an empty label is selected by default when the field doesn't have a value.
- Fixed a fatal error that can occur when adding additional files to a multifile upload field.
- Fixed an issue where raw HTML is displayed in the tooltip of the column selector icon on the entries page.
- Fixed an issue in the entry detail screen where the Notes block is misaligned in Safari 18.0.
- Fixed an issue where not all the options were being removed when going through the uninstall process.
- Updated number fields that are read-only to use the read-only styles.
- Fixed an issue where the Predefined Choices modal is not readable when using different languages.
- Fixed an issue where a fatal error occurs when the page query argument is an array. Credit: Automattic.
- Fixed an issue where the {embed_url} and {referer} merge tags output the wrong values when the form is submitted using the new Ajax submission method.
- Fixed an issue where Gravity Forms checks if a schema upgrade is needed on every page load.
- Fixed an issue where apostrophes in page names were sanitized incorrectly in Pagination Options.
- Fixed an issue that cause the form or confirmation to be un-styled when loaded via AJAX.
- Fixed an issue that causes delayed feeds to be executed twice in some cases.
- AF: Fixed an issue where an undefined array key warning occurs if the gform_admin_pre_render filter is called in a context where a form is not available.
- AF: Updated the Payment Add-On base class so that payment add-ons such as Stripe can enable payment status rules in the confirmation conditional logic.
- AF: Updated the frontend feed data with extra relevant feed information that can be used by Payment Add-Ons.
- Fixed an issue where wptexturize is causing extra curly quotes to be added to the textarea.
- Fixed an issue where strings aren't translated on the block editor.
- Fixed an issue with the conditional logic field setting where multiple rules are added even though the + button was only clicked once.
- Fixed an issue where the database update process was causing a fatal when the database did not need to be updated.
- Fixed an issue where email fields in notification settings do not pass validation if merge tags are used.
- API: Added the gform_disable_dom_parser filter that can be used to disable the DOM Parser.
- Fixed an issue where a console error is thrown when the next button is clicked on a multi-page form that contains a payment field.
- Updated the minimum WordPress version (for support) on the System Status page to 6.5.
- API: Updated the form Theme Framework approach to focus state for accessibility from being box-shadow based to outline based.
- API: Removed the following form Theme Framework global CSS API properties: --gf-ctrl-shadow-color-focus, --gf-ctrl-shadow-size-focus, --gf-ctrl-shadow-offset-color-focus, --gf-ctrl-shadow-offset-size-focus, --gf-ctrl-shadow-focus.
- Fixed an issue where disabled image choice inputs are still able to be selected/unselected.
- Added detection of SQLite database to the system report.
- Fixed an issue where the Export Personal Data tool can export entries that are not associated with the user if a form was edited with the Gravity Forms CLI Add-On.
- Updated the form restriction logging statements to include the form ID.
- Fixed an issue where the license key is not saved for some sites in a multisite/network installation.
- Added security enhancements.
- Added unique aria labels to the main links on the form list, entry list, confirmation list, and notification list to improve accessibility.
- Updated the licensing messages on the plugins page to be consistent with the settings page.
- Updated the results page title to be unique for better accessibility.
- Updates for WP 6.6 compatibility.
- Fixed an issue where a number field with range has an invalid aria-describedby attribute when it fails validation.
- Fixed issues with the choices flyout in the form editor in RTL languages.
- Fixed an issue where a database error occurs during background processing if the site that queued the task is deleted.
- Fixed an accessibility issue with the consent field description.
- Fixed an accessibility issue that prevents the show/hide password button from read by screen readers.
- Fixed an issue where editing an entry with a multifile upload field could result in broken links to files. Credit: GravityWiz
- Removed an unused javascript function.
- Updated the minimum version of WordPress required for support to 5.2.
- Fixed an issue with the styles for the active/inactive toggle in the admin.
License Key: prowebber
- Fixed a PHP fatal error which can occur during entry export if invalid values are entered in the start or end date filters.
- Added security enhancements. Credit: SimranJeet Singh (@TurbanatorSJS).
- Added accessibility enhancements.
- Updated the minimum version of WordPress required for support to 5.1.
- Updated the system report to include timezone details.
- Updated new Drop Down type Quantity fields to default to numeric choices. Credit: The GravityView team.
- Updated the Website type field input markup, removing the unused maxLength attribute. Credit: The GravityView team.
- Updated the Single Line Text field to validate the value length during submission when the maxLength property is configured. Credit: The GravityView team.
- Fixed an issue where special characters (e.g. accented characters) in List and Multi-Select fields are ignored when searching for entries.
- Fixed form scripts not enqueueing when Form block is nested.
- Fixed an issue where the use of GLOB_BRACE during the daily cron task can cause PHP errors in non-GNU operating systems.
- Fixed an issue with conditional notification routing when checking if a field value ends with a 0 due to it being treated as an empty string rather than an integer.
- Fixed the legacy table access PHP notices being displayed when deleting a site on multi-site installations.
- Fixed an issue with the Address field in the form editor where the source field setting doesn't display the previously selected option when copying values of another field.
- Fixed an issue with the Rich Text Editor for the Paragraph and Post Body fields with WordPress 5.2 when submit button conditional logic is configured.
- Fixed an issue with PHP 7.0+ where the submission could die when an invalid calculation formula is evaluated. Credit: The GravityView team.
- Fixed a PHP notice during validation of the Password strength if JavaScript is disabled in the browser. Credit: The GravityView team.
- Fixed an issue with submitting when multiple AJAX enabled forms are embedded into one page and invisible reCAPTCHAs are present.
- Fixed an issue when tabbing through a form where an invisible reCAPTCHA is present.
- Fixed an issue where a field's character count text could duplicate when submitting an AJAX enabled form.
- Fixed the required Address field city input missing the aria-required attribute when the zip input is located before the city.
- Fixed an issue with the background tasks response in the system report containing extraneous characters.
- API: Added GFAPI::log_debug() and GFAPI::log_error() which write to the "Gravity Forms API" log.
- API: Added support for the id query param on the export entries page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_export&view=export_entry&id=[FORM ID]) to preselect the form. Credit: The GravityView team.
- API: Added logging helpers and logging statements to various methods in REST API v2.
- API: Updated REST API v1 to write to the "Gravity Forms API" log.
- API: Fixed GFAPI::update_entry() and GFAPI::update_entry_field() for repeater fields.
- API: Fixed an issue with GFAPI::update_entry_field() not saving zero when passed as an integer if the input doesn't have an existing entry value.
- API: Fixed an issue with GFAPI::submit_form() and the POST forms/[form ID]/submissions endpoint where validation fails for product fields.
- AF: Added header title support for dynamic field map settings fields.
- AF: Updated + and - icons so that they are consistent accross all settings fields.
- Fixed the required Address field city input missing the aria-required attribute when the zip input is located before the city.