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xF1 Add-on Full Message Text Permission 1.3.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Additional Requirements
php 5.6+
Adds permissions to include full message text in emails, per usergroup.

Works with:
  • New thread
  • Reply to thread
  • New Conversation
  • Join conversation
  • Reply Conversation
Always email watched thread notifications, instead of last visit.
  • Per-forum permissions.
  • Per-user opt-in.
  • User registration default.
New Options under 'Full Message Text Permission':
  • Maximum message text length
    • In characters, Default zero, rounds to the nearest word less than the limit. Then renders to bbcode/text.
  • Allow always emailing watched threads
    • Default off, as there is a minor performance hit due to extra decoding that happens regardless of if the forum supports always sending watched thread notifications.
Two permissions:
  • Full message text notification emails (conversation)
  • Full message text notification emails (posts/threads)

These will override the "Include full message text in watched thread/forum notification emails." or "Include full message text personal conversation notification emails." options.

Option to always send emails triggered by warning conversations in full. Consider my other addon; Warning Improvements by Xon to always send emails when a warning conversation is created.
10 KB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. 1.3.0 - Feature Update

    Split Maximum message text length into Partial message text length & Full message text length...
  2. 1.2.0 - Feature/Maintenance update

    Consistently expose configurable registration default for always sending watched thread emails...

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