* New: The add-ons page has been redesigned. Now plugins are enabled and disabled using toggles instead of buttons, and plugins can be filtered by category.
* New: Confirmation fields will no longer validate immediately when the main field loses focus, validating now only on form submit and and when the confirmation field is changed.
* New: New email actions will now use new [default-email] and [default-from-email] shortcodes that use email settings defined during onboarding. When these are unavailable, the admin email is used by default.
* Fix: Confirmation fields would not validate with JavaScript when empty, allowing a form to submit with a blank confirmation when the main field had a value set.
* Fix: Backslashes in field format setting would get stripped in some cases when using the setting to Load and save form builder page with AJAX. This would cause regex statements to break.
* Fix: A Trying to access array offset on value of type bool PHP warning when loading the Gutenberg editor with no API data available has been fixed.