Nulled Scripts Community

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Script Farmart 1.22.2 Nulled

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Fix SAME PRICE discount issue<br>- Fix missing translations in email templates<br>- Ignore case-sensitive when importing products<br>- Improve orders export, add missing customer phone number<br>- Add Stripe Marketplace Connect: Plattformen und Marktplätze mit Stripe Connect (activate it in Plugins -&gt; Installed plugins)<br>- Add store square logo (it will be used in some special places, such as: checkout page)<br>- Add product specification (enable it in Settings -&gt; Products)<br>- Add option to disable coupon when product is in flash sale<br>- Add option to convert image to WebP when uploading to Admin -&gt; Media<br>- Add setting to change logo height in email template<br>- Add option to set admin logo max height<br>- Send confirmation email when someone submit contact form<br>- Improve cache for better performance<br>- Optimize source code<br>- Update third-party libraries to the latest versionb
- Fix product categories dropdown URL issue
-Add search box for category tree field
-Add missing translations
- Add product specification tab (enable it in Settings -&gt; Products)
- Add option to disable vendor registration form at registration page
- Add option to change product quantity at the checkout page
- Add order delivered confirmation in customer dashboard
- Add merchant return policy URL in theme options
- Improve product filters
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version

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