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xF1 Add-on Facebook OpenGraph Image from [img] or [attach] tags 1.3

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By default XenForo uses a static image or the author's avatar in the open graph image metadata. This image is what Facebook displays when you share one of your forum's url.

Basically you end up with the same image over and over again when sharing a thread URL on Facebook.

This addon tries to solve this problem by replacing the og:image metadata with images found within [img ] or [attach ] tags on threads. If no image is found, the default static image is used.

This works with images found in threads. No other section is supported right now.

The addon works with images found in the current page of the thread url. If there are images in other pages, the addon won't be able to find those and no replacement will be made.

- Make sure you are on XenForo 1.2. XenForo 1.1.5 and lower are not supported.
- Upload all the files you find on the upload folder
- Import the .xml file

This addon is fully supported here on and you can freely submit bug reports, suggestions or any other comment about it.

This addon was funded by Ömer Görür . A big thank you for allowing me to release it as a free addon.
Credit must also go to the original author - JulianD. I took this over from him.
2.1 KB
First release
Last update

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