- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.5
Over 1200 SVG smiles, divided by categories:
1. Download and unpack xenforo.emoji.zip archive.
2. Upload smilies.emoji directory (from upload directory) to styles/default/xenforo/.
3. Import XML-files (from install directory) to Smilies > Import Smilies.
4. Open EXTRA.css template and add:
img[src$='.emoji.svg'] {
width: 28px;
height: auto;
Over 1200 SVG smiles, divided by categories:
- Activity (category ID = 5)
- Flags (category ID = 9)
- Food (category ID = 4)
- Nature (category ID = 3)
- Objects (category ID = 7)
- People (category ID = 2)
- Symbols (category ID = 8)
- Travel (category ID = 6)

1. Download and unpack xenforo.emoji.zip archive.
2. Upload smilies.emoji directory (from upload directory) to styles/default/xenforo/.
3. Import XML-files (from install directory) to Smilies > Import Smilies.
4. Open EXTRA.css template and add:
img[src$='.emoji.svg'] {
width: 28px;
height: auto;