Nulled Scripts Community

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Script emart 3.9 Nulled

No permission to download
- Minor Bug fixed
- Rest API Updated
- Added list view and grid view in Wishlist.
- Checked and updated migration for database all tables.
- Updated chat module for user view.
- Updated the support changes to the new version.
- Minor Bug fixed
- Stability Improved.
- RTL in the editor for Arabic content
- UI Improved in admin panel.
- Brand new Admin panel UI with RTL and Mobile responsive.
- Inhouse orders, quotation and reports with filter system.
- Create Flashdeals, special offers pages.
- Invoice design option.
- Price comma format option (English and French notation).
- Added KSH and Kwanza currency symbol.
- Cancel and Return Simple products available.
- Simple products can be added in hotdeals and in specialoffers.
- Bulk upload Three brands and three level categories.
- Invoices are now available in RTL.
- Front end RTL responsive and improved RTL behaviour.
- Latest Laravel Security Patch #10/2021.
- Bugs fixes and improved speed.
- Translations updated.
- Inbuilt Quick Bug fixer update system.
- Seller / Vendor Subscription system.
- Affiliate System.
- Gift Packaging Option.
- Google Tag Manager.
- Add-on Manager.
- Seller to require submit docs when applying for seller a/c.
- Toggle sidebar from site settings to make full width homepage.
- UI Improvements
- Improved Translation.
- Bug fixed and Improved performance
- Latest Laravel security patch (#05/2021).
- Added AAMARPAY (Bangladesh Payment Gateway) for checkout.
- Added quick checkout via sidebar cart.
- Updated Laravel version.
- Fixed Bugs and missing translations.
- Fixed PHP 7.4 computability issues.
- Homepage with vue js.
- Optimized code and speed improved
- Complied CSS and JS.
- Product catalog upload option.
- Move currency icons with four positions.
- Latest Laravel security patch #3/2021
- Fixed PHP 7.4 compatibly issues.

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