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Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)

WP Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) 3.2.3 Nulled

No permission to download
* Blocks: The user registration forms and lost password feature have been updated to allow customization via hooks.
* Stripe: Refunded payments initiated within the Stripe Dashboard now create a refund order in EDD.
* Cart: Improved product validation when adding an item to the cart.
* Emails: Admin payment & order notifications have been updated to allow further customization.
* Block Editor: Improved compatibility with themes and page builders.
* Payments: Ensure that tax rates are accurately stored when using legacy payment creation processes.
* Customers: Improved the performance and accuracy of checking if a user has previously made purchases.
  • Improvement: The checkout cart markup is now aware if the cart is using the shortcode or the block.
  • Improvement: A filter has been added to the structured data for products to allow extensions to add additional offers.
  • Improvement: The email marker (tagging) experience has been updated to be more accessible and easier to use.
  • Improvement: EDD’s admin JavaScript has been updated to prevent deprecation notices.
  • Improvement: It is now possible to update the sequential start number as long as it does not conflict with existing orders.
  • Improvement: The current file name is now stored with the file download log.
  • Improvement: The emails on the order details screen has been updated to always include the customer’s primary address, even if it wasn’t used on an order.
  • Fix: When the “last month” had fewer days than “month to date”, reporting could incorrectly cross months.
  • Fix: The edd_link_helper function could sometimes have an empty UTM medium attribute.
  • Fix: Checkbox inputs for privacy/terms are now marked required with the HTML5 attribute.
  • Fix: The Recapture onbording process could inconsistently fail to install or connect.
  • Fix – Stripe: Recurring products with free trials were immediately creating an invoice with Payment Elements.
  • Fix – Stripe: When using Payment Elements, clicking the purchase button did not show the loading animation.
  • Fix – Stripe: Stripe data will be included in the Site Health debug information with EDD 3.1.4.
  • Fix – Stripe: The list of countries which do not allow application fees has been updated.
  • i18n: All countries and states are now translation ready.
  • i18n: We have started the process of updating strings to add comments for translators where recommended.
  • Dev: Hooks have been added to the license update/delete methods.
  • Dev: EDD’s pointer registration has been updated so that extensions can hook into it.
  • Dev: EDD now has a status badge utility class to allow order status badges to be more universally used.
  • Dev: The edd_set_upgrade_complete function is now in a file that’s loaded outside of the admin, so it can be used in cron upgrades.
  • Dev: The EDD debugging information under Site Health can now be filtered so that extensions can add key data.
  • Dev: Extensions which use the EDD extension registry will attempt to validate the pro pass license before the individual extension license.
  • Dev: The EDD debug log description has been updated to link to a support doc explaining the edd_debug_log function.
  • Dev: The edd_get_utc_date_string helper function has been created to simplify getting a formatted UTC date.
  • Dev: The EDD settings have been refactored for readability.

BalivokLatest member