Nulled Scripts Community

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Script dizzy 5.0 Nulled

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  • IMPROVED Speed increased
  • ADDED Premimum badge on premium post
  • ADDED Boosted badge on boosted post
  • ADDED Creator Profile Type on post
  • ADDED Premium shipping fee added on post
  • ADDED Like Heart animation after clicking like button
  • ADDED UnLike Heart animation after clicking liked button
  • ADDED Following page added
  • ADDED Followers page added
  • ADDED Subscribers page added
  • ADDED Profile frame system settings added to the admin panel
  • ADDED Edit Frame
  • ADDED Activate/Deactivate Frame
  • ADDED Delete Frame
  • ADDED Set Frame Price
  • ADDED Gift Frame
  • ADDED List of frames available for purchase
  • ADDED Purchased (gifted) frames
  • ADDED Change Frame (Only purchased/gifted frames can be used)
  • ADDED Update Frame button on profile pictures
  • ADDED Frames added on profile pictures in posts
  • ADDED Feature added to change some colors on the site
  • ADDED Ability to change the color on the header section at the top of the site
  • ADDED Ability to change the colors of SVG icons in the header section
  • ADDED Ability to change text colors in the left menu
  • ADDED Ability to change SVG icon colors in the left menu
  • ADDED Ability to change colors of SVG codes in the post creation section
  • ADDED Ability to change button colors
  • ADDED Ability to revert to the main color scheme of the site
  • ADDED Ability to change live stream button colors
  • ADDED Ability to change the background color of areas where the background color changes when hovered over with the mouse
  • ADDED FFMPEG check link
  • ADDED Added post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, max_execution_time, max_input_vars, max_input_time, memory_limit checker. This way, you can understand why you can't upload large files and configure your server settings.
  • ADDED Total questions from users notification count in the menu
  • ADDED Total creator verification request notification count in the menu
  • ADDED Added 240 Material color options to find the best color combination
  • ADDED Number of ads to be displayed at once
  • ADDED Number of suggested users to be displayed at once
  • ADDED Number of suggested products to be displayed at once
  • ADDED Feature to invite friends via email. Using this feature, if invited individuals register, the inviter earns points set by the admin.
  • ADDED Check if the email to be invited is already registered.
  • ADDED Display the number of users currently online.
  • ADDED Trending posts page
  • ADDED Management panel setting for how long posts will be displayed in the trending list. This way, the list can display posts with the highest engagement among, for example, 1-month-old, 1-day-old, or 100-day-old posts.
  • ADDED Current Live Streamings in the stories section.
  • FIXED Errors on the Transactions page resolved.
  • FIXED Bugs on the All Point Earnings page fixed.
  • FIXED Auto-approve post issue resolved.
  • FIXED Purchase counter issue.
  • UPDATED Creator Verification Request page updated.
  • UPDATED Awaiting Approval page updated.
  • UPDATED Stories Area
  • UPDATED Some styles
[FIXED] - Reported Wasabi Image Display Issue
[FIXED] - Digital Ocean default video Tumbnail Issue
[FIXED] - Latest Product Image size issue
[FIXED] - Profile Gift Button Click issue
[FIXED] - Send Gift Points from Message PopUp issue
[FIXED] - Locked message click issue
[FIXED] - Live Streaming chat issue
[FIXED] - Live Streaming gift issue
[FIXED] - Re-Share video thumbnail display issue.
[FIXED] - Product Payment Issue
[FIXED] - Register Language issue
[FIXED] - Admin activation issue
[FIXED] - Website Social Account issue
[FIXED] - Wasabi Server Type issue
[FIXED] - Announcement issue
[ADDED] - Offline Payment system(Point Purchase)
[ADDED] - Boost Post System
[ADDED] - Boost Post Package
[ADDED] - Create a new Boost Package
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Boost Feature
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Boost Package
[ADDED] - Edit/Delete Boost Package
[ADDED] - Boost Post Level icon
[ADDED] - How many use seen your boosted post
[ADDED] - How many people will be shown the boosted post.
[ADDED] - Stop/Continue boost post
[ADDED] - Boost Earned from User Admin panel
[ADDED] - All Point Earnings page
[ADDED] - Transactions page
[ADDED] - Manage Subscriptions page
[ADDED] - Manage Boosted Posts
[ADDED] - Total earnings for (Boost Posts, Live Streamings, Premium Posts, Streaming gifts, products, video call, unlock message)
[ADDED] - Approve / Delete Offline payment
[ADDED] - UnSeen message color
[ADDED] - Boosted Posts page (for users)
[ADDED] - Automatic language detection can now be enabled or disabled by the administrator.
[ADDED] - Username can now be displayed in posts
[ADDED] - Enabled the right left scroll feature in the Story section
[ADDED] - Online/Offline Status in posts
[FIXED] - Google Login issue
[FIXED] - Twitter Login issue
[ADDED] - New Profile categories (Please read the README.html file carefully.)
[ADDED] - New Words in language files. (Please read the README.html file carefully.)
[FIXED] - Cover and Avatar image position issue
[FIXED] - Incorrect counter, in premium purchase popup.
[FIXED] - Reported subscription bugs
[FIXED] - Reported S3 issue
[FIXED] - Stripe issue
[FIXED] - Reported Stripe Issue
[FIXED] - Reported S3 issue
[FIXED] - Reported bugs for the Market page.
[FIXED] - Create withdrawal issue
[FIXED] - Checking withdrawal issue in admin panel
[IMPROVED] The system has been sped up.
[ADDED] Send a paid private message.
[ADDED] Send money to the person using the message field.
[ADDED] Ads are now displayed on mobile.
[ADDED] Purchased premium posts.
[ADDED] Subscription expiration date.
[ADDED] Automatic approval of premium posts.
[ADDED] Send a notification to the contact when automatic premium posts are approved.
[ADDED] Notifications are sent when someone purchases a premium post.
[ADDED] Who can send message ? Subscribers/Everyone
[ADDED] Who can send a video call request ? Subscribers/Everone
[ADDED] Commenter's creator badge.
[ADDED] The administrator determines who is shown in the search results (Everyone/content creators only)
[ADDED] Number of message show in admin panel
[ADDED] Social profiles for website
[ADDED] Social profiles for website
[ADDED] New SVG icons.
[ADDED] Some New CSS codes. (Please check the NEW CSS section below to see the added codes. )
[ADDED] Some new words. (Please check the NEW WORDS section below to see the added codes. )
[ADDED] - Mute Audio / Unmute Audio feature on Live Streaming
[ADDED] - Mute Video/ Unmute Video feature on Live Streaming
[ADDED] - Mention system
[ADDED] - Mention feature on notification system
[ADDED] - A variable color combination has been added to the label system for aesthetic appearance.
[ADDED] - HashTag search system
[ADDED] - Affilate System
[ADDED] - Affilate Management in admin panel
[ADDED] - Earn Point System
[ADDED] - User can earn point when he/she Register,Create a post, follow someone, like post, comment post.
[ADDED] - The administrator can determine how many points people can earn from which feature.
[ADDED] - New words in eng.php, fr.php, de.php and es.php
[ADDED] - Uploading bar when user upload
[ADDED] - Fake user generator
[ADDED] - Fake user type in admin panel
[ADDED] - Show/Hide user fullname (Admin panel)
[ADDED] - Profile Link Watermark (When user share his/her image or video the system adding his/her profile link on the image)
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Image Watermark Status
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Link Watermark Status
[ADDED] - Auto Approve post feature
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Weekly Subscription from admin panel
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Monthly Subscription from admin panel
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Yearly Subscription from admin panel
[FIXED] - Add/Edit Sticker issue
[FIXED] - Reported Subscription issues
[FIXED] - Open Graph Meta Tags
[FIXED] - Live Streaming issues
[FIXED] - Watermark issue
[FIXED] - Image Crop View issue
[FIXED] - Special Character issue
[FIXED] - Chat issues
[FIXED] - Reported Admin Panel issues
[FIXED] - Image upload issue
[FIXED] - Premium content Earning issue
[FIXED] - Subscription Content Earning issue
[FIXED] - Creator Dashboard Char issue
[FIXED] - Withdrawal Details issue (in admin)
[FIXED] - Reported Bugs
[ADDED] - cURL check (some features do not work because cURL is not active on the servers. Therefore, please enable cURL.)
[FIXED] - Watermark size issue
[FIXED] - Reported php Bugs
[FIXED] - Reported CSS Bugs
[FIXED] - Weekly best creators list follow/subscription button
[FIXED] - The problem of automatic thank you message update to the people who sent the tip has been resolved.
[FIXED] - Fixed some reported typos.
[ADDED] - Added custom watermark insertion area.
[ADDED] - reCaptcha from contact us page.
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable reCaptcha feature from admin panel
[ADDED] - CoinPayment payment gateway
[ADDED] - Edit/Enable/Disable CoinPayment API keys
[ADDED] - 15+ CrytoCurrencies
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable CoinPayment
[UPDATED] - Updated Documentation
Urgent update made. Reported issues have been fixed.
[FIXED] - Image Upload issue
[FIXED] - Video Upload issue
[IMPROVED] - phpMailer
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Free Live Streaming
[ADDED] - Enable/Disable Paid Live Streaming
[ADDED] Point System for subscriptions (Now user can subscribe with their points)
[ADDED] Minimum Point Fee Weekly (For subscription) / Admin panel
[ADDED] Minimum Point Fee Monthly (For subscription) / Admin panel
[ADDED] Minimum Point Fee Yearly (For subscription) / Admin panel
[ADDED] The system checks the adequacy of the user's balance (points). If it doesn't have enough points, it will direct you to the payment page for point loading.
[ADDED] A popup warning has been added to the user during subscription (for those who use the subscription system with Points)
[ADDED] New CSS codes in style.css and night_style.css
[ADDED] A control mechanism has been added to the fee requested when creating premium posts. If there is an invalid character input, the post will be stopped with a warning.
[FIXED] DigitalOcean issues
[FIXED] Pixel issue in posts
[FIXED] Cropped photo show issue
[FIXED] Friends & Followers list issue
[IMPROVED] Functions have been improved
[ADDED] New langs. Spanish and French. I added it thanks to my customers who sent me gifts because I don't know these languages. Some words added for Version 2.6 are still in English. If they send me the translated version of the words, I will include it in the update immediately.

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