[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

xF2 Add-on [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare® 1.8.7

No permission to download
  • Removed repository dependency within R2 adapter
  • When checking if a file exists on R2, only fall back to checking if it's a "directory" if there's no file extension in the path (less class A operations)
IMPORTANT for existing users: A change to Crawler Hint API calls requires a new API permission to be able to set it. You can go to your Cloudflare API Tokens, edit the token you have and add the following permissions:
  • Zone.Zone: Edit
You should have a total of 15 permissions for your API token at this point. If you don't have 15, you can check what you should have under XF Admin -> Options -> External service providers -> Cloudflare authentication
  • Fix for change to Crawler Hint API calls (needed to change Crawler Hints setting)
  • Updated parameters for Network error logging when doing "Easy config"
  • Normalize path when getting a list of multiple objects
  • Add support for getting listings of directories inside buckets in R2 adapter (a little tricky because R2 it not a file system in the traditional sense as there are no actual directories). Should make it so exporting styles with attached assets should work if those assets are stored in R2.
Hate pushing quick versions out (sorry)... but a necessary fix for media uploads which are handled slightly differently than other uploaded content (like avatars and attachments).
  • Added "Easy config" button to settings page to automatically optimize some settings for XenForo (currently it sets 22 Cloudflare settings in one go that work well for XenForo)
  • Don't use getContentUrl() method since it's only in XenForo 2.2
  • Force path and type keys when getting Metadata via R2 API
  • Better handling of non-existent R2 objects trying to be read by internal processes (throw FileNotFoundException)
erujumLatest member