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[DCom] Auto Merge Double Post

xF2 Add-on [DCom] Auto Merge Double Post 2.3.1

No permission to download
  • Fixed a bug when merging messages when a message is not sent on the last page.
Thanks @rdn for finding the error.
  • Only Xenforo 2.3 support
  • Resolved repository name spacing error.
  • Merge time permission has been changed from hours to minutes. Existing permissions are correctly converted, so no adjustments needed after updating.
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Some integral parts of this add-on have been restructured to include a bunch of new functionalities. The code has essentially been cleaned up a little.
  • Captchas are now correctly verified before merging the new post into the old one.
  • It is now possible to set up per-node permissions. This allows you to have different merge times for all users/user groups in each of your forums if you want to.
  • The includation of the merge message is now optional and can be deactivated in the ACP options.
New Functionalities
  • Users may now receive an alert that their post has been merged into their previous one. This is activated by default and can be deactivated through the options menu.
  • Users may now receive alerts as if a new post has been added, including mention and quote alerts. This is deactivated by default and can be activated through the options menu.
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Some integral parts of this add-on have been restructured to include a bunch of new functionalities. The code has essentially been cleaned up a little.
  • Captchas are now correctly verified before merging the new post into the old one.
  • It is now possible to set up per-node permissions. This allows you to have different merge times for all users/user groups in each of your forums if you want to.
  • The includation of the merge message is now optional and can be deactivated in the ACP options.
New Functionalities
  • Users may now receive an alert that their post has been merged into their previous one. This is activated by default and can be deactivated through the options menu.
  • Users may now receive alerts as if a new post has been added, including mention and quote alerts. This is deactivated by default and can be activated through the options menu.
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Fixed a bug that would throw a "please enter a valid title" error instead of merging when attempting to double post after creating a new thread.

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