DBTech - vBShout [PRO]

VB4 DBTech - vBShout [PRO] 6.2.15 Nulled

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  _   _	   _ _		  _   _____						   
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  \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|   \____|_|  \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
					Nulled Team UnderGround | Nulled Team Forums
					--==== DOWNLOADED FROM null-scripts.net ====--


vBShout is the ideal way to keep members on your forum while they wait for replies to their posts. It can be used in many ways - as a chat room for members, for staff to discuss issues in realtime, as a live-update feed of new posts and threads, as a way to track member milestones... Best of all, you can have multiple boxes in use for multple purposes!

Professional Only benefits:

Personal User Shoutbox Options: Integrated with User CP, User gets to decide which things show on their shoutbox, PM's, notifications etc. Even what editor options show up for them. They also get to decide where their text input area goes for TOTAL customisation.

Ignore List: Allows users to keep track of who they are ignoring, and control this option via a list.

Custom Commands: Lets you and your users create their own commands for use. For example, create pre-set warning comments – Staff member types /firstwarning, Text appears saying "This is your first warning for breaking the shoutbox rules. You can view these rules at [link] If you have a question about this warning, please PM myself. Thanks.

Extra Tab Options: The ability to set separate tabs for system notifications and notices is available in the PRO version, fantastic for keeping your chat tab uncluttered.

Detach Shoutbox: Lets you and your users have the shoutbox open in a seperate browser window/tab for easier use etc.

Additional Moderation Commands: The ability to add/edit the sticky notice through the shoutbox.

Advanced Archive Searching: Ability to search by any combination of username, Last X Hours, Start/End date, as well as keyword. Filter searches, sort by criteria etc.

Extended Instance Options: Allows you to have separate notices per instance, set usergroup settings for individual instances, and even set unique staff permissions for each individual instance.

Expanded Context Menus: Lets your member/staff use the context menu to add/update the sticky note, Ban and Unban users, Ignore/Unignore users and prune individual user shouts.

Extra User Chat Room Moderation: Shows a page displaying every use-created chat room, who made it, how many active members/total members it has etc, and options to close it etc.
279.7 KB
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