DBTech - vBDownloads [PRO] GOLD

VB4 DBTech - vBDownloads [PRO] GOLD 2.4.8pl1 Nulled

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  _   _	   _ _		  _   _____						   
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  \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|   \____|_|  \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
					Nulled Team UnderGround | Nulled Team Forums
					--==== DOWNLOADED FROM null-scripts.net ====--

vBDownloads: What is it?

DragonByte Technologies is proud to present vBDownloads v1.0, the most professional, innovative and feature-rich downloads mod to date.

vBDownloads aims to help you manage your forum's downloads in a fast and efficient way, presenting you with all the information you and your users need.

Why vBDownloads?
Whilst looking for a new product idea, we felt that there was a need for a fully-supported downloads database in vBulletin. vBDownloads is the result of this. vBDownloads contains many interesting features such as multi-file downloads, password-protected downloads, integration with vBCreditsII and vBShout and many more exciting and innovative features!

Lite Feature List:

Searchable Downloads: Downloads can easily be search and are returned in realtime using ajax technology.

Importer: vBDownloads currently supports importing from DownloadsII.

Favourite Downloads: Got a download you like? vBDownloads will allow you to easily add it to your favourites list.

Multiple File Downloads: vBDownloads allows you to upload multiple files within one download stopping the need to create 20 different downloads for one thing.

Moderation: vBDownloads comes with its own moderation control panel. This will allow you to easily moderate new files and reports using ajax technology.

Extra Pro Features:
Download All Files: This will allow you to easily download all files in a download at the click of a button. These will be added to a zip and returned to you in seconds.

File Ratings: File ratings will allow users to easily separate the good content from the bad.

Improved Home Page: The homepage in pro will allow you to see information on the most downloaded downloads, highest rated downloads and newest downloads.

Downloads Per Day: This feature will allow you to control the number of files and add a limit to the size of downloads users are allowed to download per day.

Private Downloads: This feature will allow you to control who can access a download on a per user basis and allow you to password-protect downloads.

Flash Uploading: This feature will allow you to track the progress of your uploads with a progress bar.

Complete Feature List


  • Quick Search [AJAX]
  • Search by Name/Poster
  • Integration
  • vBCreditsII
  • Pay to Download
  • Pay to Upload
  • VBShout
  • Notification on new download
  • Downloads
  • File Converter
  • Homepage
  • Categorised Listings
  • Statistics
  • Uploading
  • Multiple File Downloads
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • add to Moderation Queue
  • Limit Upload Type (Gif, Jpeg, Png, Zip, Txt, etc)
  • Links to Downloads
  • Download Page
  • Comments
  • File Listings
  • Report File
  • Add to Favourites
  • Permissions
  • Per Usergroup
  • On/Off Per Usergroup
  • Ability to Upload
  • Ability to Downloads
  • Ability to View
  • Must Have X Posts Before Downloading
  • Per User
  • Ban User From Downloading
Per Category
  • Can View
  • Can Upload
  • Can Download
  • Moderate Files
  • Moderation
  • Edit/Delete
  • Delete Comments
  • Downloads ModCP (Recent Reports, Files in Moderation Queue)

  • Homepage
  • Recently Added Downloads
  • Top Downloads
  • Highest Rated Downloads
  • Uploading
  • Private Downloads
  • Password Protected Files
  • Flash Uploading
  • Downloading
  • File Rating
  • Download All Files To Zip
  • Permissions
  • Per Usergroup
  • Downloads Per Day
  • Download Size Limit Per Day (i.e 100MB Per Day)
254.3 KB
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