vBEditorTabs is an editor add-on, allowing administrators and users the ability to create custom tabs below the editor for categorizing smilies, with the potential to add further content in future releases. The tabs integrate smoothly with vBulletin's editor, are powered via jQuery, and there is no limit to the number of tabs you can have, as they wrap under each other and still function normally.
vBEditorTabs is currently only compatible with vB4.1.4 and higher (CKEditor).
Complete Feature List (Lite)
General Settings
Tab Animation Settings
Configure Tabs
Fully Style-able
Additional Feature List (Pro)
General Settings
Configure Tabs
vBEditorTabs is currently only compatible with vB4.1.4 and higher (CKEditor).
Complete Feature List (Lite)
General Settings
- Option to globally disable the product
- Option to turn off the product version number in the copyright information
- Option to turn off the Hi-Velocity Hosting link
- Option to remove the DBT branding, if you purchased a branding free key for the product
- Option to not load jQuery, if it is already being called by another modification
- Option to select which version of jQuery to load
- Option to have the tabs on the top or bottom of the editor
Tab Animation Settings
- 13 Options to control the animation/transition of the content areas and tabs
Configure Tabs
- Ability to add new tabs
- Ability to activate or deactivate each tab
- Simple drag-and-drop interface for moving smilies between different tabs
- AJAX database updating: when you drop a smilie onto a new tab, the database automatically updates for the change
- Simple drag-and-drop interface for changing the order of the tabs
- AJAX database updating: when you drop a tab into a new position in the list, the database automatically updates for the change
- Disabled tabs automatically drop to the end of the list
Fully Style-able
- Stylevars available so that you can customize the tabs to match each of your styles individually
- External CSS file available if you want to customize the look of the ACP configuration (not recommended, but available)
- Phrased to allow for customization for different languages
Additional Feature List (Pro)
General Settings
- Option to enable User "Favorite" tab
Configure Tabs
- Ability to assign usergroup viewing permissions to each tab
- From the User CP, a user will have the following options:
- Each user has the ability to create their own "Favorites" tab with smilies they use most often
- Uses the same drag-and-drop functionality as the ACP to place smilies into their tab
- Users can only pick from smilies that are not assigned to a tab, or assigned to a tab they have access to
- Ability to have a "Favorites" tab can be set on a per-usergroup basis
- Quantity of smilies in the "Favorites" tab can be set on a per-usergroup basis