[DBTech] DragonByte Shop

xF2 Add-on [DBTech] DragonByte Shop 6.7.0

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Update highlights

This version adds pagination for the inventory. Certain forums with a large number of purchased items could run into memory issues when viewing the inventory, which will be addressed by this update.

If you do not wish to use the pagination feature, you can set the new "Inventory items per page" to a very high number.

Complete Change Log

Change: Add pagination for inventory, in order to avoid memory issues
Update highlights

This version introduces too many features to highlight individually - see the change log for the full list.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Filter bar for Inventory pages
Feature: "Item type" filter for Overview and Category pages
Feature: Add display order as a valid sort option for item list
Feature: Filter on the Purchase page now searches all pages
Feature: Thread Highlight / Thread Title Style items can now be restricted from applying in certain forums
Feature: Free-form CSS support for the following item types: Post Background (Pre-Defined), Postbit Highlight (Pre-Defined), Post Style (Pre-Defined), Thread Highlight (Pre-Defined), Thread Title Style (Pre-Defined), Username Style (Pre-Defined), User Title Style (Pre-Defined)
Feature: "View your tickets" link on the lottery overview page
Feature: Front-end transaction log
Change: Reworked the installer to make it more manageable going forward
Change: Points columns are now stored with a hard cap of 8 decimals
Fix: Fixed an issue where certain transaction log entries would not display the item in the transaction log
Fix: Fix updating currency amount when the amount in question is a decimal number
Fix: Hidden items would not correctly take effect in certain scenarios
Fix: Fix username style and user title style reactivation when the Active setting is toggled
Update highlights

This version makes a minor update to when certain items take effect, and fix a bug with undeleting items via the front-end.

Complete Change Log

Change: Username Style and User Title Style items that are "hidden" should now take effect
Fix: Fix missing undelete method
Update highlights

This version changes the way currencies are displayed in the postbit and fixes a couple minor issues.

Complete Change Log

Change: Ensure currency display in the postbit is displayed inline
Fix: Fix an issue where an icon would not be resized if the proportions were too misaligned
Fix: Fix an issue with merging users
Update highlights

This version fixes a few issues discovered in the previous version, based on reports from our community.

Complete Change Log

Fix: If a user is deleted, the purchase records would not be cleaned correctly
Fix: Worked around a race condition where the points column was deleted
Update highlights

This version fixes an issue with attachments / IP logging / spam checker when submitting a new post.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fixed an issue where attachments would not be correctly associated when posting a post
Update highlights

This version aims to improve the performance on certain low-power servers, or servers with limited resources.

In previous versions, every time the forum interacted with a user's obtained items, such as displaying user names (for coloured user names) or permissions etc, certain files were being loaded from disk repeatedly, bypassing caches.

This was originally implemented because too aggressive a cache could result in users seeing other users' items when they went to view the configuration for their own items. However, this had the unfortunate downside of causing a rather significant slow-down if the server in question was running on a slow hard drive, or if it did not properly cache the actual physical files.

After some live testing, a happy middle-ground has been found, and performance on such servers should be greatly improved. It is unlikely you'll see major gains if your server was already running the Shop mod smoothly, but any optimisation is good optimisation!

Complete Change Log

Change: The default icon is now better aligned when showing bigger icons
Change: Apply a bit more permission caching
Fix: Fixed performance issues on certain low-power servers
Fix: When moving an item to a different category in the AdminCP, the list of available prefixes did not update
Update highlights

This version features an important change in which deactivated items will now also be discarded if its item settings say that the item should be discarded upon expiry. Previously, these items would have been left in the user's inventory.

Furthermore, a few issues with the new transaction log and the new "display in list" option has been resolved.

Lastly, the "Unique" and "Exclusive" flags are now more resilient when gifting or buying for another user.

Complete Change Log

Change: Items that are set to be discarded upon expiry will now be discarded even if the purchase has been deactivated
Fix: Lottery Prize transaction log was missing the lottery name
Fix: Lottery Prize transaction log was missing its value
Fix: Fixed Steal log entries showing 0 instead of the actual steal value
Fix: Add "!important" to user title style Bold so that the default XF styling does not override it
Fix: Unique/Exclusive checks for items in cart now correctly only applies to the currently purchasing user when not purchasing as a gift
Fix: Unique/Exclusive checks for items in cart now correctly checks the recipient's cart when determining whether they can receive the item
Fix: Moving categories would not immediately trigger a permission rebuild
Fix: Item permissions would not rebuild correctly when adding them via the front-end
Fix: Items not displayed in the list will no longer show up in the "New Items" widget
Fix: Items not displayed in the list will no longer show up in the "Top Items" widget
Update highlights

Welcome to the first Release Candidate version of DragonByte Shop v6.1.0

Version 6.1.0 represents a complete re-write of the product, making it more deeply integrated with XenForo 2.1, improving performance, and making bugfixes easier.

The Release Candidate label means that unless major bugs appear, the next version will be the Gold version.

Before we delve into the changes, let's get some things out of the way:
  • This version requires XenForo 2.1.0. It will not install on XenForo 2.0.x.

  • The "User shops" feature and surrounding item management in the front-end has been permanently removed from the add-on and will not be making a return.

  • If you are still running DragonByte Credits v5.0.x, you need to disable both DragonByte Credits and DragonByte Shop before upgrading both of them to the latest versions. Not doing so will cause your site to crash until you edit the config file to disable addons from running.

  • It is recommended you upgrade both this and DragonByte Credits via the new "Install from archive" feature in XenForo 2.1.0.

  • Please see this post: #213 for further upgrade notes.
With that out of the way, on to the changes!

This version has, quite frankly, way too many changes to delve into. I love you guys, gals and beautiful people in between, but I am not spending 5 hours writing out details for all the changes. There's ~50 of them!

I'll go through the new features and some of the changes, though!

This version features multiple changes to transactions and transaction logging, not all of which will be backwards compatible. Item transfers are now logged, and discarding an item now logs additional details about how it was discarded (automatically or manually, etc). Historical entries will not have the additional information, but new entries going forward will.

The list and grid view now have options to buy an item directly from the shop list, rather than having to go through the actual item page itself.

There's now an option to disable item icon scaling, if your icons are all the same size and should be displayed the same across the entire shop.

Lastly, it is now possible to change an item's configuration in the AdminCP.

The main changes to existing features in this version are; Improved the design of notification phrases (messages appear in quote BBCode), made AutoBump items able to work per-hour instead of only per-day, improved usability by adding error messages to the user explaining why they can't purchase or gift a particular item if they try.

Last but by no means least, 30+ bug fixes!

Complete Change Log

Feature: Discarding a purchase now logs additional information about why the purchase was discarded
Feature: Added "{tagline}" and "{description}" as phrase variables for various notification phrases
Feature: Pricing label is now a button in List view
Feature: Added purchase button in Grid view
Feature: Transfers are now logged in the transaction log
Feature: Ability to disable item icon scaling
Feature: Ability to change an item's configuration in the AdminCP
Change: Shop transactions inserted into DB Credits will no longer be "strikethrough" in the transaction log going forward
Change: Number boxes in the AdminCP now use the XF spinbox style
Change: Updated various notification phrases to put any custom messages in QUOTE tags
Change: Added various "_nomessage" phrases for notification phrases where this is relevant
Change: Updated "description" to "tagline" in a few phrases
Change: Standardise various spellings of "colo(u)r" to default to US English
Change: Attempting to add an item to cart that the user cannot purchase will now display an error message rather than silently discarding the item from the user's cart
Change: During purchase, attempting to gift an item that cannot be gifted will now display an error message rather than silently discarding the item from the user's cart
Change: Replaced date created / date updated with stock / purchases in List and Grid view
Change: AutoBump cron now runs every hour
Change: Changed the way user title styles are previewed
Fix: Adding a new purchase via the AdminCP would not work as intended
Fix: Fix content change integration
Fix: Fix missing bookmark template
Fix: Gift messages would not respect the forum's censoring
Fix: Transactions were not logged correctly if the currency was integrated with DragonByte Credits
Fix: The "Shadow" value in the various configuration notice phrases was wrong
Fix: Fixed an issue where the default admin config would not work as intended for certain item types
Fix: The "Custom Item" item type will no longer display empty blocks in configuration notices / gift conversations if there are no defined fields
Fix: When displaying the configuration list in a conversation, correctly say "not set" if the corresponding item setting is turned off, even if a configured value exists internally
Fix: Fixed server error when attempting to edit in the AdminCP a purchase for a non-configurable item
Fix: Fixed "{name}" showing up in the news feed instead of the user's name when a new review is written
Fix: Only display active item types in the User Criteria (such as trophies)
Fix: The "Start conversation on gift" option is now actually implemented
Fix: Bankable currencies are now more accurately filtered from the Bank page
Fix: Gift alert was not added when purchasing item as a gift
Fix: Users can no longer gift items to themselves
Fix: New Lottery History entries were not being inserted
Fix: Items that were activated during purchase should now take effect immediately, unless those items are only giftable
Fix: Fixed a template error with the news feed entry for an item review
Fix: Fixed a server error in the purchase settings page related to checking whether an item has been gifted
Fix: It is now possible to gift an item to another user during purchase even if the item is Exclusive or Unique, and the buyer would not be able to buy the item for themselves
Fix: The Unique and Exclusive flags are now checked for recipient users during gifting and trading
Fix: The correct user will now be charged for the purchase when gifting an item during purchase
Fix: Thread Highlight (Pre-Defined) was not loading the thread information into the configuration view template
Fix: User title style classes are now properly applied when running older versions of PHP
Fix: The news feed item, alert and push notifications for a reaction to a trade post would create a server error
Fix: Do not allow changing the quantity of Exclusive or Unique items during checkout
Fix: Fixed an issue where the "Forum statistics" cron would produce a server error if the latest valid user had purchased any item
Fix: Prevent a scenario in which it's possible for multiple copies of a unique item to be added to the cart
Fix: Gift and Trade events were not logged correctly in the transaction log
Fix: Fixed an issue where the configured color for the "User Title Style" would not show in the configuration information window
Fix: Fixed an issue where the "Preview" field would be empty for the two "User Title Style" item types if the user did not have a custom user title
Fix: The check for unique items now excludes items currently in cart. This means if you change the unique flag after an item is already in a user's cart, they will still be able to complete that particular order.
Update highlights

Welcome to the fourth Beta version of DragonByte Shop v6.1.0

Version 6.1.0 represents a complete re-write of the product, making it more deeply integrated with XenForo 2.1, improving performance, and making bugfixes easier.

The Beta label means all missing / planned functionality has now been added, and the system is now ready for more wide-scale testing.

Before we delve into the changes, let's get some things out of the way:
  • This version requires XenForo 2.1.0. It will not install on XenForo 2.0.x.

  • The "User shops" feature and surrounding item management in the front-end has been permanently removed from the add-on and will not be making a return.

  • If you are still running DragonByte Credits v5.0.x, you need to disable both DragonByte Credits and DragonByte Shop before upgrading both of them to the latest versions. Not doing so will cause your site to crash until you edit the config file to disable addons from running.

  • It is recommended you upgrade both this and DragonByte Credits via the new "Install from archive" feature in XenForo 2.1.0.

  • Please see this post: #213 for further upgrade notes.
With that out of the way, on to the changes!

This update fixes a few minor bugs, as well as fixing an issue where reviewing an item would produce a server error in the news feed due to a missing template.

Furthermore, it was possible for users to select more than the intended lottery numbers when buying a ticket, essentially making it impossible to lose a lottery. This has now been resolved, and tickets are now correctly restricted to selecting the correct amount of numbers.

Complete Change Log

Fix: Fix an issue where it was not possible to edit a user's currency in the AdminCP
Fix: The "Filter" drop-down will no longer produce a server error if no valid items were found
Fix: Added missing template
Fix: Fixed an issue where you could choose more than the intended amount of lottery numbers
Fix: Fixed an issue where uninstalling the add-on could leave some residual data
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