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Dark / Light Mode Automatic Toggle Switch / jsdmat

xF2 Template Modification Dark / Light Mode Automatic Toggle Switch / jsdmat 0.4.0

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  • Added capability to react and incorporate user-driven style changes including lock and release scenarios.
  • Added call method to accept user-driven toggle requests ("light to dark" and vice versa).
  • Rebuilt mandatory template modification sheet (PAGE_CONTAINER) to comply to new jsdmat object structure.
  • Added recommended template modification sheet (style_chooser) to be able to capture user-driven style changes.
  • Added optional public navigation entry example to offer a user-driven light-to-dark toggle switch.
  • Added check for page visibility to minimize race conditions and optimize behaviour when using multiple tabs.
  • New jsdmat object structure, no other global variables needed anymore.
  • Added ability to deal with inconsistent / older versions' local storage data.
  • Changed local storage parameters, new: lockId, lastLightId, lastDarkId, lastSystemId; discarded: lastId.

Task list for updating previous versions:
  1. Replace both jsdmat.js and jsdmat.min.js files.
  2. Replace (mandatory) template modification for (PAGE_CONTAINER) in all affected parent styles.
  3. Check if you re-entered your style_id combinations correctly in (PAGE_CONTAINER).
  4. Add (recommended) template modification for (style_chooser) in all affected parent styles.
  5. Add (optionally) public navigation entry for light-to-dark toggle switch according example.

XauxausaurusLatest member