CS-Cart Multi-Vendor

CS-Cart CS-Cart Multi-Vendor 4.15.2 Nulled

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[!] Add-ons: Product variations: Product bundles: Product code wasn’t shown on the product list in the admin panel. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: When paying with Google Pay, an order was not placed. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Warehouses: If you deleted the quantity of a product from all warehouses, then it was shown incorrectly on the product list page. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: It was not possible to place an order if surcharge was specified for the payment method or a gift certificate was applied. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Become a vendor: Language variable for email notification template was missing. Fixed.

[!] Multi-vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common products for vendors: If vendors was linked to the storefront, the common products were not shown on the storefront. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: RMA: Vendor plans: Commissions by category: Payouts were calculated incorrectly in some cases. Fixed.
Lately, many of the business owners who run CS-Cart Multi-Vendor marketplaces have been requesting an improved vendor panel. The goal was to make an easier experience for newer, less tech-savvy vendors, and encourage more of them to keep selling. That's what we've been working on.

Multi-Vendor 4.14.1 will come with a new vendor panel. We would love to hear what you think about it, so that we could improve it in the coming months, before the release of 4.14.1. We can't promise to include every suggestion though—it will largely depend on the complexity of the request, and on how many people are interested in certain functionality.

To keep things organized, this topic will be locked. Instead, we've prepared a single place where you can see what will change, try the new vendor panel for yourself, and share your thoughts.

New Features and Improvements​

[+] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: A map has been added to check the correctness of the API key on the add-on settings page.
[+] Add-ons: Mobile application: You can now select a ready-made color preset for your mobile application in the add-on settings.
[+] Add-ons: Product reviews: Product Variations: Now you can share reviews between variations shown as separate products on the storefront.
[+] Mobile application: Now if the storefront is closed, a message about the temporary closed store appears.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Marketplace name and order number have been added to the payments description.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Data premoderation: Vendors: Now administrators receive notifications about a new vendor when automatic account approval enabled.

Functionality Changes​

[*] Add-ons: Mobile application: The settings of the mobile application are now split into 2 tabs: the settings that require releasing a new version of the app, and the settings that can be changed on the fly.
[*] Mobile application: Two new product statuses were added: “Requires approval” and “Disapproved”.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: The settings interface has been updated.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Store setup wizard: The “Vendors” section was redesigned.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Storefronts: Languages: It is now impossible to select a default storefront language if it is not available for that storefront.

Bug Fixes​

[!] API: Shipments: There was no way to update existing shipment via API. Fixed.
[!] API: When the redirect to storefronts of another region was enabled, the API did not work correctly. Fixed
[!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: Images delimiter settings was hidden for CSV files. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: When products during import were skipped because of mismatch to the “Import strategy” setting, then these skipped products were not taken into account in the import report. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Call requests: The “Buy now with 1-click” button was shown on the product list if the product was out of stock and had options. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: E-mail marketing: There was an increased load on the server during mailing via the MailChimp service. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Gift certificates: The table with the list of gift certificates went beyond the page border if the “From” and “To” fields had long values. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Gift certificates: When viewing order details, the tax amount was shown incorrectly in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google sitemap: An error appeared while submitting the sitemap to Google. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Shipping cost on product pages was not affected by the rate areas. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: Notifications were not sent to the notification center if the old email templates editing mode was set. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: Some links did not work on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PDF Documents: For some languages in Safari browser PDF files were downloaded with incorrect encoding in name. Fixed
[!] Add-ons: Product reviews: With the “Show this tab in a popup window” checkbox enabled, the “With photo” checkbox broke the reviews popup. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: API: It was possible to create a variation group based on features with ineligible purposes. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Features: It was impossible to add new category to the feature with “Variations as one product” as a purpose if products had any category other than the feature’s one. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Switching between options and variations did not work in the quick view. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: When you clicked “Save” on the “Variations” tab, the product changes didn’t save. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: Blog: Pages with non-latin title didn’t open on the storefront. Fixed
[!] Add-ons: SEO: In some cases, when the “Show additional language in the URL” setting was enabled, the fields in the dialog boxes were in a language other than the selected one. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: Product features: Feature code may not affect JSON+LD microformat on the products pages. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: When creating a 301 redirect with the Custom type, slashes in the URL were automatically cut off. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: When using a hidden language, it was impossible to preview a product. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Social login: A PHP notice could appear on the homepage. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Social login: There were buttons for adding social networks to the profile on the registration page for an unauthorized users instead of buttons for social login. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Only 10 cities were shown on the storefront in the dropdown select field. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Suppliers: If the default country was not specified in the settings, then the State/Province field was not shown when creating a supplier. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Suppliers: Notifications: There were non-working settings for sending notifications in the add-on. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: The button to disable all add-ons did not work. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Warehouses [Beta]: Import: When importing a product with a quantity not for all warehouses, the total quantity of the product was calculated incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Orders: Some items weren’t shown in the context menu when viewed on a screen with a width less than 770px. Fixed.
[!] Administration: Logs: Wrong record type was shown in advanced search form. Fixed.
[!] Administration: Storage: An incorrect link to the AWS website was shown in the CDN settings. Fixed
[!] Bottom panel: A link to the admin panel could lead to a page inaccessible for users. Fixed.
[!] Cart: Product prices didn’t take into account promotions applied at “Cart content” block. Fixed.
[!] Cart: Promotions: Authorized customer couldn’t choose another product option from the promotion. Fixed.
[!] Categories: In some cases, deleting all categories didn’t create the “trash-category”. Fixed.
[!] Core: If a % sign was in the search request, then an error appeared during reloading the page with AJAX. Fixed.
[!] Core: Images: When the “lazy_thumbnails” tweak was enabled, image links could be incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Core: When using HTTP authentication, a PHP error could appear. Fixed.
[!] Design: Blocks: The list of blocks was not updated when deleting a block using a gear. Fixed.
[!] Design: Checkout: The phone number was displayed incorrectly in RTL languages. Fixed.
[!] Design: User groups: When changing the status of a user group, an incorrect option “Notify Customer” was displayed. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: If there were brackets in the name of a group of features, the features could be imported incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Layouts: Information about the new layout, copied from the main layout, could be misunderstood. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Downloadable products could be “Out of stock”. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Product cards were displayed incorrectly on some devices. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Scrolling did not work on some devices when viewing pages in the WebView. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Some texts were displayed in a wrong language. Fixed
[!] Mobile application: The app didn’t work on the first launch. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Accounting: The current vendor balance didn’t change after the administrator declined the payment. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Comments and reviews: Creation of the new vendor linked this vendor to the store’s testimonials, and in case this vendor was deleted, testimonials were deleted too. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Gift certificates: A “Gift certificate” bonus could be added to the cart promotion. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Google sitemap: The sitemap did not contain links to the vendors microstores. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Message center: Thread ID was not displayed on the order page. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Reward Points: Reward Points added incorrectly for orders with several products from different vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Switching between storefronts was available for add-ons that don’t support multiple storefronts. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Products created by the vendor in the mobile application were not affected by the add-on settings. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: Location selection didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: Product Filters: The necessary part of filter slider wasn’t highlighted. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: A new plan was not created on the edit/add vendor page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Exim: Product update via import was skipped if no categories were in the preset and the vendor plan had limitations by categories. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: It was impossible to hide the field with plans on the vendor registration page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Vendor commission could be calculated incorrectly if the tax calculation method was based on unit price. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Some links in the “Vendor plans” add-on were incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Currencies: The add-on settings ignored the chosen position of the currency symbol relative to the sum. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Advanced search: Vendors: If you slowly entered a vendor name, the field lost the focus. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Design: Pages: Content of the block with “Vendor Page” as filling didn’t update after switching to another vendor microstore. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Export/Import: Quantity discounts: There was an opportunity to create a user group by importing quantity discounts under the vendor’s account. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor: Promotions: Shipping methods: Vendor shipping methods were not available to the marketplace administrator in promotions. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Settings: Storefronts: Storefront settings were ignored and unchangeable, when storefront was the last one. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Store setup wizard: In some cases, the “Enable Inventory tracking” setting did not work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Users: Profiles: If customer country was not the default country, then the value of the custoner state/province was incorrect in the vendor panel. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Advanced products import: Common products for vendors: Vendor could create common products when import was made via common preset. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Exim: Import of the offers for common product by vendors was ignoring the “Import strategy” preset settings. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: The selection of common products in the vendor panel did not work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common products for Vendors: Vendors: Mobile application: Products of a vendor weren’t shown on his/her page, if all the products were created as variations of the common product. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: When a common product was sold by vendors, admin could still change its owner to one of the vendors, causing duplicate products to appear. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Accounting: Order changes were incorrectly shown in the payout information. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct customer-to-Vendor Payments: Customer’s cart was cleared when admin was logging in as this customer with the add-on enabled. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Items were not removed from the Wishlist. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Shipping total cost in the pop-up shipping calculation window did not change when choosing a different option. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Commissions by category: Errors appeared on the server when placing an order with zero price. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: Usergroups: When a vendor was created from a customer account, the vendor usergroup was not assigned to the vendor. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor Rating: The value of the “Manual vendor plan rating” field in the vendor plan settings was not saved. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace [Beta]: A notification about changing vendor plan appeared after a new vendor registered. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace [Beta]: When switch to another vendor plan included change in availability to the fulfillment, a notification about this did not appear properly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Products: Brands page could show brands unavailable on the current storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Themes: Templates: Cache: Sections added by blocks were not shown on one of the storefronts if the storefronts used different themes. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Orders: Storefronts: In some cases, splitting orders by storefronts didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Products: Compare: Empty “The product was added to your Comparison list” notification could be shown. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: Irrelevant warnings about unavailable feature appeared when moving a product to another category. Fixed.
[!] Products: Options: The option in the shared product was shown even if it was not available for the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Products: Out of stock notification was sent when the product status was ‘Disabled’ or “Hidden”. Fixed.
[!] Products: Products detailed description editor: The interface wasn’t fully translated into Russian. Fixed
[!] Profile fields: The “First name” and “Last name” fields were not taken into account when sending to an additional shipping address. Fixed.
[!] REST API: Products: Features: When updating some features via the API, the values of the features were not updated. Fixed.
[!] Settings: Storefronts: Companies: Storefront picker didn’t appear on some settings pages. Fixed
[!] Shipping methods: Disabled rate areas were not marked in the settings of shipping method. Fixed.
[!] Storefronts: Languages: If a language was disabled in the storefront, it could be unavailable on the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Storefronts: Languages: In some cases, the default storefront language could be unavailable for the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Storefronts: It was impossible to scroll the list of countries in CS-Cart Ultimate. Fixed.
[!] UI/UX: On iPhone, the page zoomed in after closing the dialog window in which the field was set to autofocus. Fixed.
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[!] Add-ons: Newsletters: The list of subscribers in the admin panel did not show the mailing lists that customers were subscribed to. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: Message center: If vendors did not have access to communication with customers, they also did not have access to communication with marketplace administration. Fixed.

New Features and Improvements​

[+] Add-ons: Pay360 payments: Payment method was added.
[+] Checkout: Shippings: Pickup points: Search by pickup points was improved.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Storefronts: Shipping methods: The storefront selection was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Storefronts: Payment methods: The storefront selection was added.
[+] Notifications: Now there is the link to the detailed page of the add-on that is required for the installation of the dependent add-on.

Functionality Changes​

[*] Add-ons: Mobile application: iOS: Sizes of images on the launch screen were updated.
[*] Checkout: The “State” field at checkout is not a required one if the selected country has no states.
[*] Core: Printing PDF documents moved to the separate add-on.
[*] Mobile application: iOS: Now the launch screen adjusts to the size of the device.
[*] Mobile application: Translations were added.
[*] Performance: JS: ce.commoninit events were optimized.
[*] Products: Product features: Product filters: Product options: Product feature groups: A lock for the selection of shared items that are not editable was added to the context menu.


[!] Add-ons: Advanced Products Import: PHP Notice was displayed when creating a preset for importing products. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Call requests: When the Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons were not displayed, the Buy now with 1-click button was not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google ReCAPTCHA: There was no recaptcha for the In-Stock Notification Subscription Form. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google Sitemap: Link to the storefront in the generated sitemap led to the incorrect path. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google sitemap: Links to localized versions of pages were added to the sitemap in an incorrect format or weren’t added at all. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and Geolocation: Downloadable products: The shipping cost block was displayed on the digital product page that did not require shipping. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: The size and content of the window for customer questions changed after adding an item to the cart. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Mobile app: There was no setting for the color of the product options borders. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Newsletters: A new customer could be automatically added to the list of subscribers. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product reviews: Product options chosen at the product details page on the storefront were displayed in the product reviews. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product reviews: An incorrect link for approving a new review was in the notification to the administrator. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RMA: In some cases information about the order after recalculation returned to the state before recalculation. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: The “Brand” field in the micro-markup of products was not determined by search engines. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: The storefront address generated from another storefront was incorrect when the “Show additional language in the URL” setting was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Settings: After saving the add-on settings, the user was redirected to the first tab. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SMS Notifications: There was no FROM setting required for the add-on to work correctly. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Sorting pick-up points by position did not work on the cart and checkout pages. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Warehouses [Beta]: The cache of the product filter block was formed incorrectly depending on the location of the customer. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Admin toolbar: The bottom panel overlapped some elements. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Languages: After the language switch, the description of the shipping method on the checkout page didn’t change. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Shipping time specified for the rate area was not displayed at checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: When the pick-up list did not have scrolling, the selected item was moved up in the list. Fixed.
[!] Context menu: There was a typo in the default hook name in the context menu template. Fixed.
[!] Core: AJAX: AJAX requests did not work on some web server configurations. Fixed.
[!] Core: Backup/Restore: Incorrect backup was created if there were views among the tables. Fixed.
[!] Design: Cache: Browsers could load old styles after store cache was cleared. Fixed.
[!] Design: Responsive: Tabs: If the page had many tabs, then they broke when the display was rotated. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: Import of csv files saved in UTF8 with BOM encoding did not work. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: Quantity discounts: Import of quantity discounts didn’t work for marketplace administrators. Fixed.
[!] Features: Colors: Color and Variant cells overlapped each other. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: The variation selection through Select box did not work on Android. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Advanced products import: The order of the preset fields could be different for administrator and vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Advanced products import: The value of the “Images delimiter” field could not be changed for import presets with XML files. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Product Variations: When creating a variation group for products that vendors can sell, the products being sold were not grouped into the variation groups. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Common products for vendors: Preview of common products could fail if the storefront was available only for some vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Message center: PHP TypeError appeared while sending a message from vendor to administrator. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Certain currency settings caused a checkout error. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: On the storefront, after resetting the address in the vendor search bar, the list of search predictions did not work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: The Vendor map block could not be placed on the page multiple times. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: The field “Location” was not cleared. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: The vendor created while the add-on was disabled could catch an error in his detailed page after the add-on activation. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Vendor notifications: When a usergroup of vendors was assigned as a receiver to the Orders notification events, notification about paid vendor debt was sent to all vendors from this usergroup. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Export/Import: When importing vendor logos, the value of the “Images directory” field was ignored. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor: Import: If the category name in the imported file was not in the language of the admin panel, in some cases this product wasn’t imported. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Notifications: Vendors: The notifications to vendor about his status change and adding the vendor’s administrator to the user group (or removing from it) contained the logos and information of this vendor instead of the marketplace data. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Storefronts: In some cases, the link to the storefront located at the admin toolbar led to another storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Storefronts: It was possible to delete the storefront that shares an object. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Usergroups: Privileges: An administrator with accounting management rights could not make a payout to the vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: WYSIWYG: The lists in the “Vendor information” block were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor panel: Admin toolbar: Vendor could not switch back to the vendor panel from the storefront if domains of the storefront and the vendor panel were different. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: The “Continue shopping” button at the cart page always led to the homepage of the store. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: The shipping promotion applied to products of the vendor without this promotion on the product details page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: If the status of the payment method was “View only”, the vendor had access to an inactive button for creating a payment method. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: If the status of the delivery method was “View only”, the test delivery calculation was not available to vendor and administrator. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: Order manager could not receive a e-mail notification. Fixed.
[!] Orders: If there were no orders, the guest saw an empty list. Fixed.
[!] Payments: Redsys: The order amount could be transferred incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Privileges: Orders: The description of the “Can create order” privilege was incorrect Fixed.
[!] Products: Filters: Filters were not shown on the product search page. Fixed.
[!] Products: PHP Notice were appeared when passing an incorrect sorting parameter. Fixed.
[!] Products: Product features: After editing product features, in some cases, the wrong value was exported. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: There was a warning due to a missing index on the profile fields page. Fixed.
[!] Settings wizard: Settings values were not saved. Fixed.
[!] Shipping methods: When adding weight conditions, the “per kg” option was applied to all variants. Fixed.
[!] Shipping methods: Package cost changed after adding free product to it. Fixed.
[!] Storefront: Settings: Companies: Incorrect data was shown in the company settings after the deletion of an additional storefront. Fixed.
[!] Storefronts: User groups: The user group table was displayed incorrectly in the customer profile. The bug was also in the mobile application. Fixed.
[!] Templates: There was no valid layout on the reviews page. Fixed.
[!] UI / UX: The link protocol in the message about disabled cookies was incorrect. Fixed.

New Features and Improvements​

[+] Add-ons: Add-on detailed page and add-ons list page were updated.
[+] Add-ons: Google export: If the field “Product availability” is used, then the quantity of products will be shown in the “in stock”, “out of stock”, “preorder” fields.
[+] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Yandex: The ability to choose shipping method in one pickup point was added.
[+] Add-ons: Message center: Now you can communicate with the customer about the order.
[+] Design: Menus: The new “Open in new window” field was added.
[+] Export: The “Product availability” field that allows to display the quantity of products in the “in stock”, “out of stock”, “on backorder” values was added.
[+] Mobile application: The ability to hide the desired fields on the vendor’s detail page was added.
[+] Mobile application: The ability to recover the password was added.
[+] Mobile application: Now you can update the main page by swiping down.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Order fulfillment: Add-on for creating marketplace shipping methods was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Delayed transfers of funds to vendors was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: The ability to select a vendor for a test calculation of the shipping cost was added in the admin panel.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Delayed transfers of funds to vendors were added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Notifications: Add-ons: Vendor Plans: Email notification to administrator about changed vendor plan was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Notifications: Add-ons: Vendor Plans: Information about fixed commission value was added in notification about changed vendor plan.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Store Setup wizard: Store Setup Wizard with basic store settings was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Storefronts: Privileges: Privileges for managing storefronts were added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Profile fields: The “Tax number” field was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Vendor data premoderation: Setting for approving new vendors was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Vendor Privileges: Different user groups for vendor admins depending on vendor plans were added.
[+] Security: The ability to display captcha on the user password recovery page was added.
[+] Security: When changing the password on an active device, the session is reset on other devices.
[+] Shipping methods: DHL: New supported shipping services were added.
[+] UI / UX: A context menu was added to the majority of the pages in the admin panel.

Functionality Changes​

[*] Add-ons: Attachments: Export/Import: When importing, the unavailability of the file by url now does not interrupt the import process. Information about unavailable files is displayed in a list.
[*] Add-ons: Buy together: Informative text about where to create a combination of products was added to the product edit page.
[*] Add-ons: Message Center: The appearance of the Message Center in the storefront was updated.
[*] Add-ons: Mobile App: The interactive settings interfaces were updated.
[*] Add-ons: Mobile application: Settings: Sidebar menu color settings were removed, a new color settings for bottom tabs were added, and the structure of downloaded settings was changed.
[*] Add-ons: Product reviews: Vendor rating: The “Vendor Rating” add-on, with the enabled “Product Reviews” add-on, now calculates the rating based on the average rating of product reviews.
[*] Add-ons: Product variations: Product variations were not displayed in the “Products” block in the storefront. Now, when filling the list of products “Manually”, all selected products are displayed on the storefront.
[*] Add-ons: Reward points: The earned points and price in points on the product level can now be configured to inherit any value from the add-on settings.
[*] Add-ons: Social login: The Yahoo provider was updated.
[*] Categories: The ability to delete a category through the category tree was added.
[*] Categories: The display of previously selected categories was added to the category tree.
[*] Core: Cache: Names of сompiled style and script assets don’t change after the cache cleanup if the number of add-ons and theme settings weren’t changed.
[*] Core: Geo IP: Improved country identification by IP address.
[*] Core: Javascript: Security: The jQuery UI library was updated to version 1.12.
[*] Design: Themes: Edit content on-site: Text editor has been redone.
[*] Mobile application: Now order statuses can be managed on the vendor admin panel.
[*] Mobile application: Now you can add a border for a product card.
[*] Mobile application: Product detail page was redesigned.
[*] Mobile application: Support for `DD/MM/YYYY` and `MM/DD/YYYY` date formats was added.
[*] Mobile application: The ability to apply promotions on the cart screen was added.
[*] Mobile application: The interface for choosing the desired product option or variation was improved.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: The popup when changing the storefront has been replaced with a contextual notification.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: The popup when changing the vendor plan has been replaced with a contextual notification.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Admin Panel: Separate links to the edit page of customer and vendor profile fields were added in the “Administration > Profile Fields” menu.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: The “Approve vendors in 2 steps” setting was removed. New vendors are immediately assigned an “Active” status.
[*] Payment methods: eNETS: Payment method was removed.
[*] Performance: JS: Admin panel: Scripts for Internet Explorer 11 support were removed.
[*] Products: Some product settings were moved from the product editing page to “Settings > General” and “Settings > Checkout”; they are now specified for all products. It’s up to you whether to make them editable for individual products.
[*] Products: The “Product details view” setting on the product level allows to inherit the value from a parent category or from “Settings > Appearance”.
[*] Settings: Security settings: Password settings are now applicable to the customer.
[*] Shipping methods: DHL: Integration was updated to the latest API version.
[*] Shipping methods: The order of the fields in the shipping settings was changed.
[*] UX / UI: Add-ons: Search was changed from logical “OR” to logical “AND”.
[*] UI / UX: The ability to have multiple context menus on one page was added.


[!] Add-ons: Add-on configuration functions were executed with incorrect value of setup parameter. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: The delete button was not available if the name of the field was long. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Buy together: Promotions: If the Buy together add-on was turned on, images of promotions disappeared.
[!] Add-ons: Call requests: Call request could produce a PHP Notice. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Call requests: The “Request callback” button was not displayed on the vendor page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Cities: Profiles: When creating an additional profile on the checkout page for the “City” field, there was no drop-down list of cities corresponding to the text entered by the user. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: CommerceML [Beta]: If an order had a discount for several units of a product, there was an incorrect order discount in the export. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: CommerceML [Beta]: Synchronization of orders worked incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Common products for vendors: On the vendor microstore page in the product filter block, the product feature variants by vendor product offers were not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: eBay synchronization: The button “Get eBay orders” was not in Gear Button on the orders list page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: eBay synchronization: When executing the “End eBay sales” action, the notification was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: GDPR: The checkbox could not be pressed when there was an error on the customer’s registration page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Gift Certificates: The gift certificate remained in the cart after purchase. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Gift Certificates: The notification that the gift certificate was not in the database appeared after applying the gift certificate. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Gift certificates: The notification about the absence of the entered code in the database was displayed when the coupon was applied. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google Analytics: There were incorrect names of some parameters in the request to the Google Analytics. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google reCAPTCHA: The “Update to all” button didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: An incorrect shipping price could appear sometimes on the product page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: GPS sensor data was not used on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Postal code with a space was truncated. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: The title was incorrectly displayed in the posting form. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: Pagination appeared only after page reload. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: The number of messages per page was determined by the administrator’s setting. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Order placement could fail if it contained products with long names. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Vendors from some countries couldn’t connect their PayPal account to the store. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal payments: Email notifications were not sent when an order was paid via Paypal Advanced. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal payments: The number of products in stock reduced twice when using PayPal-based payment methods. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal payments: The order could be placed without filling in the required fields when paying through PayPal Express Checkout. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal payments: PayPal Express Checkout: When using In-Context Checkout, the buyer’s data was not transferred to the account creation page. Исправлено.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Cart: When the value of the product variation was changed, the amount of the products in cart increased. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: In mobile mode, the currency symbol was displayed on a new line when viewing variations as a list. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Reward points: An error was displayed on the product page when using a comma in the settings of add-on conversion rate. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Reward points: Points were applied incorrectly if the “Consent for personal data processing (Russian Federal Law 152)” add-on was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Reward points: Refreshing cart page caused incorrect calculation of points if they paid more than 50% of the cost. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Reward points: The order was placed incorrectly with 100% payment in points. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Reward points: When calculating points and proceeding to checkout, the number of points awarded changed. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Russian localization — shipping service SDEK (cdek.ru): Maps and geolocation: Delivery time was not displayed on the product page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RMA: The “Attachment description” print was not available to vendors. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: 302 redirect was used instead of the 301 one when redirecting customers from the URL with the main language in it. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: If the “Show additional language in the URL” setting is enabled, the selected language may be reset to the “default” language on some pages. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Social login: Admin Panel: Social networks icons were not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Social login: Paypal test mode setting did not work correctly. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Step-by-step checkout [Deprecated]: Add-on settings couldn’t be opened by a link in the notification opened after add-on installation.
[!] Add-ons: Storefront REST API: Product had features with disabled “Show on the Features tab”. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Base shipping rate could not be set for rate area at ‘Pickup from store’ shipping method. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Maps and geolocation: Pickup method was not displayed on the product page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: When saving changes on the management page of Stores&pickup points, the list of rate areas in which these stores&pickup points were displayed was cleared. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: Order could be placed with the wrong total price if it was paid via Apple Pay from the product page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: Stripe connect payments: There was no field for entering the postal code when placing an order in the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Suppliers: Shipping methods: Vendors: Checkboxes of supplier selection in shipping method were available to vendors in common shipping method. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Third party add-on could be identified as core add-on in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Warehouses [Beta]: Exported product quantity value could be wrong. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Warehouses [Beta]: The amount of product to display and search in the admin panel could be calculated incorrectly in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Warehouses: The availability of products in warehouses was checked incorrectly, if the quantity in warehouses for the rate area was zero. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Wish list: Out of stock products couldn’t be added to the wish list in the mobile app. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Wish list: Products with zero price couldn’t be added to the wish list in the mobile app. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Design: Orders: When creating an order, unfilled required options were not highlighted. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Log in as vendor: Every 10th vendor missed in the vendors list. Fixed.
[!] Admin Panel: Product: Features: Options: Product options on the “Features” and “Options” tabs were displayed in the language of the admin panel, not in the language of the content. Fixed. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Quick start menu: Link “Structure and fields” in the “Checkout” section did not work. Fixed.
[!] Administration: Notifications: The products were misaligned on the invoices. Fixed.
[!] Backup: Mysqldump: When mysqldump is enabled and database host is entered with port, backup was not created. Fixed.
[!] Cache: The cache for “Product filters” block might not update after a product change. Fixed.
[!] Cart: It was not possible to change the amount of items in the cart when re-adding it there. Fixed.
[!] Cart block: Languages: When changing the language in the cart block, the name of the product did not change. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: In some cases, the free shipping promotion has been discarded. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: It was possible to place an order without recalculating delivery. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Languages: On the checkout page, the names of the delivery methods did not change when changing the language. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: The block of billing address could contain data from the shipping address, despite the presence of the billing address in the user profile. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: The cart of logged in customers was cleared when cancelling payment on the payment gateway site and returning to the store. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Profile fields: The E-mail field was not checked for dot presence in the domain name of the mail address. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Shipping rates were recalculated only after setting the focus in the city field. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: WYSIWYG: The description didn’t show the list markers on the checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: When switching between credit card payment method and back, an error occurred when placing an order. Fixed.
[!] Core: Backend: Products: Advanced search: Filters were cleared when deleting an item. Fixed.
[!] Core: Geo IP: An error could occur when identifying a country by IP address. Fixed.
[!] Core: Installation: The database connection password was truncated, if it contained a “$” symbol. Fixed.
[!] Core: When the store had too many images, some of them weren’t displayed after being added to the product. Fixed.
[!] Currencies: Live exchange rates: Javascript error occurred during loading exchange rates. Fixed.
[!] Dashboard: Javascript error occurred while loading sales statistics for admin panel in Greek. Fixed.
[!] Design: Admin panel: Minor bugs in styles were corrected.
[!] Design: Backend: If you hover the cursor over an element with an empty tooltip, the next element disappears. Fixed.
[!] Design: Blocks: Checkout: User-defined CSS class and content alignment were not applied to the “Checkout block (H2 heading)” block wrapper. Fixed.
[!] Design: Layouts: Blocks: The name of the block wasn’t displayed in the block settings pop-up. Fixed.
[!] Design: Logos: The logo was displayed incorrectly if the height of the logo was more than height of the bottom panel. Fixed.
[!] Design: Object picker: Some object pickers were not mobile-friendly. Fixed.
[!] Design: Order: The IPv6 address was truncated. Fixed.
[!] Design: Some tables were not mobile-friendly. Fixed.
[!] Design: Poll statistics was not mobile-friendly. Fixed.
[!] Design: Some setting pages were not mobile-friendly. Fixed.
[!] Design: The previewer image wasn’t full height. Fixed.
[!] Design: Theme Editor: Edit content on-site: If there was a variable in the language variable, then tags were displayed in the field when it was edited. Fixed.
[!] Design: Tooltips had incorrect positioning on the iPad. Fixed.
[!] Design: Update Center: The “Skip files and database backup” checkbox moved when clicked. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: If category was not specified in the import file, then the existing products were placed into the default category instead of keeping the existing category. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: In some places, the price was quoted without currency sign. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: It was impossible to create a product for the vendor. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: It was impossible to place an order for products with free shipping. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: It was impossible to register a user if the form had a date picker field. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: On Android banners were cut from the bottom. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Selected filters were duplicated. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Vendors could edit common fields for common products. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Advanced products import: File missing error message could appear when changing the preset owner. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Advanced products import: Images directory path was incorrectly shown for common presets. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Advanced products import: When vendor’s import preset was configured to set the quantity of all products to zero, it could affect other vendors if the marketplace administrator used the preset or scheduled it via CRON. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Payment Dependencies: A customer could not purchase products from different vendors if there were conflicting payment and shipping methods. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Gift certificates: Gift certificates couldn’t be bought via the PayPal Commerce Platform. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: If the required fields are not filled, the checkout page could not be scrolled. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Order couldn’t be placed when it had products with taxes not included into price. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: When paying a debt, a space could not be added to the address field. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Price List: Products from disabled vendors could be added to price list. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: The selected pickup point might not be saved after placing an order with products from several vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Checkout: Сredit card details were gone during auto-filling in Google Chrome. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: When connecting/disconnecting a vendor’s account, the custom fields of the vendor’s profile were cleared. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: When vendor account was unlinked from the store owner account in Stripe, vendor was still linked in the store. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Disapproval reason was not saved if the product was disapproved on the product detail page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Product Variations: When a variation’s status was changed to “Disapproved”, an incorrect pop-up appeared. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: If the vendor’s name contains quotes marks, then it was displayed incorrectly on the map. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Emails could present incorrect information about vendor plans with no limit on revenue. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Commissions by category: All existing vendor plans were shown at category detail page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Plans: In the storefront, the vendor detail page displayed the plan ID, not the plan name. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Notifications: The notification to the administrator about changed vendor plan was in the language of the vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Periodic payments for the vendor plan could be stopped in case the vendor had paid orders in the past period. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: The name of the plan in the payment notification was sent in the language of the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: When creating a product, the store administrator got a vague warning about unavailable category for the vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: The “Add State” button was displayed when the vendor did not have rights to create a region. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: It was possible to choose full access to “Rate areas” for the “Vendors” user group. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: The value entered in the refill field was not checked. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Incorrect calculation of the suspended vendors was made at the dashboard. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Payment surcharge was credited to the vendor account balance when refilling the balance. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Export/Import: Users: Some vendor’s administrator accounts could not be updated by import. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Export/Import: When importing a product without a “category” field, errors occurred. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: If an order contained downloadable and physical products from different vendors, the order was created incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Layouts: Storefronts: When manually filling in a block of products, it was possible to add products of a vendor who is not available on this storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Notifications: Vendor panel: The Notifications was blue. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Notifications: The email notification to administrator about the creation of a new vendor account didn’t show the first and last name of the vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Orders: Notifications: Vendor notification was in the wrong language when the orders were placed. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Privileges: A vendor could perform export/import of states. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Profile fields: The setting “Show on Storefront” of custom profile fields could change the default profile fields. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor plans: Commissions by category: Vendor commission was calculated incorrectly in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Comments and reviews: The value of the “Reviews” setting didn’t set by default during creating products and didn’t change for common products. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: The cart sync did not work correctly on different devices. Fixed.
[!] Multi-vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Only common payment methods were available to the vendor on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Payment Dependencies: When the add-ons worked together, customers saw the payment methods of the marketplace in addition to the vendor’s payment methods at checkout. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Promotions: The Promotions page displays promotions from a vendor that does not have access to this storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Promotions: Vendors: The page with promotions list had incorrect links to vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Vendor could select shipping method from other vendors for free shipping promotion bonus. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: The notification about the imminent suspension of the account could have come to the vendor in a language other than his/hers. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Wish list: Direct customer-to-vendor payments: Wish list wasn’t compatible with the Direct customer-to-vendor payments in the mobile app. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Payment methods: User groups were available in vendor payment methods. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: Block ‘Closest Vendors’ could contain vendors, unavailable on current storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Storefronts: Storefront switcher at vendor’s panel could present incorrect amount of storefronts. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: Notifications about orders could contain wrong links and visual templates. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: The notification that the item could not be added to the cart didn’t close. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Errors occurred when adding an item to an order with a promotion applied. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Texts and languages: Wrong translations of language variables could be used in order notifications. Fixed.
[!] Orders: When adding a product with a zero price, the price of the product did not change. Fixed.
[!] Order management: The minimum order quantity was not taken into account when creating an order. Fixed.
[!] Payment methods: Intuit Merchant Services (QuickBooks Payments): Configuration instructions were unclear. Fixed.
[!] Payment methods: SagePay Direct: Payment method wasn’t working. Fixed.
[!] Performance: JS: Window resizing and ajax requests had a negative performance impact. Fixed.
[!] Product features: Only the last variant of the “Multiple checkboxes” feature style was saved. Fixed.
[!] Product filters: Performance: Product filters page could load slowly when there were many product features in the store. Fixed.
[!] Products manage: If the product amount was negative, then after changing the value of “Out of stock actions” setting with “Buy in advance” to “None”, the product became unavailable for purchase. Fixed.
[!] Products: Categories: Subcategories were incorrectly displayed on the product edit page. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: Variants in which the word partially coincided with the previous variants disappeared. Backspace removed all options with one click. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: When switching pagination, the ability to add a new feature value on the product editing page was lost. Fixed.
[!] Products: Filters: Filters by product fields “In stock” and “Free Shipping” were displayed for empty categories. Fixed.
[!] Products: Filters: When changing filters in the storefront, the filter on the category page disappeared only after the cache cleanup. Fixed
[!] Products: Images: The image was added as many times as the save button was pressed. Fixed.
[!] Products: During bulk editing products, images were loaded incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Products: In some cases, the short description might not be displayed in storefront. Fixed.
[!] Products: The block in the product description disappeared when the page was reloaded. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: System required profile fields could be disabled. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: The value of the “Billing and shipping addresses are the same” setting on the profile management page was displayed incorrectly if the billing and shipping addresses had different values. Fixed.
[!] Promotions: Errors occurred when adding conditions by product features. Fixed.
[!] Promotions: If a product had a required option of a “Text” or “Text area” type, you couldn’t add the product to the conditions of a promotion without setting a value for that option. Fixed.
[!] Shipping methods: It was impossible to specify more than 2 decimal places for Weight conditions—fixed. Now there are 2 decimal places for the price conditions, 3—for the weight, and integers—for the item conditions. The search by weight with 3 decimal places did not work. Fixed.
[!] Shipping methods: The rate conditions were displayed in the wrong order. Fixed.
[!] Shipping&taxes: States: The field with the name of the state was active in the vendor panel. Fixed.
[!] Storefronts: Currencies: Unsupported currencies could be displayed on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Storefronts: The storefront switch was displayed on the Newsletters pages, Subscribers and States Import/Export pages. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Administrators: Usergroups: The administrator remained linked to user groups after becoming the root administrator of the storefront. Fixed.
[!] UX / UI: Add-ons: The add-ons page was flashing while loading. Fixed.
[!] Vendors: Profile fields: The description was displayed in two places: in the vendors information, and in the description tab. Fixed.
[!] Vendors: The approve / disapprove buttons didn’t work in the mobile version on the vendors list page. Fixed.
[!] WYSIWYG: Design: Blocks: Some product blocks couldn’t be inserted into WYSIWYG editor. Fixed.
[!] WYSIWYG: If the “All storefronts” mode was selected, then adding a block did not work for page editing. Fixed.
[!] Product features: Database error occurred when the filter type for feature was changed to “Number slider” and if the table prefix in the database was changed to something different from the default prefix. Fixed.
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