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CS-Cart Multi-Vendor

CS-Cart CS-Cart Multi-Vendor 4.15.2 Nulled

No permission to download

New Features and Improvements​

[+] Add-ons: GDPR Compliance (EU): A link to the Cookie consent texts editing page was added to the add-on settings.
[+] Add-ons: Product Bundles: The ability to select the location of the block with product bundle was added.
[+] Add-ons: RMA: Import: The ability to import the product return parameters was added.
[+] Add-ons: RMA: The ability to set the default add-on settings was added.
[+] Core: The mcrypt polyfill package was added for some payments that use mcrypt.
[+] Design: Menus: Quick links: Highlighting of active menu item was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Email notification about new products on moderation was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: Yandex.Maps support was added.
[+] Products: Performance: Lazy load of feature variants on the bulk product editing page was added.
[+] Products: The restriction on entering letters in the product quantity field was added.
[+] Search: If the form has the “cm-disable-empty-all” meta class, then empty fields will not be sent to the server.

Functionality Changes​

[*] Add-ons: Product reviews: Message Center: Comments and reviews: Design: The “h3” tag in the user login modal was replaced with a “div” tag.
[*] Design: Fonts: The display of system fonts on Ubuntu was improved.
[*] Design: The storefront status change is now recalculated automatically.
[*] Export/Import: The color of the notification of successful import without missing items was changed.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Advanced products import: CRON command display was added to the admin panel for presets created by vendors.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Connect onboarding has been added to the vendors connection system.
[*] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: “Add to comparison list” button was added to common products.
[*] Order management: Profile and payment fields are no longer required on the order editing page in the admin panel.
[*] Shippings: Temando: Temando shipping services were removed.

Bug Fixes​

[!] API: Products: GET request to the products entity could return more decimal places in the price value than it was specified in the currency settings. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: Images were not imported from the default image directory. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Blog: Opening non-existent pages in pagination displayed the contents of the last available page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Catalog mode: Product bundles: In the catalog store operation mode, the “Add all to cart” button was displayed in product bundles. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Comments and Reviews: Notifications: Item about new product reviews was displayed in the notification section of the add-on when the “Product reviews” add-on was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Data feeds: Adding new fields replaced existing ones. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google Analytics: GDPR Compliance (EU): The statistics of visits were not tracked when the GDPR add-on was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google Sitemap: The link to the sitemap was missing in the settings of the add-on in case the store has only one storefront. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Import from shopify: Extra product images were imported incorreclty. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Landing pages from Tilda: Extra text was displayed at the end of Tilda page content. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Landing pages from Tilda: Website page content was displayed on other pages. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: On the order detail page, the view toggle was overlaying the search. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Customer location could prevent from placing order if the country was disabled in admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Incorrect text could dispalyed in the block with buyer’s location. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Preliminary shipping calculation could cause a notification on the storefront about the required minimum quantity of products to buy. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Shipping estimation block could rewrite product page title. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Shipping estimation was working incorrectly with cart promotions on product page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: Threads with deleted products caused PHP notices. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: The order of products in the cart could change when a different variation was selected in the cart. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: When the purpose of the feature was changed, the sequence of features in the group did not change. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: It was possible to choose features for variations from bundle created as separate products. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Multiple items of same product with any options combinations available were not split by one on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Name of variation, which was added to bundle during creation, could be confusing. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Product Variations: Discount could be calculated incorrectly for some product combinations in the bundle. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Taxed price for bundle and products in it was not shown on the storefront even if settings required that. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product reviews: Exim: Line breaks in product reviews disappeared. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product reviews: GDPR Compliance (EU): The language variable was missing on customer details page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product variations: Product bundles: Product with zero amount could not be purchased even if the “Allow negative amount in the inventory” setting was turned on. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product variations: Product features with the “Images” feature style did not work correctly when the “Allow negative amount in inventory” setting was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RMA: Gift certificates: A gift certificate was created incorrectly in stores with one storefront. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RMA: Languages: The title of the search field and the return button used the same language variable. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RMA: Reward Points: Order total was calculated incorrectly after the refund of the order partially paid with reward points. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Reward points: In some cases, switching from the admin panel to the storefront caused an error. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: Redirection from the old SEO name was performed with the non-permanent status. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: Redirects from URL containing uppercase letters were not performed. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: There was no redirect from different product URLs when the “Use single URL for all languages” was active in the add-on settings. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Social buttons: GDPR: Social buttons were not displayed on product page with the “Cookie consent” setting turned off. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Social login: Log in from the product page was redirecting user to the home page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Store could not have more than 88 rate areas. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Wishlist: An error appeared when clearing the wish list. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Design: In some cases, the link to the storefront located at the admin toolbar led to another storefront. Fixed.
[!] Cart: A product was not removed from the cart if its quantity was zero. Fixed.
[!] Context menu: The table was shifting when the context menu was displayed. Fixed.
[!] Core: Add-ons: Manual installation of the add-ons could be performed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Core: JS: CORS error could break correct work of admin panel when using iframe. Fixed.
[!] Core: Sessions: Sessions could be stored longer than the configured time. Fixed.
[!] Design: Administration panel: Admin menu items were not selectable on low height screens. Fixed.
[!] Design: Filters: Large prices in the filter block was overflowed. Fixed.
[!] Design: Layouts: Blocks: An error occurred while editing content in the shipping methods block. Fixed.
[!] Design: Layouts: With multiple layouts, the cancel button in the properties popup did not work. Fixed.
[!] Design: Menu: Drop-down menu items could be displayed outside the page. Fixed.
[!] Design: Popups: If you close the popup while executing the AJAX-request, then an error could occur. Fixed.
[!] Exim: Product features: Features with the “Date selection” filter type was exported with an empty value. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: Feature variants could be imported incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Marketing: Promotions: When creating a new promotion with product feature in the condition, the selected feature variants disappeared after saving. Fixed.
[!] Mobile App: Block with products scrolled for the last product in the block. Fixed.
[!] Mobile App: Stores and pickup points: Pickup points were not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Mobile App: The Track Inventory setting didn’t work in the app. Fixed.
[!] Mobile app: Address changes were not taken into account when calculating shipping costs. Fixed.
[!] Mobile app: Login through Google redirected to the mobile version of the site. Fixed.
[!] Mobile app: Orders: An error appeared when going to the orders page in the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Loaded product images were displayed in different size. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Multiline inputs didn’t work correctly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: API: Vendors: An error occurred while creating vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: On the credit card payment form, the “Ship To Billing Address” checkbox was displayed. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Stripe Connect payments: A PHP error occurred on the order details page in PHP 8.0. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: If the number of decimal places in the currency settings was not two, incorrect amount was sent to Stripe. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations [Beta]: Vendors were displayed incorrectly on the map when switching pages. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor locations: Google Maps display settings did not work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: “Marketplace fees” product could be modified by administrator when add-on was turned off. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Marketplace fees could be taxed even if taxes for it were turned off at addon’s settings. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: There were Currency and Language extra elements in the menu. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Admin panel: Dashboard: Income value for selected period of 1 day could be incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Export/Import: Vendors: Products: Default shipping methods were not taken into account when creating vendor by import. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Order management: An error was displayed when creating an order with products from different vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors profile fields: When updating the vendor, the data in custom profile fields could by overwritten. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Call requests: Buy now with 1-click button for the vendor’s product product offer didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Adding a product offer to cart did not refresh cart data after option change. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Design: The list price was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Filters: Filter by vendor products worked incorrectly with pagination. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Layouts: Changes in a layout of a common product did not apply to product offers. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Out of stock products were not added to the cart when the pre-order setting was active. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Product offers were available in the advanced products search. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Product options: Vendor offers were added to cart with incorrect option variants. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Shipping properties weren’t saved for product offers. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: The “Add to cart” button didn’t work for common products in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Vendor locations: Filters: Common products were hidden in the filter by vendor location results. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Wish list: Product options: When choosing a product option the “Add to wish list” button was duplicated for product offers. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Product with required option as file could not be added to the cart. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Storefronts were not taken into account when calculating common product quantity. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Product variations: Storefronts were not taken into account when calculating variation as common product quantity. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: Delivery became free if credit card was rejected. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: The choice of shipping was not displayed when creating an order from the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: Vendor plans: A PHP Notice was happened when updating vendor plan if they had not assigned plan before. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Common Products for Vendors: When the “Allow negative amount in inventory” setting was enabled, it was possible to order a common product from any rate area regardless of its availability. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: Product files had incorrect download links in emails if store was using HTTPS protocol. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Abandoned / Live carts: A product search displayed only abandoned carts containing all the selected products. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Cart: Products in one of the cart and order related variables stored customer’s password hash. Fixed
[!] Orders: Sales reports: A balloon with a long product name did not fit on the screen. Fixed.
[!] Payments: Stripe: When choosing another product variant on the storefront, the Google Play and Apple Pay buttons disappeared on the product page. Fixed.
[!] Product filters: When there were two identical blocks with filters on the page, only the first one was working. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: An administrator couldn’t add variants to an existing feature in a popup. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: Feature fields were displayed incorrectly if a long feature value was selected on the product editing page. Fixed.
[!] Products: Quantity discounts: Percentage discounts could not be non-integral. Fixed.
[!] Products: Subscribers: Back in stock notification could have been sent by mistake. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: A space could be used for required fields. Fixed.
[!] Promotions: The “Any option combinations” setting was not applied for the second condition “Products in the list”. Fixed.
[!] RTL: Currencies: Negative prices were displayed incorrectly in emails. Fixed.
[!] Shippings: Australia post: Integration used deprecated tracking link. Fixed.
[!] States: There were missing states for Ireland and the United Kingdom. Fixed.
[!] Taxes: Orders: In some cases, when editing an order in the admin panel, the delivery tax was not calculated. Fixed.
[!] Theme editor: Google fonts might not apply to the non Latin characters. Fixed.
[!] UI/UX: When switching to other tabs, the context menu remained and worked incorrectly on the search results page. Fixed.
[!] UI/UX: Deleting images did not work correctly. Fixed.
[!] UI/UX: Product filters: Collapsed filters were expanded after page reload. Fixed.
[!] UI/UX: Product filters: When user selected a filter option at the end of the list, the scroll position was reset to the top of the list. Fixed.
[!] UI/UX: The main menu was broken to a new line on small screens. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Orders with products that got options couldn’t be placed. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Sessions: Cart: Cart of the storefront could be emptied when working with multiple storefronts. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Storefronts: Currencies: Currency exchange rates were reset after creating new storefront. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Storefronts: Email notifications: Notifications about product’s low stock could be sent from company’s email of one storefront. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Storefronts: Usergroups: Privileges: A user from a group with full access to storefronts got a PHP error on the storefront list. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Categories: Shippings: Storefronts: After saving changes to the list of categories or shipping methods, all the categories or shipping methods no longer belonged to storefronts. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: SEO: Storefronts: Saving product in “All storefronts” mode was reseting its SEO name. Fixed.


[!] Export/Import: Product import could cause a database error. Fixed.
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Reactions: mitrakovvv
[!] Add-ons: PayPal payments: Taxes: If in the admin panel the tax calculation was set to the unit price and price didn’t include tax, then the order amount didn’t include tax while paying via PayPal. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Price per unit: It was impossible to export/import the “Unit name” field. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Stripe Connect payments: A PHP error occurred on the order details page. Fixed.

[!] Order management: The product discount was applied every time the order was changed. Fixed.

[!] Products: Features: Administrator couldn’t add variants to an existing feature in a popup. Fixed.
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Reactions: mitrakovvv

New Features and Improvements​

[+] Add-ons: Advanced products import: The ability to use archives with images was added.
[+] Add-ons: Advanced products import: The ability to download an example of an import preset was added.
[+] Add-ons: GDPR Compliance (EU): Request and fixation of consent to the individual cookie setting were added.
[+] Add-ons: Integration with Zapier was added.
[+] Add-ons: Import from Shopify: A new add-on for importing products from Shopify was added.
[+] Add-ons: Price per unit add-on, that allows you to show price per milliliter, gram, etc., as required by EU regulations, was added.
[+] Add-ons: Product Variations: The setting to make all variations in a group count as one product for quantity discount calculation was added.
[+] Add-ons: Product reviews: The ability to import and export product reviews in the admin panel was added.
[+] API: The ability to create products without passing the category was added.
[+] API: The ability to return product description on the product list was added.
[+] Design: The ability to load svg images for logos was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Products: Display of changed product fields was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Privileges: Privilege to merge vendors was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: Privileges: Privilege for managing user groups with the “Vendor” type was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Information about each vendor shipping was added to the product page.
[+] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: The ability to designate a storefront that is accessible to administrators was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Products return to the warehouses they were taken from.
[+] Privileges: Privileges for managing user groups with the “Administrator” type and for using advanced HTML in the content were added.

Functionality Changes​

[*] Add-ons: Suppliers: Add-on marked as deprecated.
[*] Add-ons: Access restrictions: IPv6 support was added.
[*] Add-ons: Product bundles: Layout for SEO requirements was optimized.
[*] Admin panel: Payment methods: The order of the fields was changed.
[*] Core: Minimal PHP version requirement bumped from 5.6.0 to 7.1.0, PHP 8.0 support was added.
[*] Core: The Smarty library was updated to version 4.1.0
[*] Phone mask: A new mask for Indonesia was added, and the list of phone masks was updated.
[*] Products: Features: Options: The button for more convenient variant addition when editing a feature or option appeared.
[*] Profile fields: Phone: Phone autofill was disabled for Safari browser because it was not working correctly.
[*] Storefronts: Currencies: The ability to change the default storefront currency was added.

Bug Fixes​

[!] Add-ons: Access restrictions: IP address was not blocked when authorizing through a pop-up window. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: If there are several CDATA tags in one XML node, only the last tag was taken into account. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: It was impossible to upload some files for the import from the remote servers. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Advanced products import: The value of the “Images delimiter” field did not change when importing XML files. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Call requests: After clicking on the “Buy now with 1-click” button, the order was not created. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Hook handlers in add-ons using add-on schema v4 could be called incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Landing pages from Tilda: Сontent of Tilda page might not be displayed on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Shipping cost could not be estimated for products with mandatory file type options. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Message center: Links in the first message of the dialog were displayed as text. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Bundle could be hidden because of insufficiency of product even if this product inventory was not tracked. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The description of the bundle was not saved if the field value was empty when saving. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Bundles: Bundle was displayed at storefront even after the end of accessibility period. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Discount could not be applied if product had zero price and mandatory pay options. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Out of stock variations could be hidden on the storefront when “Show all possible feature variants” setting was active. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Promotions: Variation product could not be discounted as promotion bonus in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Features: Product variations could be created based on a feature that is not available for the product category. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Options: Unavailable combinations of options were not applied to child variations. Fixed
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: With numerous features, the variation list was overflowed. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RMA: Unauthorized customer could not see created return requests. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RetailCRM: Suppliers: Shipping methods were duplicated when syncing orders with products from suppliers. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: Storefront: When storefront’s URL was specified with port, all SEO links on the storefront could not work. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: The title on the category page was not updated when going to a new page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Social buttons: Social buttons were sometimes not displayed on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: PHP notice appeared if the rate area for all countries was disabled. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: Sometimes when paying for Google or Apple Pay, money was debited and the order was not created. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: Stripe Connect payments: When entering an incorrect card number, the checkout page could freeze. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Wish List: The list of pending products on several devices was not synchronized when deleting products from the list. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Watermarks: Watermark could be applied to a logo if the image of the product and the logo had the same title. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: If an administrator was logged in via the storefront, then when going to the admin panel through via the bottom toolbar, this administrator had to re-enter the username and password. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Bottom toolbar: There was an incorrect redirect to the storefront from the product list page and category update page. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Customers: Search: An error occurred when entering text data without numbers when searching by phone number. Fixed.
[!] API: Orders: When creating an order with a product with disabled options, the values of the options were included in the order. Fixed.
[!] Block manager: Due to an incorrect redirect_url in the blocks that were embedded in the page content, the remaining blocks were not updated. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: It was possible to place an order without paying for delivery. Fixed.
[!] Context menu: In the context menu, the percentage price calculation was incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Design: Languages: Language icons without a dropdown list were not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Design: Layouts: If the wrapper had a form, then block forms didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Design: Layouts: Some blocks in layout sections could have wrong width. Fixed.
[!] Design: Mobile view: Product image gallery in the “The Big picture” template and preloader icon on the checkout page were not centered on the screen. Fixed.
[!] Design: Product Filters: The price slider in product filters was displayed incorrectly in RTL languages. Fixed.
[!] Design: RTL: Some icons may not display correctly. Fixed.
[!] Document Editor: The translation of the snippet name was not displayed in the documents. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: The “Set quantity of all products to zero” option did not work. Fixed.
[!] File Editor: In CS-Cart most of the files were not available in the File editor. Fixed
[!] Hooks: The “orders:list_extra_links” hook was duplicated on the storefront list page. Fixed.
[!] Languages: Product features: Information about categories was displayed in the language selected for the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Home screen was blank on startup. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: The language variable was not updated after the upgrade. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Search worked in limited mode. Fixed.
[!] Mobile pplication: Add-ons: Product reviews: Admin comments were not displayed on the product page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Advanced products import: Vendor data premoderation: Existing product could be put on moderation as the new ones after import. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Maps and geolocation: When previewing product on moderation, PHP error notices were displayed. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premodetation: Product after first disapproving could never be sent to moderation again if approval of product info updates wasn’t required. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: Menu items with language and currency selection did not work on mobile devices in the vendor panel menu. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Vendors could choose a plan that was not available to them. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Vendor created in the admin panel wasn’t assigned to the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: In some cases, the text for the vendor plans was overflowing. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: The language in which the auto-comment was created was taken from the default language, instead of the language from the company settings. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Sometimes when paying with a card with 3-D Secure enabled, money was debited and the order was not created. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: When 3-D Secure was enabled, the marketplace fee was calculated incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Design: Vendors: The width of the first column was incorrect on the vendor list page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Features: Vendors could see the “Save” button when viewing common features. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Features: Vendors could see the “Remove” button for categories of common features. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Categories: An error could occur when a category ID that does not exist in the store was entered in the address bar. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: If a vendor logged in via the storefront, then when going to the vendor panel via the “Admin panel” button in the account pop-up window, this vendor had to re-enter the username and password. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Orders: The order could be considered paid before the payment process began. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Promotions: Promotion with specified product in the condition could stop applying to cart after updating. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: All product variations were added to the wish list instead of a single variation. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: The product was incorrectly added to the cart with the “Track inventory” setting disabled and “Buy a default common product” enabled. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: The “Add to cart” button in some cases didn’t work for best offer. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: There could be errors on the storefront with disabled vendor offers. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Values of features for common product and vendor offers wasn’t shown in the vendor panel. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: In the HTML code of the “And other offers” link, the attribute was not replaced by a value and remained in the product detail page code. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Offers of common products were available for choosing in manually product block although they were not displayed in this block on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Bestsellers & On-Sale Products: Products were not displayed in the “Bestsellers” block and on the page with bestsellers. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common products: Filters: Common products were hidden in the filter by vendor results. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Vendor catalog promotion could be applied to other vendor’s products. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: Stores and pickup points: Stores could not be seen on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: Emails: The logo was not clickable. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Order statuses: The invoice and credit notification numbers were not displayed on the order list page. Fixed.
[!] Payment methods: The database request was made incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: When saving a feature with variants, the redirect returned to the page of the current feature. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: A variant of another feature was added to the product. Fixed.
[!] Products: Filters: Some filters created via the context menu in the list of features were not displayed on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Products: Options: Notification of unsaved data was not displayed when adding options. Fixed.
[!] Products: Out of stock: When changing the “Out of stock” option the quantity of goods was reset to zero. Fixed.
[!] Products: The alert about unsaved changes was not displayed when reloading the page after creating a feature on the product editing page. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: An error appeared when uploading files to the profile. Fixed.
[!] Profiles: Selecting the year of birth worked incorrectly on the profile editing page on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Promotions: When creating a promotion with a condition on a product with the selected options, a PHP notice occurred. Fixed.
[!] Rate areas: The disabled regions remained available for setting rate areas. Fixed.
[!] RTL: Currencies: Displaying the amount after the currency did not work. Fixed.
[!] RTL: Notifications: E-mail: The phone number was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Taxes: Tax exempt status didn’t affect taxes included into price. Fixed.
[!] Taxes: Tax amount was included into product subtotal and order shipping fixed cost when using unit price based tax calculation method. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Product Variations: Product amount was saved incorrectly for variation products. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Store or warehouses could not have more than 88 shipping destination areas. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Storefronts: In some cases, the storefront selection was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Storefronts: Currencies: Languages: Storefront could be created without active currencies and languages. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Storefronts: With an extended search for storefronts, unnecessary pagination appeared. Fixed.
[!] User groups: Filters: Administrators with the “View only” privilege for filters could see the “Remove” button for filter categories. Fixed.
[!] Users: Add-ons: The storefront administrator could change the status of the add-on, delete and install the addon. Fixed.
[!] Users: Profiles: It was not possible to make the “State” field mandatory during checkout or profile update/registration. Fixed.
[!] API: Filters: Database error displayed on a GET request. Fixed.

[!] API: Shipments: When order had more than one shipment, data of the shipment could not be changed via API. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Mobile application: Pages were displayed incorrectly in different languages. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Mobile application: Splash image was not shown in full screen on Android. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Mobile application: Mobile application promotion banner was displayed when viewing store pages in the mobile application. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Newsletters: Subscribers: The Language and Period fields were missing in the advanced search. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product Bundles: There were problems when creating a product bundle with variation choice. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Adding products to a bundle did not work correctly in some cases. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: After adding product bundle to the cart, the popup for selecting product options did not open. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Formatting of the product bundle description was not saved. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: If option had a price modifier, then selecting this option for a product from bundle did not work correctly. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: It was impossible to create product bundle with mixed values of “Any option combinations” and “Any variation”. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The “Track inventory” setting did not affect the display of product bundle. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The button to remove the product from the bundle was displayed if there were “View only” rights. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The heading “Active bundles” was not aligned on the Promotions page. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The image of the variation did not change when changing features. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The selected option value was not applied to the product from bundle. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: When the Product Variations add-on was disabled, it was impossible to add product bundle to the cart. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: When the add-on was disabled, product bundles were shown on the promotions page. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: If the Product reviews add-on was installed, but the Comments and reviews was disabled, an error occurred when changing the default variation. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Exim: In some cases, when the “Change default variation when it gets hidden or runs out of stock” setting was enabled, the default variation did not change if its quantity in the imported file was equal to zero. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: With the “Change default variation when it gets hidden or runs out of stock” setting enabled, it was possible to assign a default variation if it was out of stock. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Refresh button could be available when it should not be. Fixed.

[!] Add-ons: Tags: Notification about unsaved changes did not appear. Fixed.

[!] Admin panel: Context menu: Text of the drop-down menu for changing status changed on different pages. Fixed.

[!] Admin panel: Design: On mobile, the page title was not displayed if the storefront was closed. Fixed.

[!] Admin panel: Design: The class attribute had a duplicate on the password change page. Fixed.

[!] Categories: Bulk editition: Some categories couldn’t be selected when adding categories in bulk. Fixed.

[!] Checkout: Data from billing fields was reset after the delivery address was changed. Fixed.

[!] Checkout: Downloadable products: It was impossible to checkout if the cart contained only digital products and the “Show unavailable shippings” setting was enabled. Fixed.

[!] Checkout: If there were no active payment methods, PHP notices were displayed when trying to go to checkout. Fixed.

[!] Core: Templates: Hooks: Hooks located in folders created as symbolic link to other folders didn’t work. Fixed.

[!] Core: The ‘Registry::ifGet’ method was always returning the value of the $default parameter in case when original value was false or 0. Fixed.

[!] Design: Backend: The “No data found” messages were in different styles. Fixed.

[!] Design: Layouts: On iOS 15, Apple Pay and Google Pay icons were not shown correctly. Fixed.

[!] Design: Product page: In the mobile version on the product page with a long description, switching tabs didn’t focused the visible area on the contents of the tab. Fixed.

[!] Design: Products: The Quantity field did not hold hundreds. Fixed.

[!] Design: Products: The checkboxes were not aligned on the product features tab. Fixed.

[!] Design: RTL: The phone label was displayed incorrectly on the profile page. Fixed.

[!] Design: Responsive: Menu: On tablets, clicking on the menu did not open a submenu. Fixed.

[!] Design: Search: The toolbar was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Design: Some headings of the object lists were not in the same style. Fixed.

[!] Design: Theme editor: Field arrows were not displayed. Fixed.

[!] Design: Themes: Products: On mobile devices, buttons for increasing and decreasing the number of products on the storefront had an extra underline. Fixed.

[!] Edit content on-site: Blocks that were inserted into page content broke after text editing mode. Fixed.

[!] Exim: SEO: The SEO-name of the product was generated incorrectly when importing the product. Fixed.

[!] Export/Import: Features: Feature variants with “0” name were skipped during import. Fixed.

[!] Export/Import: Features: It was possible to import feature with a type unavailable for the purpose. Fixed.

[!] Export/Import: It was impossible to read the last field of the import line if the line was the last line of the file, the field was empty, and there was not the end of line symbol. Fixed.

[!] HiDPI displays support: Owl carousel: Lazy loading of images was not working. Fixed.

[!] Images: HiDPI images were generated for all images in the administration panel even when corresponding add-on was disabled. Fixed.

[!] Import data: The Import button was incorrectly positioned on the pages with the Help button. Fixed.

[!] JS: Main menu items were displayed incorrectly if the cursor was on the menu when the page loaded. Fixed.

[!] Layouts: Content language did not affect layouts in products and categories. Fixed.

[!] Mobile application: There was an error on the payment page. Fixed.

[!] Mobile application: Add-ons: Comments and reviews: The “Write review” button was missing when the “Reviews from customers only” setting was enabled. Fixed.

[!] Mobile application: There was an error while saving a field with the Date type. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Accounting: Vendor balance could be calculated incorrectly after updating order. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Google sitemap: Category, which was unavailable for chosen storefront, was added to sitemap. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Reward points: Promotions: Points for completed order, as reward for fulfilling the conditions of promotion, were not given to customer if order status was changed from vendor panel. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Pickup points were not assigned to vendor while importing. Fixed

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Plans: It was impossible to assign vendor plan in the admin panel when a lot of vendor plans existed. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Administrators without product privileges saw products information in the admin panel dashboard. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Refilling balance completes all pending payouts, even if balance was still negative. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Suspended vendor with positive balance could see notification about their debt with amount of the current balance. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: “Marketplace fees” product name could not be changed if the vendor plan had category restrictions. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: Color settings were not applied everywhere. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: The “Name” field was duplicated in the add-on settings. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Design: Layouts: Vendor panel contained a Meta data & more link with functionality unavailable to vendor. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: On the user list page, the vendor could view data of marketplace administrators and administrators of other vendors. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Marketplace setup wizard: The business model choice could result in several PHP Errors. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Orders: Adding another vendor products while editing an order removed the original products from the order. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Products: Options: Administrator could apply vendor-owned options to products in bulk. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Shipping methods: The “Use for all new vendors” checkbox was available even if a vendor was assigned to the shipping method. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Profile fields: A PHP Notice occurred during creating a new vendor profile field. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Profile fields: Vendor information: For the Company field, a radio button was displayed instead of a checkbox. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Users: Orders: Error 404 appeared when going to the customer page if the order was made by vendor’s administrator. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor panel: Dashboard: The blocks on the Dashboard were not aligned. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor panel: Languages: If a large number of languages were active, some languages could not be selected. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: The region was displayed incorrectly on the vendor information page. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for vendors: Common product did not show information about product availability. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for vendors: Price of products with zero quantity was not shown. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: When importing a vendor preset in the admin panel, new common products were created instead of vendor products. PHP Type Error could also appear while importing the vendor import preset. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Common Products for Vendors: It was not possible to add the vendor’s offer of the common product to the cart. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Common Products For Vendors: Wrong category list was loaded on the add common product page when there was more than one storefronts in the store and different vendors were attached to different storefronts. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Warehouses: The “Buy a default common product” setting did not work correctly with warehouses. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: Shipping information was missed if a free product was added to the order under promotion. Fixed.

[!] Orders: Incorrect text was displayed in the notification when the first order was completed. Fixed.

[!] Orders: Product with zero quantity was removed from an order during an attempt to add this product while editing the order. Fixed.

[!] Orders: Users: PHP Notices occurred when the search string started with a space. Fixed.

[!] Orders: When creating an order from the admin panel in the advanced product search window, it was impossible to reselect categories. Fixed.

[!] Orders: When creating an order through the admin panel, the admin data was automatically entered into the customer information section. Fixed.

[!] Privileges: Categories: The category creation page was available to the administrator with “View only” rights. Fixed.

[!] Privileges: Options: The product options form was displayed incorrectly when the user group did not have rights to edit options. Fixed.

[!] Product options: Forbidden combinations: Forbidden option combinations worked incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Products: Comparison list: Hidden product was not added to the comparison list. Fixed.

[!] Products: Features: When changing a variant, the page number was reset. Fixed.

[!] Products: In some cases, the “Update products” page was not displayed in full width. Fixed.

[!] Products: Notifications: Back in stock notification could have been sent by mistake. Fixed.

[!] Products: On the Variations tab, unsaved data notification was displayed when product was selected. Fixed.

[!] Products: Sharing: When copying information from an existing storefront, the product position was not copied. Fixed.

[!] Products: When creating a product, the name of the variant selected in the “Product details view” field by default was incorrect. Fixed.

[!] Profile fields: The values of the additional fields were saved for all profiles of this user. Fixed.

[!] Profiles: An error may have occurred when creating a new profile. Fixed.

[!] Profiles: It was not possible to fill in the State/area field in the billing section when creating a customer from the admin panel if the field was required. Fixed.

[!] Sales reports: Incorrect results of sales reports occurred in case when several rate areas with the same country and different states were selected for the report. Fixed.

[!] Shipping methods: Performance: Shipping calculation may execute excessive amount of duplicate queries to database. Fixed.

[!] Tabs: Unsaved data notification was not displayed on inactive tabs. Fixed.

[!] Theme Editor: Edit texts: Editing text using Redactor II was not working. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Import of pickup points from different storefronts did not work. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Products: The values of the fields for products placed on several storefronts were not saved without changing at least one field. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Deleting the rate area could lead to errors. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Exim: Quantity of products in warehouse was reset incorrectly when importing. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Notification on product being back in stock for a specific rate area was not sent to a customer. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Product quantity in several warehouses was calculated incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: The advanced search by the number of products did not work correctly. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: The product was not added to the cart when the pre-order was enabled. Fixed.

[!] Users: Some profile data was deleted when placing an order using the second profile. Fixed.

[!] Users: The “Force administrators to change password on the first login” setting didn’t work. Fixed.

[!] Users: Users were allowed to register using an incorrect E-mail. Fixed.

New Features and Improvements​

[+] Add-ons: Google Sitemap: The console command for automatic sitemap regeneration in Cron was added.
[+] Add-ons: Product reviews: The ability to create product reviews in the admin panel and via the API was added.
[+] Languages: The “Search” language variable was divided into several language variables depending on the purpose (for the admin panel, storefront, headers, buttons, text fields, field labels, main field).
[+] Multi-Vendor: Mobile application: The ability to hide vendor information on the product page in the mobile app was added.
[+] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common products for vendors: API: Entities for common products were added.

Functionality Changes​

[*] Add-ons: Google reCaptcha: Required fields were added in the settings.
[*] API: API restrictions were added for some editions.
[*] Design: Promotions: The appearance of the “No Promotions Available” message was updated.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: Setting the style of the vendor panel through the config.local.php was added.
[*] Order management: The “Save and process payment” button was removed from the order creation and editing pages.
[*] Product bundles: The appearance of Product bundles on storefront design was updated.
[*] Shipping methods: Notifications: Email notifications about shipping methods errors will not be sent more often then specified period.
[*] Users: User type now can no longer be changed within user editing page interface.

Bug Fixes​

[!] API: Filters: Database error displayed on a GET request. Fixed.
[!] API: Shipments: When order had more than one shipment, data of the shipment could not be changed via API. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Mobile application: Pages were displayed incorrectly in different languages. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Mobile application: Splash image was not shown in full screen on Android. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Mobile application: Mobile application promotion banner was displayed when viewing store pages in the mobile application. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Newsletters: Subscribers: The Language and Period fields were missing in the advanced search. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Bundles: There were problems when creating a product bundle with variation choice. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Adding products to a bundle did not work correctly in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: After adding product bundle to the cart, the popup for selecting product options did not open. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Formatting of the product bundle description was not saved. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: If option had a price modifier, then selecting this option for a product from bundle did not work correctly. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: It was impossible to create product bundle with mixed values of “Any option combinations” and “Any variation”. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The “Track inventory” setting did not affect the display of product bundle. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The button to remove the product from the bundle was displayed if there were “View only” rights. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The heading “Active bundles” was not aligned on the Promotions page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The image of the variation did not change when changing features. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The selected option value was not applied to the product from bundle. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: When the Product Variations add-on was disabled, it was impossible to add product bundle to the cart. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: When the add-on was disabled, product bundles were shown on the promotions page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: If the Product reviews add-on was installed, but the Comments and reviews was disabled, an error occurred when changing the default variation. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: Exim: In some cases, when the “Change default variation when it gets hidden or runs out of stock” setting was enabled, the default variation did not change if its quantity in the imported file was equal to zero. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product Variations: With the “Change default variation when it gets hidden or runs out of stock” setting enabled, it was possible to assign a default variation if it was out of stock. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Refresh button could be available when it should not be. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Tags: Notification about unsaved changes did not appear. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Context menu: Text of the drop-down menu for changing status changed on different pages. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Design: On mobile, the page title was not displayed if the storefront was closed. Fixed.
[!] Admin panel: Design: The class attribute had a duplicate on the password change page. Fixed.
[!] Categories: Bulk editition: Some categories couldn’t be selected when adding categories in bulk. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Data from billing fields was reset after the delivery address was changed. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Downloadable products: It was impossible to checkout if the cart contained only digital products and the “Show unavailable shippings” setting was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: If there were no active payment methods, PHP notices were displayed when trying to go to checkout. Fixed.
[!] Core: Templates: Hooks: Hooks located in folders created as symbolic link to other folders didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Core: The ‘Registry::ifGet’ method was always returning the value of the $default parameter in case when original value was false or 0. Fixed.
[!] Design: Backend: The “No data found” messages were in different styles. Fixed.
[!] Design: Layouts: On iOS 15, Apple Pay and Google Pay icons were not shown correctly. Fixed.
[!] Design: Product page: In the mobile version on the product page with a long description, switching tabs didn’t focused the visible area on the contents of the tab. Fixed.
[!] Design: Products: The Quantity field did not hold hundreds. Fixed.
[!] Design: Products: The checkboxes were not aligned on the product features tab. Fixed.
[!] Design: RTL: The phone label was displayed incorrectly on the profile page. Fixed.
[!] Design: Responsive: Menu: On tablets, clicking on the menu did not open a submenu. Fixed.
[!] Design: Search: The toolbar was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Design: Some headings of the object lists were not in the same style. Fixed.
[!] Design: Theme editor: Field arrows were not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Design: Themes: Products: On mobile devices, buttons for increasing and decreasing the number of products on the storefront had an extra underline. Fixed.
[!] Edit content on-site: Blocks that were inserted into page content broke after text editing mode. Fixed.
[!] Exim: SEO: The SEO-name of the product was generated incorrectly when importing the product. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: Features: Feature variants with “0” name were skipped during import. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: Features: It was possible to import feature with a type unavailable for the purpose. Fixed.
[!] Export/Import: It was impossible to read the last field of the import line if the line was the last line of the file, the field was empty, and there was not the end of line symbol. Fixed.
[!] HiDPI displays support: Owl carousel: Lazy loading of images was not working. Fixed.
[!] Images: HiDPI images were generated for all images in the administration panel even when corresponding add-on was disabled. Fixed.
[!] Import data: The Import button was incorrectly positioned on the pages with the Help button. Fixed.
[!] JS: Main menu items were displayed incorrectly if the cursor was on the menu when the page loaded. Fixed.
[!] Layouts: Content language did not affect layouts in products and categories. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: There was an error on the payment page. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Add-ons: Comments and reviews: The “Write review” button was missing when the “Reviews from customers only” setting was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: There was an error while saving a field with the Date type. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Accounting: Vendor balance could be calculated incorrectly after updating order. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Google sitemap: Category, which was unavailable for chosen storefront, was added to sitemap. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Reward points: Promotions: Points for completed order, as reward for fulfilling the conditions of promotion, were not given to customer if order status was changed from vendor panel. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Pickup points were not assigned to vendor while importing. Fixed
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Plans: It was impossible to assign vendor plan in the admin panel when a lot of vendor plans existed. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor data premoderation: Administrators without product privileges saw products information in the admin panel dashboard. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Refilling balance completes all pending payouts, even if balance was still negative. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Suspended vendor with positive balance could see notification about their debt with amount of the current balance. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: “Marketplace fees” product name could not be changed if the vendor plan had category restrictions. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: Color settings were not applied everywhere. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: The “Name” field was duplicated in the add-on settings. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Design: Layouts: Vendor panel contained a Meta data & more link with functionality unavailable to vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: On the user list page, the vendor could view data of marketplace administrators and administrators of other vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Marketplace setup wizard: The business model choice could result in several PHP Errors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Orders: Adding another vendor products while editing an order removed the original products from the order. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Products: Options: Administrator could apply vendor-owned options to products in bulk. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Shipping methods: The “Use for all new vendors” checkbox was available even if a vendor was assigned to the shipping method. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Profile fields: A PHP Notice occurred during creating a new vendor profile field. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Profile fields: Vendor information: For the Company field, a radio button was displayed instead of a checkbox. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Users: Orders: Error 404 appeared when going to the customer page if the order was made by vendor’s administrator. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor panel: Dashboard: The blocks on the Dashboard were not aligned. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor panel: Languages: If a large number of languages were active, some languages could not be selected. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: The region was displayed incorrectly on the vendor information page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for vendors: Common product did not show information about product availability. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for vendors: Price of products with zero quantity was not shown. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: When importing a vendor preset in the admin panel, new common products were created instead of vendor products. PHP Type Error could also appear while importing the vendor import preset. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: Common Products for Vendors: It was not possible to add the vendor’s offer of the common product to the cart. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Common Products For Vendors: Wrong category list was loaded on the add common product page when there was more than one storefronts in the store and different vendors were attached to different storefronts. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Warehouses: The “Buy a default common product” setting did not work correctly with warehouses. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: Shipping information was missed if a free product was added to the order under promotion. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Incorrect text was displayed in the notification when the first order was completed. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Product with zero quantity was removed from an order during an attempt to add this product while editing the order. Fixed.
[!] Orders: Users: PHP Notices occurred when the search string started with a space. Fixed.
[!] Orders: When creating an order from the admin panel in the advanced product search window, it was impossible to reselect categories. Fixed.
[!] Orders: When creating an order through the admin panel, the admin data was automatically entered into the customer information section. Fixed.
[!] Privileges: Categories: The category creation page was available to the administrator with “View only” rights. Fixed.
[!] Privileges: Options: The product options form was displayed incorrectly when the user group did not have rights to edit options. Fixed.
[!] Product options: Forbidden combinations: Forbidden option combinations worked incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Products: Comparison list: Hidden product was not added to the comparison list. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: When changing a variant, the page number was reset. Fixed.
[!] Products: In some cases, the “Update products” page was not displayed in full width. Fixed.
[!] Products: Notifications: Back in stock notification could have been sent by mistake. Fixed.
[!] Products: On the Variations tab, unsaved data notification was displayed when product was selected. Fixed.
[!] Products: Sharing: When copying information from an existing storefront, the product position was not copied. Fixed.
[!] Products: When creating a product, the name of the variant selected in the “Product details view” field by default was incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: The values of the additional fields were saved for all profiles of this user. Fixed.
[!] Profiles: An error may have occurred when creating a new profile. Fixed.
[!] Profiles: It was not possible to fill in the State/area field in the billing section when creating a customer from the admin panel if the field was required. Fixed.
[!] Sales reports: Incorrect results of sales reports occurred in case when several rate areas with the same country and different states were selected for the report. Fixed.
[!] Shipping methods: Performance: Shipping calculation may execute excessive amount of duplicate queries to database. Fixed.
[!] Tabs: Unsaved data notification was not displayed on inactive tabs. Fixed.
[!] Theme Editor: Edit texts: Editing text using Redactor II was not working. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Stores and pickup points: Import of pickup points from different storefronts did not work. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Products: The values of the fields for products placed on several storefronts were not saved without changing at least one field. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Deleting the rate area could lead to errors. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Exim: Quantity of products in warehouse was reset incorrectly when importing. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Notification on product being back in stock for a specific rate area was not sent to a customer. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Product quantity in several warehouses was calculated incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: The advanced search by the number of products did not work correctly. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: The product was not added to the cart when the pre-order was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Users: Some profile data was deleted when placing an order using the second profile. Fixed.
[!] Users: The “Force administrators to change password on the first login” setting didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Users: Users were allowed to register using an incorrect E-mail. Fixed.
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[!] Add-ons: Product Bundles: When a product was included to bundle and to catalog promotion, an error occurred while viewing that product on the storefront. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Balance refilling was unavailable when “Show unavailable shippings” setting was enabled. Fixed.

[!] Shipping methods: In some cases the calculation of delivery according to the condition of dependence on weight was performed incorrectly. Fixed.

New Features and Improvements​

[+] API: Product options: Ability to get all product options was added.
[+] API: Products: Add-ons: Warehouses: Ability to get the quantity of a product in each warehouse was added. To do this, include “get_detailed_warehouses_amounts” with a value “Y” to your request.
[+] Multi-Vendor: API: Vendors: New parameter was added to notify vendor’s administrator during vendor creation.
[+] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common Products for Vendors: Now it is possible to add the best offer to the cart.
[+] Ultimate: Export/Import: Ability to update shared products was added.

Functionality Changes​

[*] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor plans: Vendor privileges: The dependence of user groups in “Vendor plans” add-on from “Vendor privileges” add-on is now more obvious.
[*] Multi-Vendor: WYSIWYG: Products: Pages: Vendors can now embed videos from YouTube/Vimeo to descriptions.
[*] Multi-Vendor: Products: Features: Product features created by a vendor are no longer displayed for other vendors.
[*] Products: The fields “Price” and “List price” was increased.

Bug Fixes​

[!] Add-ons: Attachments: Exim: Files from local server couldn’t be imported. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Banners: Zero delay for banner changes did not work. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Maps and geolocation: Shipping methods were not updated after changing the location in the Customer location block. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Menus: Menu items, added by add-ons, might not open on the pages with the list of add-ons and in add-on settings. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: Email marketing: Order placement button was disappearing from the checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: PayPal payments: Notification for the order with Open status was not sent. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Bundle search by contained products implied multiple products as search criteria. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Bundle status was not updated after changing it at product detailed page. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Extra HTML tag was dispalyed in the title . Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Multiple issues were fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: Products: Plus symbol missed at the “Add new bundle” button in the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The option selection on the list of promotions did not work. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: The price of the product when creating the product bundle didn’t depend on the options selected. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Product bundles: When adding products to a bundle, some products could not be found in the picker search. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: RMA: Gift Certificates: When the order paid with a certificate returned, the commission was returned. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: SEO: Product reviews: Reviews were not uploaded to the markup. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Suppliers: Values for country and state variables were not displayed in the email notification. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Google Sitemap: SEO: When the option “Show additional language in the URL” was active, an incorrect link to the site map was formed. Fixed.
[!] Cart: When adding a product to the cart, it could be immediately removed from the cart when switching to another page. Fixed.
[!] Core: JS: The page was refreshed when using browser navigation. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: If the data on the profile page was changed during checkout, it was possible to place an order with an incorrect tax and shipping amount. Fixed.
[!] Design: Themes: If GD graphics driver was used, favicons with .ico extension couldn’t be loaded. Fixed.
[!] Design: Add-ons: Menu: An additional arrow was displayed behind the add-on icon in the admin panel menu. Fixed.
[!] Design: Menu: The dropdown horizontal template did not work on mobile. Fixed.
[!] Design: Products: Images: Owl Carousel: Large images were compressed on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Exim: Products features: The feature variant might not be attached to the product if it contained control characters. Fixed.
[!] Exim: Old product import was broken. Fixed.
[!] Languages: Date Range Picker: The calendar has been partially untranslated. Fixed.
[!] Languages: Language variable dropdown_limit contained errors. Fixed.
[!] Layouts: Popup for editing layout page settings was displayed without title. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: App theme depended on phone settings. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: It was impossible to disable the “Wishlist” add-on. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: Rating stars color of products couldn’t be changed. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: API: User groups: Vendors: Administrator couldn’t assign user group to a vendor’s administrator. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: API: Vendors: Vendor administrator was always created when creating a vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: API: User groups: Vendors: When adding a customer to a group of vendors, an incorrect response was returned. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: RMA: Reward Points: The refund amount was incorrect when the returned product was paid with points. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: RMA: Marketplace commission was not returned after creating refund for order with disabled 3-D Secure option at payment configuration. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Plans: When a vendor was created, the plan assignment notification was sent to the administrator, not the vendor. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor panel configurator: When changing the language in the vendor panel, the previous language of the product description remained the same. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: Vendors in the “Suspended” status couldn’t be viewed on a storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor-to-admin payments: It was difficult to edit product details for marketplace fees. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Wish List: Logging out from vendor administrator account could lead to fatal error in third party add-ons. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Mobile application: Information in vendor profile was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Mobile application: Formatting in the description of the vendor and product did not work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Profiles: Vendors: The vendor administrator could not generate a new API key. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Profile fields: Documents: The “Show on storefront” setting didn’t work correctly for custom profile fields. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Shipping methods: The “Use for all new vendors” checkbox was displayed for vendors. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendor panel: The vendor could see other vendors’s data. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Profile fields: Vendor’s “Company” profile field could be changed into hidden and non required. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: A micro-store and vendor pages in Pending status were available on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Accounting: Orders: When an order was deleted, its data remained in the vendor_payouts table. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Products: Storefronts: When creating a new product, the vendor was not able to select a category created for a specific storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common products for vendors: The category search for common products in the vendor panel didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments: An error occurred after removing a product from the checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: RMA: Vendor plans: Commissions by category: Payout could be calculated incorrectly in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: An incorrect commission payout was calculated for an order fulfilled by marketplace. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Ultimate: Add-ons: Order fulfillment by marketplace: Shipping method could disappear when returning from a third-party payment method to checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: Notifications were sent to automatically generated customer’s emails. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: When loging in through the “Log in as user” link, notifications were sent either to the storefront or to the administration panel.
[!] Orders: The product group key group_key was overwritten after the shippings_group_products_list hook. Fixed.
[!] Payments: Orders using credit card number entry couldn’t be placed in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Payments: eWay: It was possible to create a payment method without entering API data. Fixed.
[!] Period selector: “This week” and “Previous week” periods did not work correctly. Fixed.
[!] Product tabs: Blocks: A PHP notice occured when trying to add an existing block to a new tab of product. Fixed.
[!] Products: Features: When changing the feature style from “Multiple checkboxes” to “Text or number”, all selected feature variants were displayed for the product on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: Phone: The profile was not saved if no phone number was entered. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: The value of the “State/province” field in the profile was not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: Custom fields with email type were not displayed on storefront in Billing/Shipping sections. Fixed.
[!] REST API: Orders: Some order data could be lost when an order status was updated via the API. Fixed.
[!] Settings: Checkout: The “States” field was required on the Settings → Checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Settings: Storefronts: Currencies on the storefront detail page in some cases were assigned incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Storefronts: Regions: The added regions continued to remain in the list to be added to the storefront. Fixed.
[!] User groups: The closing symbol of the width attribute was missing. Fixed.
[!] UI / UX: Storefronts: Hidden languages and currencies were shown as selectable. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Product variations: The “Update for all” button for updating shared products was missing on the product editing page on “Variations” tab. Fixed.
[!] Users: Administrators without add-on management privilleges saw Help Desk sign in banner in the adminstration panel dashboard. Fixed.
[!] Users: When changing the password to the same password, password_change_timestamp was updated. Fixed.
[!] WYSIWYG: Redactor II: The code was displayed incorrectly when there was cm-tooltip in the editor text. Fixed.

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