🛠 Fixes:
Added support for the .tif format in File Upload.
Corrected Order ID not displaying in the Email Template Preview.
Fixed a bug allowing conditions to be saved without selecting a second date for the Ranged Date Picker.
Resolved a problem where dropdown options were not displayed at the end of page breaks.
🛠 Fixes:
Added a notice that appears when the "Actions after Submit" and "Click Action" settings are set to "Stay on Page" and "WooCheckout action after submit/WooCheckout action on WooProduct Page" respectively.
Made "Upload from URL" optional in the File Upload element.
Added missing translations for German, Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese to Pro plugin.
Fixed small text sizes in buttons on screens smaller than 1300px on the Conditions page.
Fixed an issue where the "Download PDF" option in Click Action did not generate and download the PDF document for the current calculator.
Fixed an issue where global settings were enabled, but values for the Order Form were applied from single settings.
Fixed payment methods displaying as enabled in Payment Gateways even when disabled via Payments.
Removed unnecessary dotted lines at the end of Email Templates.
Fixed issues with ABS, ROUND, POW, CEIL, MIN, and MAX methods in Formula displaying 0 in orders
🛠 Fixes:
Resolved an issue where the condition couldn't be applied to the Group element inside the Page Breaker.
Corrected each new line in the Contact Form 7 message in Orders displayed as “n.”
Fixed the issue with the pinned file icon appearing even when the File Upload field in the calculator was empty.
Fixed a missing icon for the Add Discount button.
Corrected the Geolocation element not showing the map.
Fixed dynamic width sizes of the Make Order button on the Order Form.
🛠 Fixes:
Fixed the issue where a different total was sent to Stripe than shown in the Summary calculator.
Corrected the malfunction of the "Hidden by default" and "Calculate hidden by default" settings in backend calculations.
Resolved the issue where payments were not processed when placing an order via Stripe and PayPal.
Fixed the error in global settings for Order Form & Payments, where PayPal displayed a "total cannot be 0" message.
Corrected the positioning of the popup button 'Close' in Geolocation, which was shifted downward.
🛠 Fixes:
Added filters in Orders: Today, Week, Month, and custom date ranges for better order management: see
Upgraded Range and Multi-range settings with an option to display Range value or Summary value in the subtotal above the slider: see
Middle-range selection in the Date picker is now highlighted in a different color for clearer visual distinction from selected dates.
Upgraded the Date picker with hovering over selected dates.
Resolved the issue where default values of tables were not translating in Orders.
Fixed untranslated "Open a map" and "Choose from map" lines in Geolocation.
Corrected the "Ranged price for distance" setting in Geolocation, ensuring floating point numbers are calculated accurately as decimals, not integers.
Fixed an issue where the Date picker was not displayed inside a Group when the "Block period" was removed in the "Make some days unselectable" setting.
Resolved the issue where exported orders used the calculator's Order ID instead of the actual Order IDs.
Fixed Date picker not being displayed in the Summary within Orders.
Resolved the issue with unclickable checkboxes in both the dropdown menu of Embed calculator and the WooProducts dropdown.
Resolved a display issue where an element inside the Repeater was shown in Total with the "Show in total grand" setting disabled.
Fixed disappearing images in Razorpay and Stripe payment settings after importing a calculator.
Fixed warning message related to third-party websites in Email message PDF
Name of value in the Multi-range element settings is not disabled when the Measuring unit setting is on.
After the Show condition is met, it is possible to select more options in the Checkbox/Toggle/Image Checkbox than the user has set in the element.
The location of Currency in the final Total in Orders section is not changed.
In some elements condition "Required" causes scrolling in mobile view.
Icons change In Dropdown, Image Dropdown, and Time picker elements of the Page breaker/Group field.
"Don't skip next to page" condition is not working with Switch toggle, Checkbox, and Image checkbox elements.
When generating formulas with AI, an invalid value is displayed in Formula without elements.
After deleting an element with a condition, all settings and data from input fields in Page disappear and new page settings cannot be set.
Terms & Conditions and Calculate after submit sections do not load data from global settings in the calculator if enabled.
When generating a PDF file or viewing an order in the Orders page, the formula sequence is different from the calculator.
If there are too many elements, the last elements inside the Summary start to get lost.
Group elements are always displayed last in the PDF form of the Page Breaker section.
Backup modal is not visible in the Discount tab.
If you put Formula in Group field inside Page breaker, it is not displayed in Total field element.
Long text in File upload buttons goes over the edges of the button.
Added AI helper/Formula generator to the Formula field.
Errors in displaying values on Date picker, File upload, and Multi-range elements of WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Confirmation, and Orders pages.
After deleting a page in Page breaker with the “Jump to” action, a blank page remains selected.