Cost Calculator Builder PRO

WP Cost Calculator Builder PRO 3.1.98 Nulled

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  • Name of value in the Multi-range element settings is not disabled when the Measuring unit setting is on.

  • After the Show condition is met, it is possible to select more options in the Checkbox/Toggle/Image Checkbox than the user has set in the element.

  • The location of Currency in the final Total in Orders section is not changed.

  • In some elements condition "Required" causes scrolling in mobile view.

  • Icons change In Dropdown, Image Dropdown, and Time picker elements of the Page breaker/Group field.

  • "Don't skip next to page" condition is not working with Switch toggle, Checkbox, and Image checkbox elements.

  • When generating formulas with AI, an invalid value is displayed in Formula without elements.

  • After deleting an element with a condition, all settings and data from input fields in Page disappear and new page settings cannot be set.

  • Terms & Conditions and Calculate after submit sections do not load data from global settings in the calculator if enabled.

  • When generating a PDF file or viewing an order in the Orders page, the formula sequence is different from the calculator.

  • If there are too many elements, the last elements inside the Summary start to get lost.

  • Group elements are always displayed last in the PDF form of the Page Breaker section.

  • Backup modal is not visible in the Discount tab.

  • If you put Formula in Group field inside Page breaker, it is not displayed in Total field element.

  • Long text in File upload buttons goes over the edges of the button.

  • Added AI helper/Formula generator to the Formula field.

  • Errors in displaying values on Date picker, File upload, and Multi-range elements of WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Confirmation, and Orders pages.

  • After deleting a page in Page breaker with the “Jump to” action, a blank page remains selected.

  • Added pop-up with warning when distance is over 4002km in Geolocation element.

  • Added Integration types for PayPal payment method.

  • When paying via Contact form 7 in Order form, if total is 0, Payment by Cash and PayPal do not appear.

  • If you select the "Jump to" condition in Conditions Page break and choose the element which responds to the condition, the Back button stops working until the condition is met.

  • In Date picker, the dates move out of the drop-down menu in Page breaker in Two columns page box style.

  • Elements from Group field in Page break are not displayed in Formula.

  • Contact Form 7 and PDF & Send Quote buttons are missing when there is a calculator with Order Form on the page.

  • Payments methods are not visible in Preview & Appearance.

  • Formula disappears from Total field elements after position change.

  • After moving an element to Group field/Repeater inside Page breaker, it doesn't display title/description/options.

  • You cannot delete elements inside the Page breaker in Group field/Repeater.

  • Inside the Page Breaker, the element is copied over the Page breaker or the wrong element is copied.

  • Elements are missing the hidden by default setting after they are moved to the Page breaker.

  • Image quality is reduced when displayed in Sticky banner/Floating button.

  • Links are not displayed in fields from Validated form (Email, URL) in Repeater when downloading PDF from Orders or submitting Send quote from Orders.

  • You cannot hide Summary with the setting Show summary block on the last page of multi-step calculator in Page breaker.
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