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WP Cornerstone 7.5.15 Nulled

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  • Feature: Parameter Condition contains Parameters | Themeco Docs
  • Feature: Image Full Width prefab
  • Bugfix: Author prefabs were using user Dynamic Content and not Author Dynamic Content
  • Bugfix: Elements library tab would crash if you clicked it while the Document was loading
  • Bugfix: Theme Options Close all action (CTRL + click) not working on the Start and Blank stack `Setup` group
  • Feature: Range Looper Loopers | Themeco Docs
  • Feature: If a component is missing there is a control in place to let you choose a valid component as a replacement
  • Feature: Query Builder custom attributes JSON
  • Feature: Frontend filter `cs_mejs_video_player_args` for controlling all MediaElement options
  • Feature: Post is_sticky Dynamic Content and Condition
  • Feature: Yoast ignore condition
  • Updated: Global External APIs can accept Dynamic Content in their fields
  • Updated: Cornerstone AJAX GET requests will send _wp_nonce in the GET variables as well as the standard nonce header
  • Bugfix: WC Archive and Single layout will try to force it's layout type better to prevent missing preview messages
  • Bugfix: WPML Subdomain mode will only try the redirect if the redirecting locating is a valid subdomain of the previewing language. Preventing an issue where it would start an infinite redirect
  • Bugfix: 404 page preview would sometimes not work
  • Bugfix: Video volume control for videos was missing on mobile
  • Bugfix: Edit with Cornerstone top header button was missing on the Gutenburg Post Editor
  • Bugfix: Accordion items would flicker open on page load when they were already opened
  • Bugfix: Width 100% has been placed on tab panels to prevent an issue where a slider could expand the tab panel in a broken looking way
  • Bugfix: Components names and groups with long names would overflow the UI in a broken looking way
  • Bugfix: Query Builder order by `Ignore` would still display the meta value controls
  • Bugfix: Trailing comma removal in the function of BG partial
  • Bugfix: You could not loop over the number zero
  • Feature: Element copying uses the browser clipboard if available
  • Feature: Dropdown has an "Inline Fixed" which can be used on a dropdown to have the dropdown styled by percentage based width values better
  • Updated: Dynamic Content preference enabled by default on Cornerstone Standalone
  • Bugfix: Archive "Any Date" assignment did not work
  • Bugfix: Check Now button in dashboard broken on Cornerstone Standalone
  • Bugfix: Code editors could revert their state if another state action happened before the editing was finished
  • Bugfix: Rating element schema would not be valid by Google if you used type 'Product'
  • Bugfix: Google Maps script was not marking our google maps integration as a dependency
  • Bugfix: DB performance issues, the layout assignments would be rebuilt on every page request, and there were numerous db options that are no longer used still being grabbed
  • Bugfix: Google Maps shortcodes not using async loading and were broken unless you were also using the map element
  • Feature: List Control Type has support for descriptions
  • Feature: Query builder has "By Page" offset control
  • Feature: Managed Parameter Extending API see Parameters API | Themeco Docs
  • Feature: Google Fonts Configuration has more controls like "Disable" and "Google Fonts URL" which can be used to change the google domain to something like bunny fonts
  • Feature: Dynamic Content for looper total_pages used on the query builder and main archive loop
  • Feature: Slider goto and slider navigation elements can have their trigger type changed through `data-x-slide-goto-trigger`. See Sliders | Themeco Docs
  • Updated: Filter `cs_preview_output_zone_priority` to control the preview zone `the_content` filter priority. Sometimes needed depending on plugins like Elementor. See Preview API | Themeco Docs
  • Updated: Google Maps integration uses async loading
  • Updated: Toggle control had the possiblity of not working properly
  • Updated: Dropdowns will cancel their hover open event if you have hovered off before the timeout was reached
  • Bugfix: All REST requests in Cornerstone send X-WP-Nonce for better support with security plugins
  • Bugfix: Row Direction could not use parameters. There is a parameter type called "row-direction" to handle this
  • Bugfix: Breakpoints styling would not work for various elements like Navigation Sub Links, Card, Mini Cart, and Testimonial Graphic and rating
  • Bugfix: WPML in subdomain mode would revert your license validation if you entered your translation subdomain
  • Bugfix: Component generation when WPML was installed could ignore certain translations depending on where you were saving the component
  • Bugfix: Looper Provider JSON would have a fatal crash if you passed Dynamic Content that returned an array and not a JSON string
  • Bugfix: Trailing comma removals on functions for better PHP 7 support
  • Bugfix: Twig could not be used on Font Family fields

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