Nulled Scripts Community

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Script ColibriSM 1.4.3 Nulled

No permission to download
- Fixed reported bugs of the prev version
- Fixed all reported issues in the previous version
  • Fixed reported bugs of the prev version
- Added ability to sign up with phone number / with Twilio and Infobip SMS provider service
- Fixed issue with dashed email and registration confirmation code (000-000 -> 000000)
- Fixed right sidebar hashtags (show more) link issue
- Fixed share modal window issue when dark theme is enabled
- Fixed problem with remaining days of subscription
- Fixed issue with entering last name on the start-up page
- And also fixed few minor reported bugs of the prev version
- Fixed all reported issues in the previous version
- [Fixed] Bug on swift description with large text
- [Fixed] Bug on modal windows scrollbar
- [Fixed] Bug on affiliate page placeholder
- [Fixed] Bug on advertising page placeholder
- [Fixed] Bug on post likes display modal window placeholder text
- [Fixed] Bug with a verification icon on posts in the mobile browser
- [Fixed] Bug with links in messages
- [Fixed] Other white minor bugs
- [Fixed] Bugs of previous version (v1.3.2)
- [Fixed] Bugs of previous version (v1.2.7)
- [Added] Option to disable user registration system

- [Added] Option to disable the cookie warning window

- [Added] Registration of the invited user

- [Added] Option to manage UI languages in the admin panel

- [Added] Arabic language

- [Added] RTL languages support

- [Improved] Admin panel

- [Fixed] Previous minor bugs

nilkoLatest member