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- Update to XenForo

- Update to XenForo 1.5.16a.0
  • Conversation menu text color fixed
  • Removed all ad references in canvas panels/visitor panel
  • Wrap has JS in try catch fixed
  1. Full PHP 7.1 Support
  2. Updated theme compatibility for XenForo
  3. Merged outdated templates caused by XenForo update
  4. Fixed UI.X Avatar Shapes
  5. Fixed a mobile based bug with text not being wrapped properly
  6. Fixed Postbit Avatar Size
  7. Fixed Octagon shape from not working
  8. Added text wrapping support for links
Hi all,

We'd like to apologize for the time it took to get this update out. Due to the nature of how we've done releases in the past, we got stuck in a backlog of UI.X bugs that we were not content with releasing. We wanted to wait until we got all the issues knocked out. So here we are. All bugs reported to us have been addressed!We did the very best we could to make this as stable a release as possible, but very important that you:
  • Always, always, make a BACKUP before upgrading live. Not only of your database/site as a whole, but also specifically your current theme xml files
  • If you have questions, we're here to help.
This update contains a huge amount of work, from over 5 of our team members, tirelessly improving our products. Sweat and blood in here, no joke. The previous releases of our products were stable, and we saw no reason to rush to a launch. We wanted it to be done as best we can.

Audentio Design/ThemeHouse products are built to be the best, and nothing short of that. No other theme on the market touches the feature-rich nature of our products or customization capabilities, and for that reason we require extra time to work on them. They are tested on multi-million user websites, with tens of millions of posts, and dozens of different types of add-ons. We are grateful to all the developers who have worked with us to make sure the product runs smoothly as well. The developer community here at XenForo is truly amazing.

Most importantly and above all else, we want to thank you, all of our clients, our critics, and the XF community as a whole. One small token of our thanks and also what we feel we owe you is that we have extended all licenses by 6 months free of charge for the delay. We strive for excellence, and we know we can do better. And we will.

If there are issues, please do report them, they will be fixed asap. Just roll back to your last version and await the update.

Thank you very much.
-- Audentio Design/ThemeHouse

Here are some key notes about the product update:
  • Sidebar can be moved to the off-canvas navigation
  • Off-canvases can be converted to "on-canvas" navigations
  • Major speed improvements
  • Ability to collapse signatures
  • Ability to toggle postbit content
  • And all bugs reported in UI.X all the way back since, read all the releases here:

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