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VB4 Chiplove.9xpro - Thread Thumbnails 2.2.13 Nulled

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The first image from the first post of the thread will be get and display to forumdisplay
If in the first post have a no picture, but have a [youtube] bbcode or [video=youtube], it will get the youtube default thumbnails to display
And last, if in the first post have no picture, youtube video but have image-attach file, this mod will get it to display

A zoom effect will occurs when you hover over thumbnails

Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.11

  • Edit option - Use avatar for default avatar and fixed bug (If you using avatar for default and its image is not correct or error, upgrade this version. Ok)
  • New option: Use avatar of last poster or thread starter
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.10

  • Get thumbnail by attachment error fixed (this error happen by conflict with other modifications or source customized )
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.9

  • Auto change the zoom picture to be on the left or right follow textdirection.
  • Get the correct avatar url if forum stored avatar to files
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.8

  • Fixed bugs when click on "Find Posts By User".
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.7

  • New option: Use Avatar of poster to the default thumbnail if poster have. Or no, use default Image to displayed
Update Thread Thumbnails

  • Fixed some know bugs
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.6

  • New option: Show thumbnails in Search page (all forums or only forums used this mod)
  • Re-upload at 10/13/2011
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.5

  • New option: CSS for thumbnails (you can use CSS to modify thumbnails block)
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.4

  • Optimized code
  • Modified Jquery Library option, you may use jquery google hosted
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.3

  • Modified CSS padding for requested
  • Optimized code
  • New option: excludes any groupids
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.2

  • Fixed some bugs:
    • Thread preview text covers the zoomed image
    • jQuery conflict to zoom image not work
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2.1

  • Add new option: Overwrite to thread status or no
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.2

  • Add new option zoom effects
  • Have option: set size of zoom image
Update Thread Thumbnails 2.1

  • Optimized code
  • Add new option: choose type of thumbnails (first image, youtube, file attach)

Features of this mod

  • You can turn On/ Off mod
  • Option choose type of thumbnails (first image, youtube, file attach) (Feature on version 2.1)
  • Setting default size of thumbnails
  • Option: excludes any groupids (Feature on version 2.2.3)
  • Option overwrite to thread status or no (Feature on version 2.2.1)
  • Option zoom effects (Feature on version 2.2)
  • Option: set size of zoom image (Feature on version 2.2)
  • Option: Show thumbnails in Search page (all forums or only forums used this mod) (Feature on version 2.2,6)
  • Option: Use Avatar of poster to the default thumbnail (Feature on version 2.2.7)
  • Option: CSS for thumbnails (you can use CSS to modify thumbnails block) (Feature on version 2.2.5)
  • Have option include all forum or include any forum, and this option you can re-set size of thumbnails for each forum id
  • Last, you can exclude any forum you want in above forums list
If you want use cms thumbail similar this (display thread thumbail for some widgets) please contact me by private mes

Not overwrite to thread status: Thumbnails 1.png

Overwrite to thread status:
  • Thumbnails 2.png Thumbnails 2.png
    95.5 KB · Views: 135
  • Thumbnails setting.jpg Thumbnails setting.jpg
    125 KB · Views: 142
23 KB
First release
Last update

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