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Check Tables

xF2 Add-on Check Tables 2.0.0

No permission to download
change - Error message optimised.

add - TableData for XF 2.2.6 Patch 2
Source code has been largely revised and optimised.

add - Whitelist for tables
add - Whitelist for columns

add - Filter
Further optimisation in style
TableData for XF 2.2.6 (P1)
Closer check of the entity
TableData for XF 2.2.5

  • Mark the table/column as to be deleted with a prefix "old_xxxxxx_" and the possibility to rename it back to its origin.

I have changed the config flag introduced in Beta 2! Please read the description of the add-on.
I have implemented your wishes so far. Thanks to you.


marocbddLatest member