Chat - Support Board

Script Chat - Support Board 3.7.3 Nulled

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Bug Fixed bug related to uploading file and attachments.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to departments filter for agents.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to Push notifications on iOS devices.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to red notifications.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to issues with audio recording on Safari.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to queue and routing.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to RTL design.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to duplicated or missing attachments when receiving multiple attachments at the same time.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to issues with audio recording on Safari.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to HubSpot newsletter integration.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to the audio player.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to users list when routing, queue or hide conversation of other agents setting is active.
  • New feature Added support for OneSignal Push notifications.
  • New feature Added Lithuanian language.
  • Optimization The away mode is now disabled by default. It must be activated from Settings > Notifications > Away mode.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to article translations.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to the mobile app.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to Sendinblue newsletter subscription.
  • Bug Fixed bug related to transcripts.
  • New feature New automation to show different items for different criteria.
  • Optimization Added support for WebP image preview.
  • Api New argument 'count' for JS API method SBChat.getArticles()'.
  • Api New JS API function 'SBApps.dialogflow.openAI()'.
  • Api New JS AJAX function 'open-ai-message'.
Bug Fixed bug related to corrupted attachments.

Bug Fixed bug related to invalid chars with email piping.

Bug Fixed bug related to department change email notification.

Bug Fixed bug related to closing X on mobile devices when the queue is active.

Bug Fixed bug related to red dot notifications.

Bug Fixed bug related to email piping attachment names.

Bug Fixed bug related automations.

Bug Fixed bug related Polylang in WordPress version.

New feature Editor WYSIWYG for articles.

Optimization Added support for breaklines in rich messages.

Optimization Inverted messages. Admin messages are now on right.

Optimization Added Business Messages to conversations filters.

Api New WEB API function 'get-bot-id'.
Security Improved security related to SQL Injection and XSS attacks.

Security Fixed security bug that was allowing agents and admins to read data from the database.

Bug Fixed bug related to routing.

Bug Fixed bug related agent and department conversation assignment notifications.

Optimization Improved RTL admin UI and WordPress UI.

Optimization On mobile, chat is never opened automatically on page load.

New feature Option to disable email field from the registration form.

Api PHP API function 'sb_get_online_user_ids()' renamed to 'sb_get_online_user_ids()'.
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Reactions: QuangBatMan
Bug Fixed bug related to admin translations.

Bug Fixed bug related attachments drag and drop.

Bug Fixed bug related to MailChimp subscription.

Bug Fixed bug related to SMS sender number, please check it on the settings area and make sure it works.

Bug Fixed bug related to WordPress conversations synchronization with the logged in user.

New feature Attachments support for email piping.

New feature Zapier support.

New feature Option to show the offline message as header text or info message.

New feature Manual agent assignment from the admin area when routing is active.

New feature Option to disable the checking of offline agents for the offline message and display it only when out-of-office hours.

Optimization Improvements for Push notifications, SMS notifications and email notifications.

Optimization Conversation department assignement now alert validated agents also via SMS and Push Notifications.

Optimization Improvements for the email piping feature.

Optimization Removed requirement for email and password when editing a user profile.

Optimization Cross-site function to simplify the cross-site implementation.

Optimization Minor automations optimizations.

Optimization Notifications permission request is now showed to users only when a message is sent.

Api New PHP API functions 'sb_send_agents_notifications()', 'get_user_by()'.

Api New WEB and JS AJAX API function 'update-conversation-agent'.

Api New JS API functions 'SBChat.offlineMessage()', 'SBConversation.getUserMessages()'.

Api New argument 'agent' for the JS API function 'SBConversation.getLastUserMessage()'.

Api New argument 'send_to_active_user' for the JS API function 'SBChat.sendEmail()'.
Bug Fixed bug related to articles in the admin area.

Bug Fixed bug related to email notifications.

Bug Fixed bug related to Push notifications.

Bug Fixed a few design bugs.

New featureReports for direct messages.

New featurePerformance optimization options in Settings > Miscellaneous.

New featureOption to download the conversation transcript as .txt file.

New featureOption to make the registration phone field mandatory.

Optimization Admin users table is now fully updated in real-time when Pusher is active.

Optimization Left arrow animation.

Optimization Improved email validation.

Optimization New messages sent from the server are now recognized as new messages.

Optimization Cron job for email piping is now executed every minute.

OptimizationT ext message notifications for email piping.

Api New PHP API function 'sb_transcript()'.

Api New JS AJAX and WEB API function 'transcript'.

Api Depreacted PHP API function 'sb_csv_conversations()'. Now replaced by 'sb_transcript()'.

Api Depreacted JS AJAX and WEB API function 'csv-conversations'. Now replaced by 'transcript'.

Info Updated translations.
Bug Fixed bug related to stripped commas in automatic messages.

New feature New WordPress PHP API function 'sb_wp_get_image()'.

New feature New WordPress PHP API function 'sb_wp_site_url()'.

New feature New WordPress PHP API function 'sb_wp_get_option()'.

Info New parameter 'future' for the JS API function 'SBF.beautifyTime()'.
BugFixed wrong loading icon color of settings buttons.

BugFixed emoji box inverted direction scrolling in Firefox.

WordPressFixed multilingual issue.

New FeatureSounds for outgoing and ingoing messages in the admin area.

New FeatureEmail sender name setting.
luisoLatest member