Chat 2 by Siropu

xF2 Add-on Chat 2 by Siropu 2.4.5

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Users are now removed from the list when they are not active.
User chat status is now updated when user list is updated.
Conversations can now be opened in a popup window.

Bugs Fixed
Random double update requests after some refreshes.
When using the logout feature and having rooms that users cannot leave, tabs still get removed from the chat.
Bot avatars can end up with broken images even when not using avatars.
Added admin option to set the maximum image upload file size.
Added room option to post thread replies back to chat when using the "Thread ID" room feature.

Fixed setting issue with roll command. Edit the command and save it again to update the settings properly.
Fixed bellow breadcrumb position issue where you can end up with two chat instances.
Added room option to prevent users from leaving the room.
Added admin option to set if XF user online status privacy applies to chat or not.

Bugs Fixed
Whispering from user menu doesn't show the username in brackets.
Setting chat as the board index in all pages mode, shows two chat instances.
Errors in certain situations.
Other code issues.
This release fixes some compatibility issues with the latest XF 2.1.0 Beta 5.

NOTE: This release is for XenForo 2.1.x. Do not try to upgrade to this version if you are running XenForo 2.0.x
Rooms widget invalid JavaScript file, breaking the widget's JS functionality to join/leave rooms and view user list for each room.

Conversation message edit issue, where the message row is removed from the chat window upon edit.

Guest ban not working as expected.

Note: There is a file that needs to be removed as it is no longer required and will interfere with the message edit JS action. File is src/addons/Siropu/Chat/Pub/View/Message/Edit.php

P.S. This is probably the last release for XF 2.0.x. The next release will be for 2.1.x
Added room option to set user language. This will display rooms based on the user's account language.
Added admin option to set primary room when selecting more than one default joined room.

Bugs Fixed
Fixed a security issue where someone can delete chat uploads of other users.
Fixed an issue on mobile with top chatters navigation.​
Added a new command: /idle which allows you to reset your activity status in chatter list without leaving the room. The permission is set for admins only and you can change that from ACP > Chat > Commands > Idle > Enable for selected user groups.

When having unread conversations in all pages mode, chat bar will blink when chat is hidden.

Bugs Fixed
View whispers permission issue in archive where you can view whispers even if you don't have the permission.
Unread conversation are read even if chat is hidden in all pages mode.
Other code issues.
View whispers moderator permission not working.
When having lots of smilies, they are all displayed taking too much space.
Phrases are not escaped, causing issue when translated in some cases.
When you are in a room and then join another one, user is added multiple times to the chatter list of the other room.​
Fixed a compatibility issue with XPress add-on.
Fixed an issue where the main search input losing focus and closing.
Fixed an issue where long text is hidden under the submit button (when enabled).
Other code issues.

Note: Mobile mode has been reverted to the original style and added a new admin option called "Compact mobile mode" that allows you to display everything inline.
Added option in user list to reset chat user data. You can choose what to reset: settings, status, message count, rooms, conversations. This require a permission that has been added as a permission for admins.

Quick user tagging has now 3 options:
1. Use @ button before the username
2. Use the username as the button
3. Disabled

NOTE: If you are using the @ tagging option, you have to set it again for this new option.

Made the mobile view more compact to allow for more messages in the view.

Bugs Fixed
Display issue when manually resizing the window.
When having connection issues, chat won't display error messages in refresh.
Inserting a smilie first and then hitting space, removes the message.
Other code issues.


  • quickUserTagging.png
    18.3 KB · Views: 110
  • resetChatUserData.png
    32.7 KB · Views: 120
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