XenForo 1.x

XenForo 1.x

Top resources

Brivium - Post Count to Attachment Admin
Limit download attachments until the number of posts by a members reached.
Allows users to mark a post in their threads as best answer.
Treat your community to blogs. Better blogs.
[rellect] AdBlock Detector Admin
Ask or force members (or guests) to disable their AdBlocker -> increase your advertisements revenue
Make styles without template edition! Make addons without template hooks!
Brivium - Node List Sidebar Render Admin
Let's you easier when discovering a site by an advanced "menu".
Brivium - Limit Attachment Download Admin
Limit the number of attachment downloads and peak your site's member quantity!
Import users from XML or CSV file and export users to CSV file.
Removes notify author option from thread or post delete.
Reads cookies into template params, handles JSON cookies, template param {$pageName}
This is an add-on allows you to integrate Silverpop
Displays a donations block in your sidebar.
victorLatest member