XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Replaces /forums/title.123/ and /threads/title.123/ links with /title.f123/ and /title.t123/ links.
Removes Staff Online Now panel from sidebar.
Packed full of useful style properties, including the popular Last Post Avatar modification
Adds JavaScript detection methods to the base plugin
Quiz system for your forum
Change the number of following and followers displayed
Close thread in selected forum based in time past from last post in thread.
Change Selected NOD Color Scheme with ITD EverGreen Colors.
[rellect] Favicon for Links Admin
Automatically adds favicons to links in messages.
Options to make more detailed information visible in the moderator log/moderator actions.
Gamer Profiles - PixelExit Admin
Allow your users to enter gamer tags to display in messages and profiles
Recent Posts Admin
Displays recent posts in the sidebar.
Adds an alternative gallery view for some of your forums. Works great with Thumbnails by Waindigo.
Enables resumable download of attachments and more...
Clones (copies) a node including permissions and moderators
Sends a Conversation message welcoming a new user to your forum.
Installs a Media Site Definition for Wistia.com
Alert count in browser tab title with automatic updates, for all members or by permission only.
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