XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Thread Tag Importers AnimeHaxor
Allows you to retroactively import thread tags from vBulletin and IP Board
Icewind Nut Job Jones AnimeHaxor
Clicking a thread/conversation title with no new messages will take the user to the last message.
CTA Recent Posts AnimeHaxor
Add a Recent Posts link to the navigation bar
Remove Search Forums AnimeHaxor
Removes Search Forums link in the navigation bar.
Remove Board Title AnimeHaxor
Remove board title from forum list and replace with the word "Forums".
XenFacil Birthday Greetings AnimeHaxor
Cron entry for email Birthday greetings to users
[animelon.com] Manga Reader AnimeHaxor
Simple Manga Comic Image viewer
Sign Up Button Links Directly To Sign Up Form AnimeHaxor
Sign Up button to link directly to the sign up form.
[WMTech] User Self Delete LITE AnimeHaxor
Allow your users to delete their own account
Remove Last Edited AnimeHaxor
Removes last edited options when editing a message.
Quick Navigation in Menu [PAGE] AnimeHaxor
Adds quick navigation icon link in menu opening like a page with some customization.
[TH] Infusionsoft API AnimeHaxor
Integrate with the Infusionsoft small business sales and marketing software.
[TH] Future Permissions AnimeHaxor
Adds the ability to check permissions at a future date based on upgrades that are due to expire.
[TH] Twitter Widget AnimeHaxor
Twitter sidebar widget using the Twitter API
Cron sends nightly emails to notify users their account upgrades will soon expire
User Upgrade Email AnimeHaxor
This add-on will send a thank you email when a member does a User Upgrade.
Resource Categories AnimeHaxor
Resource categories on forum list
[TH] Install and Upgrade AnimeHaxor
Upload zip/rar files or enter any URL to install add-ons, import languages & styles, upgrade XenForo
English :: Design compatible with the latest versions of XenForo 1.4.X
emirhanwhyLatest member