XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

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sonnb - Xenforo Trigger Lightbox AnimeHaxor
Trigger Lightbox view for inserted images and attachments.
Minimum Posts AnimeHaxor
Requires a minimum number of posts to view threads.
Thread Display Options AnimeHaxor
Adds Thread & Conversation Display Options above thread and conversation list
CTA Login AnimeHaxor
Add Facebook, Twitter, and Google logins to the sidebar
Brivium - Auto Close/Move/Delete Thread Inactivity AnimeHaxor
This hack can close/move/delete the zero post threads that was created before X days.
Brivium - [Store Product] Change User Title AnimeHaxor
A product-addon of Store Framework allows users purchases permission to change their user title.
Brivium - Jump to Page AnimeHaxor
Jump to Page allows you to jump directly from one page to another.
Brivium - Popular Forums Sidebar AnimeHaxor
This add-on allows to add the most popular forum to the sidebar based on the post count.
Remove Ignore AnimeHaxor
Removes the Ignore feature from your forum.
Random Thread AnimeHaxor
Displays a random thread.
A parser to convert Bb Codes to Html with a few useful options
[HA] Profile Music AnimeHaxor
Easily add a profile music to your site
Advanced Search Plus AnimeHaxor
Allows searching deleted posts and threads.
[8WR] XenHabla (IRC) AnimeHaxor
Chat: LightIRC, Mibbit or QwebIRC
Banlist AnimeHaxor
List all users who have been banned
About Me Restriction AnimeHaxor
This addon restricts to use About Me field for specific users/usergroups to prevent spammer.
[RT] Online Status Ribbon AnimeHaxor
Show who is online and who is offline with a ribbon or dot.
Advanced PayPal Donate system for XenForo.
Icewind Staff AnimeHaxor
Create custom staff tabs for the navigation bar and/or members tab
smmxfalconLatest member