XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Create Thread On Ban AnimeHaxor
Creates a new thread when a user is banned in a forum you specify.
CloudFlare Anti-Spam AnimeHaxor
Use CloudFlare Tools To Block and Moderator Spam
Template helper to get username by userid
Auto Delete AnimeHaxor
Auto delete threads in selected forums.
Calendar Plus AnimeHaxor
Adds Upcoming Calendar Events sidebar block to the [bd] Widget Framework.
Ad Manager Message AnimeHaxor
Allows adding an AdSense or other advertising below the first post.
Use redis for view counters rather than MySQL
<xFv> Online Markers AnimeHaxor
A Variety of Online Markers.
Xenporta 2 featured slider replacement
ElasticSearch AnimeHaxor
Admin utility to show ElasticSearch information.
Change Thread Starter AnimeHaxor
Permission based ability to be able to alter the starter of a thread
TPU: Add Signature Pictures AnimeHaxor
Lets users upload images to use in their signature, like on vBulletin.
Batch Update Tags AnimeHaxor
Add the ability to batch tag threads. XenForo 1.5+ Only
Autocomplete for the location field
[XFA] Download From list AnimeHaxor
Direct download button from resources list with download now/downloaded state
[XFA] Thread Print AnimeHaxor
Print all posts of a thread with one click !
Use custom email validation rule such as regular expression.
[rellect] Last Seen Policy AnimeHaxor
Members who hide their online status won't see the online status of others (Inspired by WhatsApp).
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