Nulled Scripts Community

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BuddyBoss Platform

WP BuddyBoss Platform 2.5.50 Nulled

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  • Bug: Core - Logs from the background process when migrating reactions were showing on the debug log even without turning on DEBUG in the wp-config file
  • Bug: Zoom - Zoom meeting notifications were not hyperlinked

BuddyBoss Theme - Version 2.6.30​

Release date: Jun 25, 2024


  • Bug: Email Invites - Users can now send multiple invites multiple times to a single email address
  • Bug: Styling - Removed the vertical grey line showing on the GIF picker box
  • Bug: Styling - Updated the Likes count text on Mobile/Tablet devices UI for improved viewing


  • Bug: LearnDash - Group Users could not send private messages to the LearnDash Group Leaders
= 1.5.1 =
* Profiles - Provided 'Cover Photo Repositioning' support in Profiles and Groups
* Profiles - Fixed profile completion widget profile photo issue to consider gravatar
* Profiles - Fixed profile completion widget social network field count issue
* Profiles - Fixed display name format, field visibility, and field requirement logical issue
* Groups - Provided options to Hide subgroups from Groups Directory & Group Type Shortcode
* Groups - Fixed invites module to allow sending invites to group members in bulk
* Forums - Fixed forums page not working when configured as a child page
* Forums - Fixed reply editor HTML formatting issue
* Activity - Fixed 'Edit Activity' module related critical bugs
* Activity - Fixed activity form focus issue on click
* Activity - Fixed activity form @mention delete issue
* Activity - Fixed 404 Page issue when activity settings are updated
* Media - Fixed issue to allow sending just emoji in messaging, activity, forums, etc
* REST API - Small API fixes and code enhancement in media
* REST API - New endpoints added for 'Edit Activity' feature
* Profiles - Fixed profile field type Gender default options unable to re-order
* Profiles - Fixed profile completion widget does not update with object caching ON
* Profiles - Fixed profile repeater fieldset, delete repeater field not working
* Groups - Fixed documents and folders add/edit/delete/move permissions for group organizer/moderator/member
* Groups - Fixed performance issue when group members increases
* Groups - Fixed hidden groups not showing for group type shortcode
* Forums - Fixed discussion reply text formatting validation
* Activity - Fixed photo comment email notification on the activity feed
* Activity - Fixed Privacy for activity attached photo
* Activity - Fixed activity preview to allow German characters
* Activity - Fixed activity post update formatting issues
* Documents - Fixed document rename does not allow non-English characters
* Messages - Improved the avatar display for multi-user message threads
* Network Search - Fixed search members based on members profile field-specific privacy
* Multisite - Fixed repair and import tools inaccessible/broken in multi-site
* REST API - Fixed API issues in activity, private messages, connection, and site permissions
* REST API - New endpoints added for Email invites profile types changes
* Compatibility - Fixed register and activate page title when RankMath plugin is active
* Compatibility - Fixed social groups and LearnDash group slug conflict
* Compatibility - Fixed courses access based on membership expiry from MemberPress plugin
* Translations - Fixed 'TB, GB, MB, KB' text not translatable for memory unit
* Translations - Fixed text for document file extension descriptions not available for translation
* Translations - Fixed admin dashboard text not translatable
* Translations - Added Hungarian language files
* Translations - Updated German (formal) language files
  • Like
Reactions: ajeeb24
* Groups - Fixed 'Pending Invites' page unable to display more than 20 invites
* Media - Fixed photo attachments in messages not always displaying for recipients
* Messages - Fixed unable to delete a conversation if Notifications is disabled
* Activity - Fixed very long URLs unable to be entered into activity feed posts
* Private Network - Fixed homepage being visible when using 'Custom URL' for Registration
* REST API - Fixed conflict on some servers, with creating and editing posts and pages
* LearnDash - When courses are connected to groups, fixed incorrect 'Lessons' count
* LearnDash - Fixed error notices on group 'Courses' tab when 'WP_DEBUG' is enabled
* Translations - Fixed 'his, her, their' text not translatable for 'Gender' profile field
* Translations - Fixed layout issues on profile page when language set to Hungarian
* Profiles - Improved the user experience when adding a new Repeater field on frontend
* Profiles - Fixed certain profile fields types preventing Repeater fields from saving
* Forums - Fixed disabling 'Subscriptions' should remove Subscriptions from member profile
* Forums - Fixed disabling 'Favorites' should remove Favorites from member profile
* Forums - Restrict @mentions dropdown to list only members who have access to the forum
* Groups - Restrict @mentions dropdown to list only members who have joined the group
* Groups - When viewing group invitations page, fixed invitations showing incorrect dates
* Groups - Improved the experience for accepting an invite into a private group
* Media - Added media popups for all Documents and Photos posted into Forums and Messages
* Media - Added 'Download' link to media popups for all Document types and Photos
* Media - Fixed private group Documents visibility, when uploading to profiles is disabled
* Activity - Fixed comments not displaying in activity feed for blog posts and custom post types
* Activity - Fixed media attachments not displaying when commenting on a group update
* Compatibility - Fixed default Profile Type not being assigned when registering via MemberPress
* Compatibility - Fixed text icon conflict with plugin 'BuddyPress User Blog' in Forum replies
* Compatibility - Fixed missing locator icon when using plugin 'BP xProfile Location'
* Compatibility - Fixed conflicts between Documents feature and plugin 'BP Group Documents'
* Compatibility - Fixed notices adding a + symbol between words in PHP 7.4.2 and higher
* Translations - Fixed text 'Invited by' for group invites not available for translation
* Registration - New option to use any Custom URL as your registration form
* Forums - New feature to support @mentions in forums, with notifications
* Forums - Fixed video URL embeds not displaying as playable videos in forum replies
* Forums - Fixed forum reply popup not displaying when 'Post Formatting' is disabled
* Forums - Fixed searching for GIFs in GIPHY panel not working in forum reply popup
* Groups - Fixed groups with & symbol displaying as & in activity feed dropdown
* Groups - Fixed 'a' vs 'an' logic for displaying your group role in English language sites
* Profiles - Fixed 'Dropdown' field type not saving when adding hundreds of options
* Profiles - Fixed 'Profile Type' field type not saving when WordPress role is set to (none)
* Activity - Fixed occasional double posting of Youtube videos with embed URLs
* Messages - Fixed new photos attached to messages displaying in member's Photos tab
* Messages - Fixed maintaining formatting when copying and pasting text into the editor
* Compatibility - Fixed incorrect message URLs with LearnDash and WPML both activated
* Compatibility - Fixed conflict with plugin 'LearnDash Ratings, Reviews and Feedback'
* Translations - Fixed text instances that could not be translated
* Activity - Fixed certain link embeds URLs not rendering proper results
* Profiles - Fixed member type not displaying in profile cards in 'My Connections' tab
* Profiles - Fixed the 'Mutual Connections' tab incorrectly showing all members
* Profiles - Fixed pagination of members when using [profile type=""] shortcode
* Groups - Fixed pagination of groups when using [group type=""] shortcode
* Groups - Fixed 'Read more' in group activity feed not working when Media component is disabled
* Groups - Added ability to re-order Photos and Albums tabs in customizer
* Forums - Fixed issue when posting a forum reply using only a GIF, with no text
* Forums - Fixed issue with pagination through forums in Forums index
* Notices - Fixed site notices not clearing after closing them, for non-admin members
* Registration - Fixed data not saving on register form when validating incomplete fields
* Widgets - Changed 'More' link in 'Users I'm Following' widget to redirect to 'Following' tab
* Compatibility - Fixed conflict with WP Ultimo while Network Search is enabled
* Compatibility - Added support for 'bp_embed_oembed_html' filter in code
* Documentation - Now syncing all docs in real time from BuddyBoss Resources website
  • Profiles - Fixed field sets not editable on some profile types when Repeater Set is enabled
  • Profiles - Fixed pagination of members directory not scrolling back to top of page in mobile
  • Groups - Fixed pagination of groups directory not scrolling back to top of page in mobile
  • Groups - Fixed option to 'Restrict Invites' into sub-groups, to only members of the parent group
  • Forums - Fixed marking discussion as Favorite not always saving after page refresh
  • Forums - New settings section to customize 'Forum Profile Slugs'
  • Media - Fixed photos added into newly created group album not saving
* Profiles - Allow Uppercase letters in Nicknames, and auto-convert them to lowercase for Usernames
* Profiles - Fixed display of name fields that include unicode characters
* Profiles - Fixed empty results in Profile Search form for 'Date' field type
* Groups - When adding a photo, an activity post will now show in the group feed
* Groups - Fixed loading of group members, when Activity Feeds and Network Search are both disabled
* Groups - Fixed loading of 3rd party plugin options added to 'Manage > Details' group page
* Blog - Fixed conflict with WordPress 'Categories' widget on blog archive
* Tools - 'Repair Community' tool now runs in batch processes via AJAX
* Tools - 'Repair Forums' tool now runs in batch processes via AJAX
* Compatibility - Improved support for 'BuddyPress for LearnDash' plugin

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