Brivium - [Store Product] Sell Flag Permission

xF1 Add-on Brivium - [Store Product] Sell Flag Permission 1.0.3

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
It's a product of the Store Framework (You can download freely from our website). By installing it, you could provide for user flag permission ("Have" or "Have Not") to buy some privileges by their credits.

Imagine that you could have a unique signature by smiley, quoting some famous quotes from people you admire or you are popular because of your be-on-top sharing content. Is it wonderful? It's what you can do by purchasing "Sell Flag Permission". So, administrators could sell those permissions at their stores, and users could buy it by credits.

- Working with almost default XenForo flag permission. Example:
++ General Permissions - View
++ General Permissions - View node
++ General Permissions - View user profiles
++ General Permissions - Search
++ General Permissions - Edit profile
++ General Permissions - Edit custom title
++ General Permissions -Follow message moderation rules
++ General Permissions - Bypass flood check
++ General Permissions - Report content

++ General Moderator Permissions - View IP addresses
++ General Moderator Permissions - Bypass user privacy
++ General Moderator Permissions - Use the spam cleaner
++ General Moderator Permissions - View warning details
++ General Moderator Permissions - Give users warnings directly
++ General Moderator Permissions - Delete all warnings

++ Forum Permissions - View threads by others
++ Forum Permissions - View thread content
++ Forum Permissions - Like posts
++ Forum Permissions - Post new thread
++ Forum Permissions - Post replies
++ Forum Permissions - Delete thread by self
++ Forum Permissions - Delete post by self
++ Forum Permissions - Edit post by self
++ Forum Permissions - Edit thread title by self (requires edit own post)
++ Forum Permissions - View attachments to posts
++ Forum Permissions - Upload attachments to posts
++ Forum Permissions - Vote on polls

++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Stick / unstick thread
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Manage (move, merge, etc.) thread by anyone
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Approve / unapprove threads / posts
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - View moderated threads / posts
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Lock / unlock threads
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - View deleted threads / posts
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Hard-delete post by anyone
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Edit post by anyone
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Hard-delete thread by anyone
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Delete thread by anyone
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Delete post by anyone
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Undelete threads / posts
++ Forum Moderator Permissions - Give warnings on posts

++ Avatar Permissions - Upload an avatar

++ Personal Conversation Permissions - Start personal conversations
++ Personal Conversation Permissions - Upload attachments to personal conversations
++ Personal Conversation Permissions - Edit own messages

++ Personal Conversation Moderator Permissions -
Edit post by anyone
++ Personal Conversation Moderator Permissions - Always invite participants to conversations

++ Signature Permissions - Edit signature
++ Signature Permissions - Allow basic text formatting (bold, italic, etc)
++ Signature Permissions - Allow extended text formatting (color, font, size)
++ Signature Permissions - Allow alignment changes
++ Signature Permissions - Allow lists
++ Signature Permissions - Allow images
++ Signature Permissions - Allow links
++ Signature Permissions - Allow embedded media
++ Signature Permissions - Allow block tags (code, quote, etc)

++ Profile Post Permissions - View profile posts
++ Profile Post Permissions - Like profile posts
++ Profile Post Permissions - Manage profile posts on own profile
++ Profile Post Permissions - Post new profile posts
++ Profile Post Permissions - Delete profile posts by self
++ Profile Post Permissions - Edit profile posts by self

++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - Delete profile posts by anyone
++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - Hard-delete profile posts by anyone
++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - Undelete profile posts
++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - Edit profile posts by anyone
++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - Approve / unapprove profile posts
++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - View moderated profile posts
++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - View deleted profile posts
++ Profile Post Moderator Permissions - Give warnings on profile posts

- And 3rd party XenForo addons flag permission. Example:
++ Resource Permissions - View resources
++ Resource Permissions - View resource images
++ Resource Permissions - Download resources
++ ....
++ [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) - Can Promote Threads
++ [XenTag] - Create new tag
++ TaigaChat Pro - View shout messages
++ TaigaChat Pro - Post shout messages
++ ...
++ [8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media) - Can Browse Library
++ [8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media) - Can View Media Details
++ [8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media) - Can Report Media
++ ...

- You can define products that allows users purchases permission to uses links, images, smilies at signature.
- You can define products that allows users purchases permission to stick / unstick thread.
- You can define products that allows users purchases permission to
create thread tag (XenTag) on thread.
- You can define products that allows users purchases permission to
upload new resources on Resource Manager.
- ...

Please follow the installation instructions as noted in README.txt

- Please make sure that addon Store Framework is installed before start to install this addon.
- We recommend that global integer permission must smaller than integer permission product's value.​
22.5 KB
First release
Last update

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