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Brivium - Session Monitor

xF1 Add-on Brivium - Session Monitor 1.0.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
To be honest, being a "submarine" in a big forum now will be imaginable. Why? Because with this new add-on, the "highness" administrator could take over all of the control of a forum, such as who is online now, who is offline now, who is going online in what time, in where, with whom…? All those questions could be answered by using Session Monitor – Brivium add-on.

That’s right. This add-on will allow to manage all the sessions of all users in the forum. The administrator now will be like a king. He/she can stay in a place and check the list of all sessions of users who are online. He/she can choose to ban a member who logs into many IPs in the same time, uses more than a devices to login (desktop, tablet, mobile). After that the member could receive an email from admin of being banned. Of course we provide you protective tool to protect the group member in some circumstances (Members belong to Exception group will not be banned).

Besides, an user could control his/her sessions. They can check out, see list of sessions and log out those sessions. And they can even log out of a session after they change the password. We assure to both subjects, administrators and members, the safest environment when you are online and we can make sure to turn your forum into a true home itself.

To sum up, we, Brivium, do everything to give the most powerful authority of control to the administrators, so we can assure to get a nice surfing environment.
Check it out today and buy our product – Session Monitor. We are waiting for you!​
42.5 KB
First release
Last update

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