- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
This add-on will add the most recent threads of your forum to the sidebar. By default in XenForo, you will see a list of newest threads in the right hand of screen at the Homepage. It give the administrators of the site a huge advantage which is that people will get the information faster and don't miss the chance to catch up the hot news.
Invisible threads and threads started by banned members will not show up. Also the group/groups that does/have not permissions to view a forum, will not be able to see the threads from the forum/forums that they are not allowed to view.
Invisible threads and threads started by banned members will not show up. Also the group/groups that does/have not permissions to view a forum, will not be able to see the threads from the forum/forums that they are not allowed to view.