Nulled Scripts Community

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Brivium - Credits Premium

xF1 Add-on Brivium - Credits Premium 2.0.15

No permission to download
- Fixed error upgrade from Brivium - Credit [Lite].
- Bug fixes.
- Fixed responsive with transaction list.
- Bug fixes.


Real-time removal callback + license has been to nulled version.
Removal license + callback. Thanks to @MiRacLE ,

- Trailing zero number on credits formatting.
- Added can view own transactions permission.
- Fixed error on Paypal sanbox.
- Fixed bug on tranfer system alert.
- Fixed bug with transaction lists pagination.
- Currency now being totally disappeared if users don't have permission.
- Bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements.
Removal callback by license invalid is no longer. Thanks to @MiRacLE
- Fixed bug on paypal payment.
- Fixed error on all transactions deletion.
- Minor bug fixes.​
- Fixed error currency change not working at credit payment page.
- Added option for sanbox mode on Credit purchasing.
- Minor bug fixes.
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Reactions: Haxorwin
- Fixed error on float amount for Paypal payment (eg. $1.99)
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed can view statistic and can view credit's rank bug.
- Fixed bug trigger event in period of time.
- Fixed bug below minimum handling error.
- Minor bug fixes.

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