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[BP] Light Switch and Style Chooser

xF2 Add-on [BP] Light Switch and Style Chooser 2.0.7

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This add-on is now compatible with UI.X 2 except for the footer position of the style chooser. UI.X 2 footer is too customized to get it to work with the footer. Style chooser will now work in the sub-nav or the header on UI.X 2. Light Switch now will not display multiple times on UI.X 2 and will now display to the right of alerts correctly on UI.X 2 if the option "display to the right of search" is chosen.

A couple options added.

  • Disable on mobile (for both chooser and switch)
  • Give extra right margin to style chooser for UI.X 2 styles (to prevent collapsible sidebar text from getting in the way)
A couple of style properties have been added as well

  • Color of preview box borders
  • Color of style chooser title

    Also the add-on will not let you install if your Xenforo version is 2.0.x and not 2.1.x or higher in order to prevent a font awesome 5 error
This update brings 2 new optional positions for the style chooser, the header and footer. The option for the style chooser has changed from a checkbox to a drop down menu.
There was a simple mismatching of light bulb on/off colors when directly logging out or ending logout sessions. Only the user who was directly logging out would have seen it. This applies only if your dark style is set as default. Light style as default was not affected.
There was an issue where upon session logouts the user would not see the bulb/icon even though it was set to on. This has been fixed and now you must put in either your default light or dark style in the first couple light bulb boxes. This is because sometimes when logging out the style id is actually 0 so I had to check for it. This has been resolved. Also another issue was multiple light bulbs appearing if only a small amount of style IDs were filled out. This has also been fixed.

Right now everything is looking great. Thank you
just added css classes for the style chooser preview boxes. Were good now :D
There was a bit too much padding on the style chooser title. No need to upgrade if you've already downloaded. Since I just released the add-on about 15 minutes ago I decided to update it to fix the extra padding on the style chooser title.
The first release was for 2.0.x users. Version 1.0.1 AND ON is for 2.1.x users. Only download this and above if your on 2.1.x

hatchLatest member