- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.1
This add-on only supports Xenforo 2.1.x due to font awesome
This is another free add-on I've decided to contribute to the community. It's a Light Switch and a Style Chooser based on style ids.
Simply put the light switch is a light bulb you can configure in a couple different areas of the navigation bar. When you click it the color of the light bulb will change to "on" and the light style will change to the dark style. If you click it again the style will change back to light and the color of the light bulb will change back. It's a neat little addition to my own site and I want to share it with you all.
It comes with a image that changes colors but you can also opt. for a font awesome light bulb and use that in as easy as a click. You can also change the color of the font awesome light bulb when on and when off in style properties.
There's also a style chooser. In order to set these styles up you simply go to your sites style chooser and view the URL of the style. The number that's inside the URL is your style ID. You then go to options and add in the corresponding light and dark style IDs or the style chooser IDs to appear in the style chooser. It's as simple as that. You set the option to cut it on, you put in your style IDs and you have a ready-to-go style chooser and light switch at your disposal.
Feature List:
Option to place light switch to the left of the forum username in the navigation
Option to place the light switch to the right of search in the navigation
Option to remove style chooser title
Style Property to use font awesome light bulb icon
Style Property to change "on" and "off" colors of font awesome icon
Style Property to change the preview colors of each style's preview box
Fully Permissioned
Fully phrased
5 configurable light switch styles for each light and dark style
Up to 10 styles can be added to the chooser
In order to use this add-on properly I wanted to note that while options are global, style properties are based on the style alone. The portion of the add-on that includes editing style properties will need to be edited in the parent style so that the children will also have the property enabled.
If you have never installed an add-on before or need help installing Xenforo 2 add-ons, please view this page.
This is another free add-on I've decided to contribute to the community. It's a Light Switch and a Style Chooser based on style ids.
Simply put the light switch is a light bulb you can configure in a couple different areas of the navigation bar. When you click it the color of the light bulb will change to "on" and the light style will change to the dark style. If you click it again the style will change back to light and the color of the light bulb will change back. It's a neat little addition to my own site and I want to share it with you all.
It comes with a image that changes colors but you can also opt. for a font awesome light bulb and use that in as easy as a click. You can also change the color of the font awesome light bulb when on and when off in style properties.
There's also a style chooser. In order to set these styles up you simply go to your sites style chooser and view the URL of the style. The number that's inside the URL is your style ID. You then go to options and add in the corresponding light and dark style IDs or the style chooser IDs to appear in the style chooser. It's as simple as that. You set the option to cut it on, you put in your style IDs and you have a ready-to-go style chooser and light switch at your disposal.
Feature List:
Option to place light switch to the left of the forum username in the navigation
Option to place the light switch to the right of search in the navigation
Option to remove style chooser title
Style Property to use font awesome light bulb icon
Style Property to change "on" and "off" colors of font awesome icon
Style Property to change the preview colors of each style's preview box
Fully Permissioned
Fully phrased
5 configurable light switch styles for each light and dark style
Up to 10 styles can be added to the chooser
In order to use this add-on properly I wanted to note that while options are global, style properties are based on the style alone. The portion of the add-on that includes editing style properties will need to be edited in the parent style so that the children will also have the property enabled.
If you have never installed an add-on before or need help installing Xenforo 2 add-ons, please view this page.